Peninsula Enterprise, July 21, 1894


Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : BaysideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Poaching

Mr. B. B. Gladding, Mearsville, who was shot several weeks ago and whose death for most of the time since has been hourly expected, still lives, and an improvement in his condition is reported.


Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Baseball

Belle Haven.

The game of base ball played here on last Saturday, between Eastville and Belle Haven teams, resulted in a score of 16 to 54 in favor of the home team.


Sea -- Finfish - Methods : Hand lineTourists and sportsmen -- Field sports - FishingInfrastructure -- Public - Government : Life-saving serviceTransportation -- Water - FreightFields -- Livestock - HorsesTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Boat racing


Mr. John Russell caught with hook and line last week a shark that weighed 260 pounds.

The Second Presbyterian Fishing Club, of Philadelphia, on the 24th annual tour, arrived here on schooner Mary Gallard, last Tuesday.

The Delaware Fishing Club, composed of railroad men of Delaware and Maryland, spent their tenth annual vacation with us. They caught lots of fish and had a good time generally.

Paint and whitewash has been applied more liberally this spring and summer than ever known before and our town looks like a new one.

Capt. James Taylor, of this place, has been awarded contract by U. S. Government, to furnish Life Saving Stations in our district this winter with coal and wood.

Schooner James L. Foster, in charge of Capt. John B. Whealton, of this place, which left Philadelphia last December, and has since been taking cargoes to foreign port, passed here on 14th loaded with sugar for Philadelphia.

The annual pony penning will take place on Chincoteague, August 2nd, on Assateague, August 3rd. A free-for-all boat race will come off on 2nd day open to all bateaux, skiffs and canoes 17 feet and over (not 17 feet and under as reported in last issue of ENTERPRISE) the winner of which will get $15. In the second class 16 feet and under, the winner gets $10. An entrance fee of 50 cents will be charged in each race which will go to the second boat in each class. The music for both occasions will be furnished by a first-class brass band. Dinner, supper and refreshments will be served at M. P. Church on both days.


Forests -- Forest products - LumberInfrastructure -- Commercial - Residential constructionProfessionals -- BuildersTransportation -- Road - Maintenance


N. W. Nock has on hand about two thousand feet of seasoned heart pine boards suitable for cart sides and bottoms which will now be sold very cheap.

George M. Fisher starts his new dwelling this week, Asa T. Bundick builder.

Our road overseers are doing some excellent work around here under the new system.

William T. Dix, contractor and builder, has just completed a handsome residence for Isaac J. Dix, Esq.


Transportation -- Water - Freight

Marsh Market.

The schooner Oriental, Capt. Frank Gaskill, left Messongo channel on last Monday, bound to Powell's Point, N. C., after a load of watermelons.


Infrastructure -- Public : Towns


A building boom is ours at this time.

Eastern Shore Steamboat Company.

reprinted from Baltimore Sun.Transportation -- Water - SteamboatsTransportation -- Railroad - Corporate

All the preliminaries for the consolidation of the Baltimore and Eastern Shore Railroad Company and the Choptank, Maryland and Eastern Shore Steamboat Companies have been completed.

Mr. Nicholas P. Bond, who has been conducting the negotiations for the railroad company, was in New York on Tuesday and made the final arrangements with the syndicate which was formed in that city to purchase the steamboat properties. He returned to Baltimore yesterday.

The syndicate is headed by Mr. John E. Searles, secretary of the American Sugar Refining Company, who has associated with him, it is said, sufficient capital to insure the success of the deal.

Negotiations for the purchase of the steamboat properties have been closed and part of the purchase price has been paid. Contracts have been signed by the presidents of the Maryland and Eastern Shore Steamboat lines and the representatives of the syndicate to turn over the properties into the consolidation when the whole purchase price is paid, which will be as soon as it is called for. It is said that the price paid for the two steamboat lines is about $700,000.


reprinted from Washington Post, July 17.Infrastructure -- Public - Government : Life-saving serviceTransportation -- Water - Wrecks

Heroism to be Recognized by Special Act of Congress.

For deeds of great heroism and bravery and perilous struggles during long-endured battles with tempests and turbulent sea nine American life savers are to be permitted by special act of Congress to accept medals of honor and diplomas awarded to them by the government of Spain in "recognition of their gallant rescue of the crew of the Spanish steamship San Albano," wrecked on the outer shoals of Hog Island, off the "eastern shore" of old Virginia. These nine American worthies, as named in the act of Congress, are "John E. Johnson, keeper of the life-saving station at Hog Island, Va., and J. A. Doughty, J. K. Carpenter, William B. Goffigon, J. H. DeWald, C. F. Carpenter, J. E. Smith, J. R. Dunton, and R. C. Joynes, members of the life-saving crew at that station."

For their grand work they received at the time a feeling testimonial from the twenty-six Spaniards whose lives they saved, the letter expressing the deepest possible gratitude, and closing with the request, "allow us to kiss your hand."

These nine life savers have already received from our government life-saving medals of honor. But it is suggested that this occasion is beyond the ordinary, and for this reason and also for the sake of encouraging emulation of the heroic efforts and meritous services performed there should be some fitting demonstration, some ceremonial suitable to the importance of the event. It ought to have attention and consideration commensurate with its importance.

A member of the Senate, to whom was mentioned this subject of making appropriate demonstration at the time these medals from Spain are presented to the Hog Island life-savers, was very emphatic in his endorsement of the idea, and he expressed the opinion that but for the rather anomalous course which, under the rules, this bill had to take in Congress, it would have found before this some active champions of just such official ceremonial in connection with the presentation of these medals of honor and diplomas as would properly mark the occasion and give it such a prominent and lasting place in the official records of this important service as would make these acts of heroism stand out in their true light to be emulated by the good men now in the service and those who will follow after them.

"Why is it," the Senator asked, "that there has not yet appeared in Congress a worthy successor to 'Sunset' Cox as the champion of this grand, unequaled life saving service of ours? And why wouldn't it be a very proper thing," the Senator continued, "for the President of the United Stated to further dignify this occasion by himself presenting those medals? Mr. Cleveland likes Hog Island, has had two pleasant visits there, knows the very men to whom these medals of honor are to be given, and it does seems as if he might easily and agreeably arrange to 'kill two birds,' etc. President Cleveland might go over to the island, after Congress adjourns, and again indulge his sporting desire to kill some of the rare game birds which will be so plentiful in that vicinity about the middle of August, and, incidentally, but with due formality, he might do that handsome things by those gallant fellows. If the President's intimate friend and traveling companion, "Fighting Bob' Evans, would undertake to manage this affair it would be a successful and creditable performance."

Camp-Meeting at Parksley.

Infrastructure -- Public : Camp meetings

The camp meeting for Parksley, will commence on the 11th of August. All persons desiring tents will please notify the pastor on or before Wednesday, 25th inst., so that we may be able to order the necessary amount of lumber and have the tents built when needed. All who will secure their own lumber and build their own tent can have the ground free. A picture gallery will be allowed, also a barber's shop. We want bids for a boarding tent. Apply to the pastor,

JAMES CONNER, Parksley, Va.

Killed by a Mast.

Transportation -- Water - Personal injury

On Friday of last week, Nannie West, granddaughter of Deacon Thomas Bundick, ten years old, while playing with other children on a schooner, East River in New York harbor, was killed by the falling of a mast -- her leg broken in two places and head crushed. The whole family witnessed the sad scene, but loved ones and surgeon could not save her. Next morning, just as the distressed mother started to see her, a messenger reported her death. Funeral services were held in North Baptist Church, Jersey City. Her favorite hymn, "Yes, Jesus loves me," was sung. Lovely flowers were sent by her cousins and others. The bereaved parents brought her here Tuesday, where she once attended Sunday school, Rev. W. W. Wood held other services, her former playmates sang sweetly, then all followed the casket to the family burial ground. May God heal these broken hearts, and unite all in Heaven.


Modestown, July 19th, 1894.


Transportation -- Water - FreightTransportation -- Railroad - Rates and faresFarmers -- Farmers' organizations


We started in the vessel trade late in the season from Red Bank, but got off 3 loads from that point and Brownsville wharf, the last load going out Thursday, 12th. We, of this vicinity, send greetings and best wishes to our Atlantic friends and all others taking up the fight against the railroad for reduction in freight rates. We are with them in sentiments and hope to be more fully with them in practice in the future. We are expecting to run at least two vessels from Red Bank through the entire sweet potato season. They will deliver our potatoes barrel included, in New York for 50 cents per barrel. May the good work go on, and may many others join in with us in this fight for right and justice. The farmers of this county will hold a meeting in Franktown, Saturday afternoon, immediately after adjournment of the Democratic mass-meeting to elect delegates to the Tappahannock convention to nominate candidate of Congress from this district.


Marionville, July 17th.


Farmers -- Farmers' organizationsTransportation -- Railroad - Rates and faresLaborers -- Farm

A farmers' meeting will be held at Franktown, to-day. We are not advised as to their intentions in coming together, but that they have wrongs needing remedies, we are prepared to believe, and we trust that their conference will result in an organization, having for its object relief from the burdens to which they are now subjected. A Farmers Club, we take it for granted, will be the outcome of the meeting, and if nothing else is accomplished a long step will be taken in the right direction. The farmers must pull together, if they would protect themselves against unjust freight rates, if they would solve the labor question and many others now detrimental to their best interests. Organize by all means, gentlemen, and that done follow it up quickly by demands for your rights and pull together until you obtain them.

Peninsula Enterprise
Accomac Court House
July 21, 1894