Peninsula Enterprise, March 17, 1894
Infrastructure -- Public - Government : Postal service
Accomac C. H. now receives a mail pouch on the 4.38 a. m. train. This gives us three incoming and outgoing mails each day.
Tourists and sportsmen -- Field sports - Hunting : Other
Mr. John H. James killed a few days ago on Parramore's beach an eagle which measured 7 feet, 3 inches from tip to tip.
Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : BaysideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Law enforcement
The Board of the Chesapeake and its Tributaries will probably meet about the 1st of April to elect captains for the Chesapeake, Tangier and Pocomoke. Under the old law these captains were elected for terms of four years but now they will hold office at the pleasure of the Board.
Infrastructure -- Commercial - Residential construction
Mr. G. Welly Coard, Accomac C. H., has been awarded the contract for building a handsome dwelling for Capt. Edward Hopkins, Onancock, near the site of dwelling recently destroyed by fire.
Moral -- Alcohol
Early Sunday morning the dead body of Henry West, better known as "Tracey," was found in the street of Drummondtown. Acting coroner Strang held an inquest. The verdict of the coroner's jury was that death resulted from natural causes, superinduced by too much alcohol and exposure. The remains were interred at the county's expense.
Transportation -- Water - Freight
Schooner Palestine arrived here this week from Philadelphia with cargo of coal, which was sold at retail at $5 per ton.
Schooner Charles Foster, John B. Whealton, of this place, captain, left Philadelphia, December 13th, for Rio Janeiro, arriving there on the 8th of this month. His mate died on the trip of yellow fever.
Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : BaysideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Law enforcementInfrastructure -- Public - Government : Maryland-Virginia boundarySea -- Shellfish - Oystering : PricesInfrastructure -- Commercial - Residential constructionInfrastructure -- Public : Churches
Hoffman's Wharf.
The feed store recently opened by Taylor & Evans here is doing a thriving business. They buy at lowest prices by buying in large quantities and sell cheap. They not only conduct business here, but ship on orders to Nandua and Occohannock.
A report spread here in Monday that Maryland had won the suit on the line caused great excitement. As soon as the news was told, Mr. Winfield Scott got on a box and gave a very long and telling speech. In the evening we had some more speech-making, by Mr. James Hutchinson, ably assisted by Messrs. W. H. Reed, L. Conway and J. Dies. Times were pretty lively for a while.
A new name for this place is being talked of. Some of us object to a place of so much importance, being designated merely as a wharf. We want the outside world to know that our town is not only one already of respectable dimensions, but that it is daily assuming larger proportions.
The oysters of schooners William E. Price and C. W. Stevenson, sold by Sheriff Wise, last Saturday, were bid off to Capt. C. W. Marsh, one cargo at 10 cents per bushel, the other at 15 and a quarter per bushel.
A large and handsome storehouse is in course of erection here for Mr. George B. Hoffman.
Work on our new M. E. Church, South, will soon begin. It is to be a handsome and imposing edifice. Later in the year, a large and commodious house of worship will also be built by the Baptists.
Transportation -- Railroad - Personal injury
Mr. Jesse Pannell, recently injured by train, is slowly improving, and has the sympathy of many friends.
Fields -- Crops - Sweet potatoes : Seed and slips
Plenty of sweet potato seed in this vicinity for sale, at prices to suit times. Many farmers have bedded their sweet seed.
Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : BaysideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Law enforcement
Mr. George W. Glenn received a letter this week from Governor O'Ferrall gracefully acknowledging the receipt of a barrel of oysters from his friends and admirers at this place. His course during the late oyster troubles has won from him the unbounded admiration of all our people. Unlike other Governors, he believes it is his duty to look after the interests of Tidewater, as well as other parts of Virginia, and we honor him for the stand he has taken, which proves it.
Pending Before the Legislature.
Natural resources -- Conservation - Game
To incorporate the Eastern Shore Game Protective Association.
To amend and re-enact the game laws relating to the protection of game in Accomac and Northampton counties. Hereafter it will be unlawful for non-residents, except such as may be members of the Eastern Shore Game Protective Association to shoot wild fowl within the jurisdiction of said counties; or for anyone to shoot, or in any way capture, or to shoot at them with a gun that cannot be conveniently raised and fired from the shoulder, or to catch them in traps or nets or by any other contrivances. The close season for shooting hares and partridges has been extended from January 1st to November 15th.
Combination STOCK FARM.
Fields -- Livestock - HorsesTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Horse racing
A few short years ago breeding of the trotting horse on the Eastern Shore of Virginia was something that scarcely anyone knew anything about, for the breeders did not look into a pedigree as it should have been, but bred to anything that was sent to their houses that looked nice with a trumped-up pedigree, which after a while ran into some famous horse, and they expected to breed to the same quarter-bred horse and get a Maud S. or a Sunol, but time proved to them that they were mistaken, and then they were discouraged and many would not breed again; but such is not the case in this day and time, for now the average man on the Eastern Shore can talk pedigrees with you right along, and no one can say there is any need to send matrons abroad in order to breed to a fashionable horse, for there is not to be found at any place in the broad States two better bread colts than the two Fashion Farm bred colts now owned on the Combination Stock Farm in Northampton county, where they will stand for service at prices to suit the times. These colts were bred in Kentucky by the famous Fashion Stud Farm (of Trenton, N. J.), and were sold by creditors of the same farm under the hammer in New York City on March 21st and 22d, 1893, and fell to the bid of H. P. James, who considers himself lucky to get two such colts to grace his stables, as he thinks they are born trotters, as their pedigrees show they should be, as like produces like. Bursar 16110, brown colt foaled April 18th, 1891, sired by Stranger 3030, the only son of the unequaled Goldsmith Maid 2:14, and queen of the turf in her day with her 332 heats better than 2:30, and 114 heats better than 2:20, with 119 won races to her credit. She was sired by the best son of the renowned Hambletonian 10, (chances considered), out of Old Ab, a half-sister to Hambletonian 10. Hence it can be seen she had a right to trot as well as to throw the great young sire Stranger, who is thirteen years old with 17 in the 2:30 list and 5 of these in the 2:20 list with Broomal (a full brother to Bursar), the fastest with four year old mark of 2:17 1/4 and a five year old record of 2:15 in a winning race. Stranger, brown horse, untrained and was sired by General Washington, who sired Poem 2:14 and nine others in the list. General Washington was sired by General Knox 2:31 1/4 out of Lady Thorne 2:18 1/4, a trial of 2:10. Lady Thorne was by Mambrino Chief out of a thoroughbred mare -- this is good but Bursar does not stop here -- he is out of Brooch, dam of Bromal 2:15, winning race. Brooch by Jay Gould 2:21 1/2, and the fastest entire son of Hambletonian 10, out of Lady Sanford by American Star, (Jay Gould cost Mr. Smith $35,000), and is the sire of the best race mare in the United States. Pixley 2:08 1/4, as shown by her memorable race at Chicago, (the Columbian free-for-all) 1893, Bursar is bred like her, he being by a son of General Washington out of a Jay Gould mare, second dam Ruby Allen dam of (Opal 2:23, Blarney 2:27 3/4), she by Ethan Allen 2:25 1/2 out of Ruby Clay by Cassius M. Clay out of Flora by Revenue out of Isabella by Boston. As shown above Pixley by Jay Gould out of a daughter of General Washington, second dam by Ethan Allen 2:25 1/2. A book could be filled on this grand young horse, but as we find in his stable companion Powell 16170, equally as well bred, we will give his pedigree in part as follows: Bay colt bred in Kentucky by the Fashion Stud Farm and foaled May 13th, 1891, and was sired by Wickliffe who was by the great George Wilkes 2:22, he by Hambletonian 10. Wickliffe first dam was Patchen Maid the dam of Astral 2:18. Patchen Maid was by Mambrino Patchen full brother to Lady Thorne 2:18 1/4, the grand-dam of Stranger. Powell's dam was Posie (untrained) by Jay Gould 2:21 1/2, second dam Ode, dam of Oxide 2:29 1/2, third dam Daisy Burns, record 2:29 3/4, and dam of Lady Dawson 2:28, Slander 2:28 1/2. Ode was sired by General Knox 2:31 1/2, he by Vermont Hero, he by Sherman Black Hawk 142. Jay Gould the grand sire on the dam's side and George Wilkes the grand sire on the sire's side, who can find better? George Wilkes has through his sons excelled all other sons of his illustrious sire, while Jay Gould has through his daughters equaled his half-brother, as his daughters have thrown Robert J. 2:05 3/4, Edgardo 2:13 3/4, Broomal 2:15, Nominee 2:17 1/4, Nominator 2:21 1/2, Boodle 2:19 1/4 -- last four by Stranger. Hence it can be seen that these two colts bred as they are, gaited well and are already showing great speed, should prove themselves sires of extreme speed.
Those wishing further information in reference to breeding or having their horses handled for speed, should address H. P. James, who is proprietor of the stables and track on the Eastern Shore of Virginia, where will always be found a competent man both day and night, and to care for all stock entrusted to his care.
Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Law enforcement
Governor O'Ferrall says Virginia's Navy will be strengthened and her oyster grounds protected from whatever quarter it may come -- and all Virginians should honor him for the stand he has taken in the matter. He only does his duty to a section of the State, which has always submitted cheerfully to the burdens imposed for internal improvements, from which she never derived a dollar's benefit, which has never counted the cost and sacrifice to her when the honor and integrity of the State was involved and which never failed to respond to the call for a full vote when the democratic party was in danger.
Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : BaysideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Law enforcementInfrastructure -- Public - Government : Maryland-Virginia boundarySea -- Shellfish - Crabbing : Legislation
The Crisfield Leader stoutly defends the claim that the dredgers lately captured by our oyster police force were taken in Maryland waters and proceeds to show what a clear case it has. When the case comes to a hearing the Leader will find their boasted innocency a very flimsy affair. We do not doubt that there are many right-minded citizens of Maryland who condemn the lawless acts of the marauders, who come by system to take and carry away Virginia oysters, and we believe the Leader has "no sympathy with our (their) people who take the law into their own hands and dredge in Virginia waters," and that it has "condemned it over and over again." But the fact remains that these acts of stealing are committed at every possible opportunity. They are carefully planned -- arms are furnished with plenty of fixed ammunition -- and men trained to their use -- if a doubt exists that not enough guns and munitions are on hand boats are sent post-haste with fuller supplies; and owners telegraph their captains the injunction to "go where the grass grows long." The passing the line is never by accident. It is the result of plans well laid, of thorough organization, carried out by well skilled and intelligent men, whose boats are thoroughly equipped for work and resistance, backed by capital, brains, cupidity and lawless disregard of others rights.
Virginia has been for many a year the prey of these marauders, whose chiefs bask in the sunshine of wealth won by grinding poor men and questionable oyster getting, and live in a moral atmosphere refusing to recognize the eighth commandment. Virginia is tired of it. She has been compelled, sooner than she purposed, to pass the crabbing law, forbidding non-residents taking crabs in her waters, because Marylanders systematically stole her oysters under the pretense of crabbing. Nor was it done by "a few lawless people," but by very many, and we believe equipped and backed by the same serene set we have noticed above. We never expected reciprocity of arrest: that would break up to a very great extent the criminal taking of oysters. We cannot restore that we have never taken, and the assumption of the article in the Leader that we have taken any of Maryland's rights is simply absurd. If by any means Virginia had taken one barleycorn of Maryland's oyster lands there would have gone up a howl easily heard from the mouth of the St. Lawrence to the Mexican border. It is the carrying and attempted carrying away, bushel by bushel, of Virginia property that is the issue -- the only one. No doubt the Potomac would be taken as property only of Maryland if these saints could have their way -- but they can't. The thing Virginia complains of, punishes them for when caught, and intends absolutely to break up and suppress, is this very taking away of her property knowing it to be her's. Virginia's purpose to thoroughly protect her oyster interest is fixed.
Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : BaysideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Planting
FOR RENT -- That desirable oyster shore, bordering on the "Major farm." F. D. Parkes, Onancock.