Peninsula Enterprise, April 14, 1894
Transportation -- Water - WharvesInfrastructure -- Public - Government : Lighthouse service
The steamer Jessamine, Capt. John Wyatt, is at Hog Island with a force of forty men to make improvements on the lighthouse property there. They will build a wharf 72 feet wide and 300 feet long, 3 cottages eight rooms each, and carriage house and stables for the keepers. The new lighthouse . . . will be 100 feet higher than the old one and will have three keepers.
Women -- Work - Outside the home
A lady commercial tourist was among the visitors to the county this week. She hailed from Brooklyn, was here to sell Clarke's spool cotton, and the presumption is, received large orders from our merchants. She was the first of the sex, we are advised, to solicit their favors as a drummer, and they were, of course, too gallant to withhold their patronage.
Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Other
Mr. and Mrs. U. B. Quinby returned last week from a trip of several months in the West Indies.
Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : BaysideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Law enforcement
Sheriff John H. Wise will sell at public auction for cash on the steamboat wharf at Onancock, on Saturday, April 21st next, at 2:30 p. m., a suit of sails, belonging to an open bateau, forfeited for having been used in a violation of the oyster law.
Infrastructure -- Public - Government : OtherTransportation -- Road - Maintenance
The voters in this part of the county do not seem to appreciate the new election law. They do not consider it any improvement over the old law. Some of them say that there is too much "red tape" connected with it and many do not approve of the unlimited control given the constable over the illiterate voter -- others regard the increased expense over the old law, as an important item, especially so, as the finances of the State seem to be in so poor a condition that the judges and clerks of elections have to serve for the pitiful sum of one dollar, each, per day. And they are not more than pleased with the new road law. They do not believe that property alone should be required to bear all the expenses to be incurred in the opening up, keeping in repair and building of new roads and bridges, but that every male person, not exempt by law, should be required to pay so much upon their head as a road tax, the deficiency to be made up by taxing the property of the people. They are willing however to give both the election and road laws a trial, in order to test them fairly.
Infrastructure -- Commercial - Residential constructionTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Horse racing
Mr. S. J. Warner's new residence is nearing completion.
Capt. S. J. Davis, of this place, has purchased a valuable trotter.
Sea -- Finfish - Catch : Shad and herringMoral -- Alcohol
Three new stores have been opened in this neighborhood in the last three months and another, it is expected, will be shortly.
Shad are more plentiful in this section than they have been for several seasons and consequently are selling very cheap.
David Weiner, a Jew from Baltimore, has opened a clothing store in this neighborhood.
This neighborhood bids fair to be a temperate one, if the present interest continues. A lodge of the Order of Good Templars under the auspices of the members of Hall's Baptist Church is very active and increasing daily in members, and the Rechabites also have a thrifty lodge of their Order in this section. Both promise to be productive of great good.
Forests -- Shipping : WaterTransportation -- Water - FreightTourists and sportsmen -- Field sports - Hunting : FoxFields -- Livestock - Dog problemInfrastructure -- Public - Government : Life-saving service
Schooner E. M. Robbins loaded this week with wood for New York, and schooner Claude V. with oysters for New Jersey.
The statement made by your correspondent some weeks ago, that the dogs of the fox hunters from Horntown were killed, because caught killing sheep, was incorrect, as we are reliably informed. The dogs were shot maliciously by a young man without any provocation whatever, and as the dogs were taxable property and very valuable, the man who killed them should be made to pay for them.
Several boat carriages, the latest improvements in that line, arrived here Saturday, for the Life Saving Station near this place [Assateague].
Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : SeasideSea -- Shellfish - Clamming : SeasideInfrastructure -- Public : Towns
We have four general stores, one millinery and notion store, a shoe shop, a butcher shop, are much in need of a blacksmith, and there is a fine opening here for a good doctor.
Fish are scarce here, but the few we get, command good prices.
Our oyster business has improved somewhat of late and the clam market is better than for several weeks past.
Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : SeasideTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Horse racingInfrastructure -- Commercial - Race tracksInfrastructure -- Commercial - Residential construction
Our people are shipping more oysters now than they were this time one year ago.
Mr. John C. Otwell has improved his training track and is handling several horses from Maryland and Virginia, which are showing speed under his skillful management.
A force of eight men are now employed in erecting a dwelling on the premises of Mr. Edward T. Hickman on the site of the one destroyed by fire last week.
Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Resorts
About a dozen very select members of the Select Council of Philadelphia, with their servants, reached here on Saturday last, en route for Cedar Island. It employed sixteen livery horses to convey the party, their liquid refreshments and other impediments from the station to the wharf and two of the largest sloops the town afforded to carry them to the Island. Report says, they are prospecting for a site for a mammoth watering place. As men of financial as well as official weight, they advertised their liberality by spending as hour of enforced delay in throwing money at a crowd of negroes and small boys in the street. On Tuesday they returned through the town rather bedraggled, headachy and woe begone, en route to Old Point.
Off for Tangier Again.
reprinted from Norfolk Virginian, April 11.Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Bayside
The special committee from the Virginia Legislature appointed to confer with a similar committee from the Maryland Legislature with reference to the troubles in Tangier Sound, left here this afternoon for Old Point, from whence they will go to Tangier to meet the Marylanders. The Virginia committee consists of Senators Stubbs and Jones, Delegates Cardwell, Moore and Boykin. Col John Bell Bigger and Capt. J. B. Baylor went along also.
Trip of Governor and Party to Oyster Beds of Virginia.
reprinted from Richmond Dispatch, April 8.Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : BaysideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Law enforcementSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : LegislationSea -- Shellfish - Crabbing : BaysideSea -- Shellfish - Crabbing : LegislationInfrastructure -- Public - Government : Maryland-Virginia boundary
Governor O'Ferrall and Auditor Marye, of the Board of the Chesapeake and its Tributaries; Mr. Zollicoffer, Secretary of the Board; Captain Baylor, Captain Doyle, of Staunton, and Mr. John B. Danforth returned from their trip over the oyster waters of the Commonwealth yesterday afternoon.
The Governor said last night, in conversation with a Dispatch reporter, that his main object in making the trip was to acquaint himself with the situation, see what was necessary, if anything, to mark the boundary line between Virginia and Maryland, so that he might discuss intelligently any questions affecting the oyster interests that might arise in the future, and to investigate the complaints against Captain Read that had been lodged with the Board by the citizens of Tangier Island.
He was satisfied, he said, that the captures by Captain Hudgins in February of Maryland dredgers were made in Virginia waters, but he did not desire to talk on that subject, as the whole matter was to be investigated by committees of the Virginia and Maryland Legislatures acting jointly. As to the complaints against Captain Read he had, he said, heard both sides, but there had been no meeting of the board since, and no decision had been reached.
Continuing, the Governor said the trip, though a rough one, was very satisfactory in respect to the information gained. No one could well estimate the value of the Virginia oyster interests, he declared. "Why," he exclaimed, "if I was called upon as Governor of Virginia to sign a deed conveying old Woman's Marsh rock I would not think of taking less than $2,000,000 for it, and the Pocomoke grounds are much more valuable."
The Governor expressed himself as delighted with his visit to Tangier Island. "These islanders are a thrifty, sensible, prosperous people," he said. "Their houses are neat and nicely painted, they are good talkers, there is a good hotel on the island, and the community swears by Captain Hudgins."
The Governor further said that the Tangier people were thoroughly satisfied with the oyster legislation of the last General Assembly, and were particularly pleased with the crabbing law. The crabbing interest, he learned, was an immense one. Captain Baylor had informed him that last season he counted one day in Pocomoke and Tangier over eight hundred crabbing canoes. Crisfield, Md., does a large business in packing crabs, amounting last year to $110,000.
Fields -- Livestock - Horses
NOTICE -- Will pasture colts at $1 per month. Have plenty of fresh and salt grass and plenty of water. W. G. Bell, Birdsnest, Va.