Peninsula Enterprise, November 24, 1894
Transportation -- Railroad - Rolling stock
The New York, Philadelphia and Norfolk railroad has abandoned stoves and equipped all its passenger-cars with steam heaters.
Infrastructure -- Commercial - Commercial construction
A storehouse, now being built by Mr. James S. Melson, at Accomac C. H., will be ready for occupancy in a few days. He proposes to carry a full line of general merchandise.
fields -- Crops - Sweet potatoes : YieldProfessionals -- BuildersInfrastructure -- Commercial - Commercial constructionArchitecture -- Commercial buildingsFields -- Crops - Other vegetablesInfrastructure -- Commercial - Residential construction
Belle Haven.
Mr. W. L. Elzey, of this section, put out 400,000 sweet potato sprouts this year and the yield from same was about 4,000 barrels, 2,000 barrels of which have been stored by him for the winter markets. He can rightly lay claim to the title, of potato king of Eastern Shore.
The largest business house on the Eastern Shore is nearing completion, at this place. It is 60x70 feet, will cost $5,000 or more and will have glass front worth from $400 to $500. The lower part is to be divided into 3 stores, drug, stoves and general merchandise, and the upper part will be made use of as a carriage repository and furniture store. Kellam Bros., are the owners of same -- A. C. H. Bloxom, the builder.
The acreage in onions has been largely increased in this section, this fall. Mr. Virgil Stewart leads in putting out 100 barrels of sets, but Capt. W. J. Rew and others have put out 75 barrels or more. The farmer is an exception in this locality who is not looking to it for revenue another year.
Don Walling, a former citizen of this town, now of Philadelphia, is here on a gunning trip, this week.
A handsome dwelling is in course of erection here for the Kellam Bros., and Mr. John B. Willis is improving his residence by bay windows.
Infrastructure -- Public - Government : Postal serviceTransportation -- Water - SteamboatsSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : SeasideMigrationProfessionals -- Seafood dealersInfrastructure -- Commercial - Commercial constructionTransportation -- Water - FreightSea -- Shellfish - Clamming : Seaside
The P. W. B. R. R. has given us three trains daily and we now receive two mails every day.
S. E. Matthews is rebuilding the electric steamer Lillie. Particular attention is being paid to her saloon accommodations, as he proposes to use her in conveying passengers from Wishart's Point to Stockton, to and from, this place day or night at reasonable figures, when not engaged in carrying the mails.
Proprietors of hotels and restaurants in northern cities to whom samples of our oysters have been sent, say they never saw finer or of better flavor. Our oysters this season, in fact are all excellent quality and to eat them is to love and praise them.
Charles Collins, William Whealton and several others who moved away with their families last summer on account of the dull times, have moved back.
Capt. William Risley, of Pleasantville, N. J., is here for the winter for the purpose of buying and shipping oysters from this place.
Mr. Charles Collins is building a storehouse up the Island.
Schooners Palestine and Boneta loaded this week with oysters for New Haven, Conn., schooner Medora Francis with like cargo for Norfolk and two Northern vessels with clams for New York.
Infrastructure -- Commercial - Residential constructionMigration
The handsome dwelling of Mrs. E. J. S. Byrd is nearing completion.
Mr. Charles Ewell, Sr., has left the village and gone to reside on one of his sea-side farms. George Collona, Esq., is now occupying the farm near Mappsville, belonging to N. W. Nock.
Infrastructure -- Public : SchoolsInfrastructure -- Commercial - Commercial constructionInfrastructure -- Commercial - DrugstoresTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Fraternal orders
There are more than three hundred pupils in the Onancock schools.
The new drug store of W. H. Parker on Main street, near the Grand Central, is in rapid process of erection.
The corner stone of Margaret Academy annex will be laid at Onancock, next Thursday afternoon between one and three o'clock, The Masons of Chesapeake lodge, assisted by other lodges on the Shore, will perform the ceremony. A cordial invitation is extended to the public to be present.
Public School Report for October.
Infrastructure -- Public - Government : School administration
No. of schools in operation 121; pupils enrolled 4,263; pupils in average daily attendance 3,274; different schools visited by Supt. 37; visits to schools by Supt. 43. As far as observed school buildings and school appliances are very much improved, teachers and pupils seem encouraged and the whole machinery is working smoothly. Thanks to the district school trustees.
J. E. MAPP, Supt. Schools
The Virginia Oyster Survey.
Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : SeasideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Surveying
RICHMOND, VA., Nov. 16. -- Capt, J. B. Baylor, of the United States coast survey, reported to Governor O'Ferrall tonight that he has completed surveying the oyster bottoms on the Atlantic side of Accomac and Northampton counties. This finishes the survey of the entire oyster grounds of the State, on which he has been engaged nearly three years. It will take him several months yet to complete the work. He says that there are 8,000 acres of good natural rock on the Atlantic side, where he has just made the survey.
Laborers -- Fisheries
NOTICE -- A boy running away from a dredge boat at Tangier Island came to this place in a skiff last Sunday. The boat is now in my charge and the owner is requested to come for her, prove property, pay charges and take the skiff. -- A. J. Read, Harborton, Va.