Peninsula Enterprise, December 15, 1894


Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : BaysideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Law enforcement

Captain W. E. Hudgins, commander in chief of the Virginia oyster navy, reports that he has just returned from a visit to Tangier sound and the Great Wicomico and Potomac. He found Capt. Murphy guarding the line effectually. There has been no trouble with the Maryland dredgers up to this time. They keep on their side of the line. Very many vessels are dredging in the Potomac. He boarded nearly all and found they were complying with the law.


Infrastructure -- Public : Churches

A writ of error, to operate as a supersedeas, to the judgement of the county court, has been awarded by the circuit judge to the "Sanctified" people recently convicted in the county court of a nuisance, which means, that the county court judgement is suspended until the circuit court reviews the case and determines whether there was any error in the trial.


Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Seaside


Our oystermen are shipping oysters to Norfolk.


Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : BaysideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : MarketsTransportation -- Water - WharvesInfrastructure -- Commercial - Real estate

Bayside Notes.

Oysters in Occahonnock creek are very fine, and are being forwarded to the Baltimore and Western markets.

Capt. Frank T. Boggs has leased his wharf and other property at Boggs wharf to the A. C. & B. R. R. Co. Capt. Boggs and family have moved to Onancock. Capt. Tom LeCato, of Concord, Northampton Co., will move to Boggs wharf this week and after the 31st of December will be agent for the company. He will occupy Capt. Boggs' dwelling and conduct the mercantile business.

Concord farm has been sold to Mr. Thomas Johnson, of Wilmington, who will move down in a few days and begin extensive improvements in the house. Mr. Johnson's son will act as agent of the steamboat company at Concord wharf.


Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : SeasideTransportation -- Railroad - SteamboatsInfrastructure -- Commercial - Residential constructionTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Fraternal ordersTransportation -- Water - FreightInfrastructure -- Public - Government : Lighthouse serviceInfrastructure -- Commercial - NewspapersInfrastructure -- Public - Government : Postal serviceInfrastructure -- Commercial - Insurance companiesMoral -- Property crime


The steamer Chincoteague has to make three trips daily owing to the increase in our oyster shipments.

Frederic Reudiger is having a handsome dwelling erected on Church street.

The order of Red Men here, with the 140 members in good standing, will be photographed in a body by our artist, G. M. Moore, on Xmas day.

Schooner Boneta was loaded here this week with oysters for New Haven, Conn., and Schooner Medora Francis with like cargo for Norfolk, Va. Schooner R. F. Hastings is loading at Wisharts Point with oysters for Norfolk, Va.

Commander Ritter, of Philadelphia, inspector of this, the 4th lighthouse district, made his quarterly inspection, this week, of Assateague and Killick Shoals lights and pronounced them to be in fine working order.

Chincoteague abreast of the times in other respects now has a newspaper also. The first number of the "Chincoteague Islander," neat in appearance, newsy and well edited was a welcome visitor to many households here on Saturday.

The morning mail recently given us is a great convenience and much more important than the afternoon mail. Orders by the early mail enables oyster shippers to fill their orders more promptly and to get the ENTERPRISE on Saturday morning instead of the afternoon.

D. W. Boyd, of Nashville, Tenn., was here last week to adjust the policy for $2,000 of Jessie Bowden, deceased, in the so called Tennessee Mutual Life Insurance Co., and settled it by the payment of $562. The other policy holders were coolly told by the agent that he would transfer them to another Insurance Co., provided they could pass another examination. The most of them being poor men it is a great hardship to them to be swindled as they have been out of from $100 to $200 and then to be told practically that they were out in the cold. Their redress ought to be in the imprisonment of the managers of the company for life.

Daniel Smith, colored, held to await the action of the grand jury for stealing a boat, escaped from the custody of the officer this week, stole another boat and left for points unknown.


Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Seasidefields -- Crops - Sweet potatoes : Storage


A few oysters are being shipped from this section and the returns are fairly satisfactory.

Our truckers have still on hand large quantities of sweet potatoes and are hoping for a rise in the market at prices which will pay to ship them.


Tourists and sportsmen -- Field sports - Hunting : Raccoon and opossumTourists and sportsmen -- Field sports - Hunting : Rabbit and squirrelInfrastructure -- Commercial - Residential constructionFields -- Livestock - HorsesTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Fraternal orders


A party of coon hunters went out last Wednesday night and captured one and the same five times, turning him out each time, except the last when they bagged him and brought him in for a fight.

A party of sportsmen of this place went out rabbit hunting last week, made five shots and got eight rabbits.

Mr. J. T. Auld is erecting a dwelling near his mill, which he expects to occupy next year.

L. O. Ames has disposed of his fine saddle horse to an Admiral in Washington, at a very satisfactory price. He will use him for fox-hunting.

L. J. Turlington, treasurer of the Improved Order Heptasophs, paid on December 5th, inst., the widow of the late W. T. Bradford, $1,000, just eight days from the time the death report was received by the secretary.


Infrastructure -- Public - Government : Postal service


A vigorous determination is expressed by the patrons of this office to resist the fake sub-contractor for our mail route. The one mule and broken down horse system will not be tolerated. The Government is both willing and able to carry the mails properly and the people will insist upon it.

Virginia Oyster Grounds.

reprinted from Norfolk Ledger.Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Surveying

Captain J. B. Baylor, of the United States Coast Survey, has completed the survey of the Virginia oyster grounds, a work which has taken him no little time to accomplish. While Captain Baylor does not expect anything phenomenal from the oyster industry in this State, certainly not within the next few years, he believes that this Commonwealth will now derive a fair revenue from her oyster beds. There will doubtless be little trouble in the future with unlawful dredgers, and with such a prospect in view the thousands of acres of oyster beds from which this State is now not deriving a cent of revenue, will no doubt soon be leased. Gov. O'Ferrall is determined that the waters of this State shall be protected from unlawful dredging, whether the violators come from the Old Dominion or from beyond her borders. With the oyster navy now at his command he is in a position to see that the law is upheld, and every marauding vessel which now ventures into the waters of this State does so at the risk of either being captured or sunk. Captain Baylor is spoken of in connection with the office of Fish Commissioner, if such an office is created for this State, but it is hardly probable that he would allow his name to be considered for such a position while he is in the United States Coast Survey Service.

Eastern Shore Game Protective Association.

Natural resources -- Conservation - Game

At a meeting of the above Association held at Eastville, last Monday, by order of the President, Dr. John W. Bowdoin, after a discussion of the objects of the Association in which everyone present was invited to participate, whether a member or not, resolution were adopted, to the following effect:

1. That a financial report of the receipts and disbursements of the Association, together with a statement of the fines and penalties imposed for the violations of the game laws and the rewards for information leading to the conviction of the violators of the law, be published by posters and in one or two of the papers of the Eastern Shore.

2. That it is the sense of this meeting, that one or more officers with all the powers of a constable, be put on duty after first of January next, to patrol our waters, look out for and arrest offenders.

3. That what is known as "sailing of birds" and "shooting at them with rifles," are not only discouraged by this Association, but will disqualify any one known to be engaged in either practice to membership in same.

New Superintendent of N. Y., P. & N. Railroad.

Transportation -- Railroad - Corporate

Official announcement has been made of the appointment of Mr. R. H. Nicholas as Superintendent of the New York, Philadelphia & Norfolk Railroad Company, to take effect on December 17th, 1894.

Mr. Nicholas is a native of the city of Baltimore, where his family still resides. After graduating at the Washington and Lee University, at Lexington, Va., Mr. Nicholas entered the services of the Pennsylvania R. R. Company, where he received a thorough education in the various departments of railroading, having served in numerous capacities in the maintenance of way and transportation departments of the Baltimore & Potomac R. R., and Northern Central R. R., and latterly as assistant engineer on the Elmira & Canandaigua divisions of the Northern Central R. R. He has always proved an efficient officer, and has been very popular with his men wherever he has been stationed, and the N. Y., P. & N. R. R. is to be congratulated upon procuring the services of man who is so well equipped for the performance of the responsible duties devolving upon the Superintendent of their line.

A Wonderful Baby Musician.

Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Music

One of the most remarkable cases of extraordinary musical talent in a child is that of Betty Jones, the baby accordionist on Assateague Island. Betty is not yet 4 years old and executes on the accordion all of her favorite songs with skill and delicacy. She discovered her marvelous aptitude for music herself when but two and a half years old. Fondling her father's accordion one day she recognized the different notes of "Jesus lover of my soul," and in a very short time learned to play it with ease and accuracy. She has delighted numerous visitors to her home by her wonderful skill, and is never so happy as when given her instrument and asked to play.

J. L. A.


Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Excursions

The N. Y. P. & N. R. R. Co., will run an excursion train from Keller station to Pocomoke, next Tuesday, 18th, at regular excursion rates, leaving Keller at 8:10 a. m., Melfa 8:15, Onley 8:22, Tasley 8:28, Parksley 8:39, Bloxom 8:51, Hallwood 9:00, Bloomtown 9:05, Oak Hall 9:10, New Church 9:25, arriving at Pocomoke 4 p. m., giving all who go six hours to visit and examine the large stores which are just loaded with Christmas goods. Special bargains will be offered to all who go. Those wishing Xmas goods will more than make their expenses by taking advantage of this cheap trip.


Infrastructure -- Commercial - Newspapers

The "Chincoteague Islander," another and the fourth newspaper of Accomac, had its first issue on last Saturday, and finds a welcome place on our exchange list. It was neatly printed, newsy and had the right ring editorially, in being for the promotion of the interests of Accomac in general and Chincoteague in particular.

Peninsula Enterprise
Accomac Court House
December 15, 1894