Peninsula Enterprise, May 27, 1893


Sea -- Finfish - Catch : Drum

A drum fish was sold at Accomac C. H., Tuesday, weighing 58 pounds.


Fields -- Crops - Sweet potatoes : Seed and slipsFields -- Other machinery

Belle Haven.

Mr. W. L. Elzy, near Exmore, has invented a simple contrivance by the use of which he set out 30,000 sweet potato plants in one day without any assistance except dropping.


Architecture -- Commercial buildingsLaborers -- ConstructionTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Horse racingInfrastructure -- Commercial - Race tracksFields -- Crops - Strawberries

New Church.

The first establishment to receive a tin roof in our town was that of John W. Brinner's, which was put on Monday last by Mr. J. O. Taylor, representing Messrs. Veasy and Bevans, of Pocomoke City, Md.

Our track is now in good condition and the popular horse trainer Mr. C. C. Hurley, together with several others, are fast driving speed into their horses.

Strawberries shipped from here are bringing very satisfactory prices.


Infrastructure -- Public : ChurchesFields -- Crops - Strawberries


Berries are being shipped largely from this station and the returns so far have been satisfactory. The first shipment of D. F. White sold for 20 cents per quart and on following day at an advance of 2 cents.

The Parksley Land and Improvement Co., has refused to give the Baptists of this town and vicinity a title to the two lots promised them at this place for a church site and the church building proposed to be erected, therefore, is not only likely to be abandoned, but the parsonage recently finished here may, it is stated, even be sold.

Handsome pews, made by John R. Lewis, are taking the place of chairs in our M. E. Church.

The interior of our handsome new M. P. Church is receiving the finishing touches of painters and carpenters.

Struck By Lightning.

Transportation -- Water - Steamboats

While on her down trip from Baltimore on Sunday night the steamer "Eastern Shore" encountered an electric storm of unusual brilliancy. There was no thunder, but the dark clouds around the horizon were illuminated by successive and vivid flashes of lightning. Suddenly without any warning there was the sound of a terrible explosion and numberless sparks rolled down over the steamer's bow and over Mr. Joynes, who was standing out on the forward deck, witnessing the storm. The forward flag-pole had been struck, and the current passing down and coming in contact with the electric wire, was the point where the explosion seemed to have occurred.

Some excitement was created among the passengers and various stories were advanced to account for the unusual phenomena. Some thought we were in collision with a meteor. There was no muttering thunder giving us warning. There was no sound after the explosion. The air cooled off and it began to rain. The ball on the flag-staff was shattered and the staff blackened. No other damage. Some of the passengers on the lower deck felt the shock slightly.

Accomac Club Regatta, June 1st, 1893.

Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Boat racing

First Race -- Free for all, open to skiffs in Accomac and Northampton counties. First prize, Duryea silver pitcher and cups; second prize, library lamp.

Second Race -- Free for all, open to bateaux in Accomac and Northampton counties, less than 22 feet in length. First prize, silver pitcher; second prize, swinging hall lamp.

Third Race -- For 16 feet bateaux, open to Accomac county only. First prize, silver pitcher, second prize, swinging hall lamp.

Fourth race-- For 14 feet bateaux, open to Accomac county only. First prize, silver pitcher; second prize, silver bowl and spoons.

Fifth Race -- A tub race, open to Accomac and Northampton counties. The contestants in this race will propel themselves with their hands only, without artificial assistance. The course will be over a special course in front of the club house, at high water. First prize, $10 gold piece; second prize, $5 gold piece.

All measurements of boats are to be from straight edge on stem, from the bottom, over the keel to outer end of stem point, with an allowance of anything less than one foot in excess, in class named. All entries and measurements must be made at Wachapreague, Wednesday, May 31, day before races.

Rendezvous, at Cedar Island, at 8 a. m., day of races.

After the races refreshments will be served by the club.


Steamer Chesapeake Needed to Protect Oyster Beds.

Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : BaysideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Law enforcementSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : PoachingSea -- Shellfish - Crabbing : Bayside

We learn that a petition is being circulated on Tangier Island asking the Board of the Chesapeake and its tributaries, that the police steamer Chesapeake be stationed on the Virginia-Maryland border.

We trust that the Board of the Chesapeake may promptly grant the relief asked for. We all know of the raids of non-resident oystermen on the Virginia oyster beds during the winter of 1892-93. It may surprise our authorities to learn that the danger to our oyster beds is greater during the summer than during the winter, but it is a fact nevertheless, for the reason that the crabbing season has now opened and in the catching of crabs it is not an exaggeration to say, that there are between six and seven hundred boats employed, each one as well equipped to catch oysters as crabs, and many of them more intent upon dredging oysters than catching crabs. Eight-tenths of these boats are owned by Marylanders and crab in and over the waters covering our oyster beds. From this statement the danger to our oyster beds at this season becomes apparent.

We hope our authorities may promptly give the needed protection by stationing the steamer Chesapeake on our border during the crabbing season.


Meeting of Trustees of Margaret Academy.

Infrastructure -- Public : Schools

The Board of Trustees of Margaret Academy met at Keller on the 13th inst., according to announcement, but failed to arrive at any conclusion, as at previous meetings as to the disposition of the funds in their hands. Sufficient progress was made, however, to indicate that the dilatory tactics heretofore used had spent their force, and that the time for action had arrived.

Several votes were taken as to location and Onancock from beginning to end had seven votes of the fourteen members of the Board. The other seven votes were cast for Cape Charles, Eastville, Keller and Franktown, the size of the poll of each being dependent upon the disposition of the advocates of each of those places to be complimentary to each other -- like them in a helpless minority.

The members failing to agree on a place, a solution of the difficulties which presented themselves were sought by Capt. O. A. Browne in the following preamble and resolutions:

Whereas, it is the desire of the Board of Trustees for Margaret Academy to extend higher educational facilities to as many scholars as possible, and to help the deserving and ambitious youth of the counties of Accomac and Northampton, who are unable financially to educate themselves, and to extend its influence to all parts of the Eastern Shore of Virginia, therefore be it resolved.

That the president, treasurer and secretary of this Board proceed, at as early a date as possible to invest all the funds belonging to Margaret Academy in Virginia State bonds. That the interest to be due on the same shall be collected yearly and used to pay for the tuition of as many boys and girls as can be bargained for at some institution of higher learning in the State, and that said boys and girls shall be selected yearly by the Board of Trustees, and an equal number shall come from the respective counties; and they shall again be selected as far as the Board may deem advisable from the various magisterial districts, so that the power and influence of Margaret Academy may be again known and felt for good by all the people. That each member of the Board will so far as he can, solicit donations to the fund, from the citizens of the two counties to re-establish this ancient institution of learning, to aid the youth and honor the great men who founded it.

The Board failing to agree either as to place or upon the resolutions, on motion, it was adjourned to meet again at Keller on the third Saturday in June.


Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : BaysideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Law enforcementSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : PoachingSea -- Shellfish - Crabbing : Bayside

A petition now being circulated on Tangier Island, asking for steamer Chesapeake to protect the oyster beds of Virginia from depredators during the summer months, should and will receive the approval of all the people of Tidewater Virginia and should be readily acceded to by the Board of the Chesapeake and its tributaries. The reason for the petition and the necessity of the protection desired are clearly set forth in an article in this issue and the facts submitted therein are true beyond all question. No one can doubt, who is at all advised as to the raids upon our oyster beds during last winter, that the class of Marylanders who defied the authorities then and plundered our oyster beds whenever and wherever they could, will, with the opportunity presented, under the pretense of "crabbing" rob us to their heart's content, unless they are daily menaced with the penalties which may be inflicted upon them by the strong arm of the law. The necessity of the protection asked for too is the more apparent, because of the much larger number of boats engaged in crabbing in summer than in oystering in the winter, as thoroughly equipped, as we are advised by the writer of the article to which reference is made, "to catch oysters as crabs." That they will be "more intent" upon catching the former than the latter, unless they are watched and punished, when caught, no one can doubt for a moment who will consider their past actions and accept them as criterions for judging them in the future. It may be urged, also, perhaps, that the [illegible] is needed to protect our [illegible] restrain themselves. It [illegible] if they knew, that they were being daily robbed of their means of subsidence by those, who permitted to crab without any authority could so abuse their confidence and kindness, as to rob them in another respect. Protection of course is needed, the Chesapeake was built for that purpose and a little common sense only ought to be necessary to convince the Board of the Chesapeake and its tributaries their duty and constrain them to act accordingly.


Infrastructure -- Public : Schools

The location of the Margaret Academy was not agreed upon last Saturday, as was expected, but certain facts were developed by the votes cast which should leave no disinterested person in doubt where it should be established. An analysis of the votes is only necessary, it occurs to us, to remove all doubts which we should have in the matter. Of the votes cast for Onancock, for instance, only one of the members of the Board lives in that locality -- of the votes cast for other places on the other hand the members, for the most part, preferred the point nearest to their own home. In other words, those voting for Cape Charles, Eastville, Franktown, and Keller, it seemed to us in their efforts to promote the interest of their own neighborhood, lost sight of the fact that the fund was created for the benefit of all the children of the Eastern Shore. In making these comments, we disclaim any intention of questioning the honesty of any member's vote, but merely to say this, that the votes of one point to a school of high grade, accessible to the most children of the Eastern Shore, of the others to a mere neighborhood school beneficial of course to that particular neighborhood, but not beyond it. Which was intended? The Headlight may perhaps give an answer satisfactory to those who want a neighborhood school only -- we cannot.

Peninsula Enterprise
Accomac Court House
May 27, 1893