Peninsula Enterprise, February 3, 1894
Fields -- Crops - StrawberriesForests -- Forest products - Barrels
A meeting of berry growers will be held at Onley on next Tuesday, February 6th, 1 p. m., to consider the crate business for the coming season and other matters of interest to them.
Transportation -- Water - Channel and harbor dredging
Petitions asking Congress for an appropriation to improve our seaside waterway are now being circulated throughout the Eastern Shore of Maryland and Virginia by Mr. N. W. Nock.
Fields -- Livestock - Poultry
An owl which had been raiding the hennery of Mr. William H. Hargis, near Accomac C. H., went once too often and was caught one night last week. It measured four feet and eight inches from tip to tip.
Transportation -- Road - MaintenanceForests -- SawmillsInfrastructure -- Commercial - Commercial constructionInfrastructure -- Public : Churches
Belle Haven.
Is it not strange that the people of this town are so well contented with so much mud and slop in the streets?
Messrs. Kellam Bros. have leased their mill at Exmore to Mr. H. P. James for four years. They will purchase a new mill at an early date and locate it at or near this place.
Preparation is being made by Mr. W. G. Mapp for the erection of a new glass front storehouse at Exmore.
The protracted services in the Methodist Church closed Sunday night. Four persons were added to the church.
Infrastructure -- Public - Government : Life-saving serviceTransportation -- Water - WrecksTourists and sportsmen -- Field sportsfield sports - Hunting : Personal injuryMigration
The sloop Jessie Smith, which went ashore on Wallops Beach during the night of 22nd of January, belonged to Capt. S. J. Mumford and is a total loss. She was worth about six hundred dollars. Her crew was rescued by Wallops Island Life Saving force.
Mr. Colie Barrett, who was killed by the accidental discharge of his gun near Bone Island, on the 19th of January, was the son of Capt. Alfred Barrett, of Chincoteague. He was a young man 23 years old and well thought of here.
Capt. Joseph Soay has rented a storehouse and dwelling here and proposes to move his family soon from Wilmington, Del.
Infrastructure -- Commercial - BanksInfrastructure -- Public : ChurchesProfessionals -- Lawyers
The Onancock National Bank will be ready for business in a few days. A building on Main street, two doors below Hallett's, has been obtained. A large and handsome fire proof safe was moved into the building Tuesday.
Scott Hall, now occupied by Mr. G. C. Watson, has been highly improved.
The M. E. Church was re-dedicated last Sunday by Rev. E. C. Atkins. It has been thoroughly and tastily renovated and is now among the handsomest edifices inside, on the Shore.
Mr. Nat B. Wescott has made his home on Joynes street. Mr. Wescott was a citizen here before he went West to practice law. He intends to resume practice and will doubtless have many clients, as he is a man of ability. His eminent success in the West as a practitioner was very gratifying to his old friends here. Onancock gives him a hearty welcome.
Farmers -- Innovation
Our merchants and farmers began buying corn and hay before Christmas from Delaware and elsewhere, which would indicate that something is wrong in farm management in this community.
Oysters are low and our oystermen are complaining of hard times.
Moral -- Property crimeProfessionals -- Dentists
The meat-house of Mr G. G. Gillette was visited by thieves last week and they would doubtless have stolen his meat but a timely alarm given him by Mr. Asa Shield. Our community seems to be infested with a gang of thieves.
Dr. O. F. Byrd, our efficient dentist, left this week for Portsmouth, his future home, to the regret of the entire community. He has a fine opening there for the practice of his profession and will meet the expectations of friends who invited him to hang out his shingle there.
Church Dedication
Infrastructure -- Public : ChurchesProfessionals -- Builders
Franktown M. E. Church, South, dedicated last Sunday, is not only a temple of beauty and comfort, but the people of that town and vicinity showed by their acts on that day that they are worthy of a such a house of worship. They not only proved their interest in the edifice by gathering together in a throng so vast on that occasion that the church could accommodate only a part of them, but when they were asked to contribute, they piled upon the altar $1,400, when only $1,020 was needed and wanted to pay the debt on the church, and we are advised, $1,800 or more could have been raised, if it had not been made known that further contributions were not wanted.
A description of the church, kindly furnished us, is given below: It is of Gothic style with tower on one corner, with entrance through same, also through opposite corner, both eight feet square. The church is 32x54 feet, with recess pulpit and lecture room one side, connected with auditorium by glass folding doors. The seats, wainscoating, pulpit and altar rail are of oak and cherry. The windows are filled with stained glass, and several of them are memorial and Sunday school offerings. The church is lighted with a beautiful chandelier and handsomely carpeted. The cost of church including furniture was $4,753, and was built by A. C. H. Bloxom.
The dedicatory sermon preached by Rev. A. C. Bledsoe to a congregation of five hundred or more was a grand one and all the exercises were of the most interesting character. Services were also held in the old church, conducted by Rev. Mr. Lennon, for a large number of people, who could not be accommodated in the new church.
Oyster Question -- Report of Special Joint Committee.
reprinted from Baltimore Sun.Infrastructure -- Public - Government : Maryland-Virginia boundarySea -- Shellfish - Oystering : BaysideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Legislation
Conway W. Sams, on the part of Maryland, Judge R. H. Cardwell, ex-Speaker of the House of Delegates and J. W. G. Blackstone, of Accomac county, on the part of Virginia, members of the joint special committee from the States of Maryland and Virginia appointed by the Legislatures of the respective States in 1892 to confer in relation to the proper legislation concerning the taking of oysters, fish and crabs in the waters of the Potomac and Pocomoke and other matters relating thereto, met in Washington last week to discuss what report or reports should be made to their Legislatures. After discussion it was agreed to report in substance as follows: That since the meeting of the committees at Old Point Comfort in July, 1892, and in Washington in the fall of 1892, the condition of affairs in relation to the Pocomoke question has changed, in that the rights of the States in the Pocomoke have been taken into the federal courts for adjudication. It went up in the case of William W. Marsh, decided in the Circuit Court of the United States for the Eastern District of Virginia, and is now in the Supreme Court of the United States. In view of this fact it is thought best to leave the matter for the decision of the federal judiciary.
The committee will report against any changes in the headlines of the Potomac, thus leaving the Potomac as it now stands. A concurrent culling law will be reported favorably and its passage urged by both Legislatures. The passage of such a law will be of great benefit to the oystermen of Maryland and Virginia. This law will be introduced at an early date in both Legislatures and its prompt passage urged. Senator Hayes will introduce the law in the Maryland Assembly at once. Mr. Conway W. Sams was appointed by Senator Hayes to meet Mr. Cardwell and J. W. G. Blackstone, of Accomac. and Mr. Sams may meet the Virginia committee again if necessary.
Medals for Hog Island Life Savers.
Infrastructure -- Public - Government : Life-saving serviceTransportation -- Water - Wrecks
Washington, Jan. 29.
Representative McCreary, of Kentucky, introduced in the House today a bill authorizing John E. Johnson, superintendent of the life saving station, Hog Island, \Va, and J. A. Doughty, J. K. Carpenter, J. E. Smith, J. R. Dunton and R. C. Joynes, members of the life saving crew, to accept medals of honor and diplomas awarded in recognition of their gallant rescue of the crew of the Spanish steamship San Albano, wrecked on Hog Island, in February, 1892.
Meeting of Pungoteague Grange.
Farmers -- Farmers' organizations
A call meeting of Pungoteague Grange is hereby made for next Monday, 5th of February. A full attendance is earnestly desired. Meeting called for 2 o'clock p. m., sharp. Very important business to be attended to.
Church Re-built and Re-opened
Infrastructure -- Public : Churches
[Reported for the ENTERPRISE.]
The Methodist Episcopal Church, at Onancock, Va., which has been re-built and beautified at a cost of $2,500, was re-opened Sunday, January 27th.
Rev. C. A. Hill, who had been invited to preach on the occasion, found the circumstances such that he was unable to be present, so that the preaching services of the day fell upon the pastor, Rev. E. C. Atkins, who occupied the pulpit both morning and night.
The music was exceptionally fine, the choir being re-enforced by representatives from the choirs of the various churches of the town.
At the close of the morning service the pastor invited the Rev. P. A. Leatherbury, a local preacher and one of the fathers of Onancock Methodism, to address the people. For fifteen minutes this veteran held the attention of the large congregation while he recounted the past history of the church and congratulated the "young sons of the prophets" upon the zeal, energy and self-sacrifice displayed in behalf of the church of their fathers. In the course of his remarks, he said, that the first Methodist congregation in Onancock worshipped in a horse-mill that stood on the wharf, near the site of Mayor Taylor's barrel factory. Since then, said the speaker, I have seen seven churches erected in this town, the M. E. Church, South, the Protestant Episcopal, Presbyterian and Baptist churches, with two churches belonging to the colored people.
The fact that the Methodist Episcopal Church was the fore-runner of all the churches in this town and the first to lift up her standard and erect a house of worship here, is a fact that many of the younger people did not know. But while the Methodist Episcopal Church is in the sense of priority the mother of the great churches that have grown up around her here, it is gratifying to know that the children love their old mother. The spirit of kindness and liberality displayed toward this work by the other churches was beautiful and worthy special notice and commendation.
At the close of the service the pastor stated that of the $2,500 that the work had cost, but $325 remained to be provided for, and after instruction the collectors not to beg or press any one, he asked for a free will offering, from the people in the interest of the work, and in a few minutes they cheerfully laid down $275.
At the close of the evening sermon the pastor made a statement and asked the audience if they wished to take any part in the payment of the remaining $50.00, and they responded at once by laying on the altar $68.00, so that through the kindness of the people more was received than was asked for.
The audience room, with its new carpet of oak and gold tints covering the entire floor; its cathedral stained glass windows, all twelve of which are memorial; the antique oak pews, circular in form, with their massive quartered oak ends; the exquisite pulpit furniture, made of quartered oak and upholstered in old plush to match the carpet and wood work; the new reflectors; the new recess pulpit and neatly decorated walls and ceiling, all combine to make what all agree is the most beautiful auditorium on the Eastern Shore of Virginia.
While all have helped, and many sacrifices have been made, and much credit is due to all who have so cheerfully aided in the work, there is no one individual to whom so much is due as to E. J. Winder, whose untiring energy and undaunted courage has met all opposition and overcome all obstacles, defied defeat and brought victory to the front when it seemed that failure was inevitable. A grateful people will not soon forget his devotion to their work.
Leatherbury's Chapel, on this charge, has been rebuilt at a cost of $550.00, and paid for. Ayres' Chapel has been re-roofed and otherwise improved, and extensive improvements are being planned at that place for the coming year.
Over $3,000.00 have been raised and expended on church improvements on the charge this year. "The ark of God Moves Forward."
Fields -- Canneries
FOR SALE -- Canning house and outfit, all in good order. Capacity 4000 cans per day. Thomas A. Northam, Onancock, Va.