Peninsula Enterprise, November 3, 1894
Mental illness
The sheriff of Accomac is in receipt of a letter from Superintendent of Eastern State Hospital, Williamsburg, Va., informing him of the death of Albert Wagner, formerly of this county, at that institution on 27th of October.
Moral -- MurderMoral -- Property crime
Hamilton Johnson tried at this term of the court for breaking into a store-house on Tangier Island was convicted and gets two years in the penitentiary. Annie Green charged with killing her child by throwing it down the well, was acquitted. The trial of the "sanctified crowd" was in progress at the time of going to press.
Professionals -- Dentists
Dr. S. B. Ward, Belle Haven, leaves this week to open an office at Crisfield, Md., for the practice of his profession, and in noting the fact, we but voice the sentiment of our people in saying that Accomac parts with him with sincere regret. He is an accomplished dentist, an enterprising citizen and everybody endorses him for the excellence of his character. We congratulate Crisfield in securing him as one of them.
Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : SeasideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : PlantingSea -- Shellfish - Clamming : SeasideSea -- Shellfish - Clamming : PricesTransportation -- Water - Freight
Gen. Felix Angus, editor of the Baltimore American, and Jeremiah Smith, the largest oyster planter in the East, and Col. Lemuel Showell, proprietor of the leading hotel of Ocean City, Md., was here last week and made a prospecting tour to our oyster planting grounds.
Clams have been selling for the past thirty days in the northern markets from $3.50 to $4 per thousand, and the price has caused heavy shipments of them from this place.
Our merchants report that their business is booming and that their cash sales have increase 50 per cent. of late.
Schooner Thomas Thomas arrived here this week loaded with cargo of brick. The schooners Bonetta and Thomas Thomas were loaded this week with oysters for Fair Haven, Conn., and schooner Medora Francis with like cargo for Norfolk, Va.
Moral -- Alcohol
There will be a Prohibition Mass Meeting, at the Town Hall, in Onancock, Monday night November 5th, at 8 o'clock, addressed by Rev. A. J. Reamy, Rev. E. C. Atkins and Samuel J. Lambden, Esq., of Onancock, Va.
Tourists and sportsmen -- Field sportsfield sports - Hunting : Personal injuryAfrican-Americans -- Other
John Moore, colored, while out gunning last Saturday, while in the act of getting over the fence, hit the hammer of his gun against a log, causing it to explode. His neck and head received the contents, and instant death resulted.
Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : BaysideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Litigation
A few months ago an industry among us, upon which thousands of our people upon the bayside were dependant, not only for the actual necessaries of life, but almost for existency, was jeopardized by the institution of proceedings in the Supreme Court of the United States at the city of Washington for the purpose of opening to the hordes of Maryland oystermen the oyster grounds of Tangier and Pocomoke Sounds. Happily for the families and the homes of our needy but hardy and honest workers upon our waters, the court of last resort sat down so heavily upon this claim of the oystermen of Maryland that we will probably never hear of it again, and no man contributed more to this glorious result that Hon. William A. Jones. With all the numerous burdens upon him incident to the life of a conscientious and hard working member of Congress during one of its most important sessions, he found time to study our case thoroughly and voluntarily coming to our defense, without hire and without price, earnestly pleading our cause before that august tribunal, succeeded, with the help of others, in winning a verdict in our favor -- thereby placing every man and woman, too, in our county under obligation to him, for we cannot overestimate the value of the decision to our people. It saved to us wealth untold for us and to our children; it saved to many of our citizens a means of livelihood for years to come; it adverted desolation in places now busy with the hum of trade; it adverted misery and starvation almost from hundreds of humble homes on the shores of our bays and creeks; it turned away despair and renewed hope in the bosom of our toilers of the deep -- and the people of this Shore would be ungrateful if they fail to thank and honor the man who so generously and so ably championed their cause in the most critical time of their existence. William A. Jones worked for us. Why should we not work for and vote for him?