Peninsula Enterprise, April 22, 1893
Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Horse racing
A running race, quarter mile heats, best two in three, will occur this afternoon, near Accomac C. H.
Infrastructure -- Public : Churches
The site for the Episcopal church at Parksley was selected this week. The structure will be a very handsome one and is to cost $4,000.
Infrastructure -- Public : ChurchesTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Lectures
Rev. Thomas Dixon, Jr., of New York city, will lecture for the benefit of the Baptist Church, in Bethany M. E. Church, at Cape Charles, on Thursday night, April 27th, on the subject, "Backbone." Arrangements have been made with the railroad to issue tickets for the round trip at one fare. Doors open at 7 o'clock p.m. Admission, 50 cents.
Infrastructure -- Public : Schools
The trustees of Margaret Academy, at their meeting at Keller, on last Saturday, for want of time failed to select a site for the new academy to be established by them with the funds in their hands and adjourned to meet again on Saturday, 6th day of May. Propositions to the Board were submitted only by citizens of Onancock and Cape Charles, and the academy will be established doubtless at one of these places at their next meeting.
Transportation -- Water - Power boats
Articles of incorporation of the Pocomoke City Gasoline Boat Co., have been filed in the clerk's office at Snow Hill, Md. Two of the incorporators are C. S. Witham and J. W. Drewer, of this county. Mr. J. B. Hall has been elected president of the company and Mr. E. G. Polk its secretary and treasurer.
Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Boat racing
Three Eastern Shore boats, Thomas H. Melson, Lilly Bell and Millie, entered respectively by Captains Polk Lang, James W. Bell and John Haff in the races at Norfolk, on last Tuesday, after being allowed to start were informed at the finish that they were "not in it" -- although they were easy winners in the order named over all competitors. The Melson in a race of 10 miles came out about two miles ahead of all the Norfolk boats. The judges decided that they were not only "not in it" in the division of the spoils, but even refused Capt. Lang to report his boat and give her credit as the fastest, when he told them he didn't want the boodle.
Infrastructure -- Public : ChurchesInfrastructure -- Public : FencesInfrastructure -- Public : Schools
The M. P. Church people are going ahead with their plans for building a church at this place. They have a flourishing Sunday School, with 98 pupils enrolled.
A petition is being circulated asking the supervisors to submit the question of "Fence, or no Fence" to the voters of Atlantic district. Our people are much divided on this question. Some people think they could not live without the privilege of turning their cows into the commons to eat pine bushes or starve, and to allow their hogs to root up the road sides, fill the drain ditches and help make bad roads worse. But discussion and investigation will have a good effect. Time cures many evils.
Our High School closed on the 14th inst. Mr. T. A. Rose, our efficient principal, leaves us with the best wishes and universal respect of our people. The school was very large this session, having an enrollment of about 100 pupils. We really need three teachers but have not the funds. Isn't it possible to raise more money for the public schools? The amount necessary to run longer -- making eight months -- would scarcely be felt by our people, and would be a great blessing to the thousands of school children in Accomac.
Tourists and sportsmen -- Field sports - Hunting : Waterfowl and shorebird
New Church.
Judge Upshur Dennis and friends, of Baltimore, spent several days here recently on a gunning expedition.
Moral -- OtherTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Baseball
Six negroes were arrested on the street last Saturday, charged with disorderly conduct. They were all fined by Magistrate Nelson Monday morning.
The Academy and Town clubs played a match game of baseball on Wednesday. The latter won by a score of 17 to 15.
Forests -- Barrel factories Infrastructure -- Public : ChurchesInfrastructure -- Commercial - Real estateProfessionals -- Seafood dealersInfrastructure -- Commercial - House movingInfrastructure -- Commercial - Residential construction
Rev. Paul Sterling, of Boston, is here on a gunning trip.
Johnson, Mathias & Co., are running a big force on berry crates.
The M. P. Church is receiving the finishing touches, preparatory for dedication.
Frances Dryden, the real estate rustler, of Pocomoke, was here looking after property this week.
Mr. B. T. Fitchett, of the Cherrystone Oyster Co., Cape Charles, was here this week with Mr. J. W. VanDeman.
George P. Parks & Melson have moved a dwelling house for D. H. Johnson from Leemont to his lots on Bennett street.
Joseph Moore is building an addition to his property on Dunne Avenue, and Reeder Bros., are repainting the house. Mr. Moore will occupy it in May.
Rev. N. P. Johnson, the new pastor of the M. E. Church, has entered upon his work in earnest, as shown by the improved condition of the church and parsonage. The church will be wainscotted and repainted -- the parsonage repaired and repainted.
Fields -- Crops - Sweet potatoes : Seed and slips
The farmers of this vicinity anticipated much inconvenience in securing the requisite amount of potato seed, but owing to the untiring efforts of Mr. W. L. Nock in their behalf most of their wants have been supplied. This gentleman devoted his time and money in hunting up and advertising for potatoes and then supplied them to the people at actual cost, for which they are very effusive in their expressions of appreciation.
Expensive Sport.
Natural resources -- Conservation - Game
Rev. Thomas Dixon, Jr. has settled with the State of New York for his hunting exploit of last summer among the robins and song birds of Staten Island. It will be remembered that he sailed over to Staten Island with a gun, dog and colored servant and slaughtered 46 small birds. A game constable nabbed him at the ferry and took him before a justice, who fined him $150 and confiscated the gun and dog for the misdemeanor of killing song birds. The fine was paid. The State Game and Fish Commission then brought suit against him for $1,150, being the legal penalty of $25, each for "killing 45 robins and one pewee, the property of the State of New York," as the averment read. Mr. Dixon hired a lawyer and tried to fight the case in the courts. It is announced that he has been able to compromise the matter by the further payment of $300 and $150 costs.
Regatta at Wachapreague.
Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Boat racing
The Accomac Club has designated Thursday, June 1, 1893, as the date for the next regatta.
There will be five races, the order of which will be arranged later:
1. For batteaux, 18 feet and under.
2. For batteaux, 16 feet and under.
3. For batteaux, 14 feet and under.
4. A tub race, in which each contestant paddles himself with his hands.
5. A skiff race, open to both Accomac and Northampton counties. We have been specially requested to have this race and believe it will be of great interest.
The prizes will be selected later and will consist of articles useful in the household, such as standard parlor lamps, silverware, etc. It is the intention to give two prizes in each class. The details will be announced later.
After the races refreshments will be served to all those who care to partake.
We trust the ladies will grace the occasion by their presence.
Probable Drowning of a Lady.
Mental illness
The wife of Mr. Seth Bell, living near Pitt's Wharf, this county, while suffering from some mental derangement, left her home on Friday morning, 14th inst. and has not been heard from since. Her husband and an attendant watching her missed her about 2 o'clock, and began a search for her immediately on the premises. After daylight she was traced to Pitt's Wharf by her footprints and the conclusion reached that she had jumped in and drowned herself. Constant efforts to rescue the body since have been to no purpose. Mrs. Bell was an intelligent and educated lady and was generally esteemed in the community in which she lived. Her disappearance and probable death has cast a gloom over that section of the county.
Tangier in Primary.
Infrastructure -- Public - Government : Town
Please allow us to present to the voters in the primary election to be held in Lee Magisterial District, the name of Joseph L. Cooper, for Justice of the Peace. To such voters we appeal. We are, so to speak, an isolated people. Our place (although it should be) is not incorporated. We have no municipal government and under the circumstances our magistrate is our only preserver of the peace. Much better order has prevailed in our community since we had such officer; many cases have been disposed of which would have been a cost to the Commonwealth for mileage, witness fees &c., and much inconvenience to our people in attending court &c., dispensed with. For the reasons above we cannot afford to lose our J. P.
Brother voters on "mainland" please think of Tangier's vote in November, our position by location, our necessities by circumstances, our willingness to assist you, and ballot on the 6th of May accordingly.
J. F. Newman, M.D., and many Democratic voters.
Infrastructure -- Public : Schools
The site for the new academy to be established by the trustees of the old Margaret Academy had "narrowed down" at the last meeting to Onancock and Cape Charles. Which of these places will be selected we are not well enough advised to predict with certainty, but a late editorial in the Headlight, of Cape Charles, would seem to indicate that the plum was not falling that way. However this may be, unlike the aforesaid editor, we have enough confidence in the members of the Board to believe that they will locate the academy where it is likely to be of the greatest good to the greatest number -- and that the vote of each member will be honestly cast for the place, which in their judgment, they believe should have it. We can certainly see no reason why a trustee from Northampton should not vote for Onancock, and we will not impugn the motives of any trustee from Accomac, if he should vote for Cape Charles. The editor of the Headlight" does not think it possible that men of sense will allow their prejudices to rob Northampton of educational advantages within her reach." We have always had enough confidence in their good sense to trust them and do so now with only one suggestion, that if it is to be given to the place that needs it most, then the claims of Drummondtown should be considered. The interests of the two counties are too closely identified to lay the charge at the door of any member "of being prejudiced," however he may vote.
Valuable Sea Side Farm.
Infrastructure -- Commercial - Real estateFarmers -- Farm size and structureFarmers -- Farm subdivision
The undersigned as agent for the heirs of the late Major George P. Barnes, will sell at private sale, the farm on which he resided at the time of death, containing 493 acres more or less, about 150 acres is pine woodland, 50 acres in fine marsh land, which is extra for stock raising, balance high arable land of superior quality. The land has no ditches, is naturally drained. Dwelling has 4 rooms and is in bad condition, has 2 tenant houses. It is seldom that a farm possessing so many natural advantages is offered for sale. It fronts on Metompkin bay, is in sight of the Atlantic ocean, is nearly surrounded by Parker's Creek, where fish, oysters and game abound, natural oyster rock at low water mark in the bay fronting the premises, which adds value to the property, is in full view of Metompkin light house, 7 miles from county seat, 4 miles from Parksley, with vessel landing on the farm. This farm has been greatly neglected and allowed to have a long rest from tillage, the benefits from which the purchaser will enjoy. It can be divided into three or more farms to advantage. Here is a chance to spend a little money and reap a rich harvest. Price $20 per acre, 1/2 cash, balance on time to suit purchaser. For further particulars, call on or address.
Francis H. Dryden, Real Estate Agent, Pocomoke City, Md.