Peninsula Enterprise, November 4, 1893
Infrastructure -- Public : Churches
Work will be commenced in a few days on the Presbyterian Chapel at Daugherty.
Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : BaysideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Law enforcement
Fred B. Taws and John H. Nelson, both of Crisfield, were tried in Accomac county court this week, charged with illegally taking oysters in Virginia waters. Both men were acquitted.
Infrastructure -- Public : Churches
All delegates to the General Association, from Accomac and Northampton counties, who present a letter to the railroad agents showing that they have been appointed by their churches, will be given reduced rates on the N.Y.P. & N.R.R.
Transportation -- Water - Channel and harbor dredging
Annual reports of engineer officers submitting estimates for work on Maryland and Virginia rivers, have been received by the War Department. For the improvement of inland waterway from Chincoteague bay, Virginia, to Delaware bay, near Lewes. It is estimated that $206,000 is necessary to complete the project, of which amount $100,000 is asked for work for the next fiscal year.
Transportation -- Water - SailboatsTransportation -- Water - FreightSea -- WreckingSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : SeasideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Law enforcement
Joseph Jester, of this place, has bought the fast-sailing sloop-yacht of Isaac Reed of Cheriton, for $425.
A large number of our people have been engaged of late in taking cotton out of the steamship Mariciano, which went ashore on Wallop's Island, on 23rd ult., and schooners Palestine, Elnora,D. J. Whealton, and Recruit have been taking it to Norfolk. The cotton was gotten out on Tuesday and the steamship was floated on same day and taken to Norfolk by the wrecking companies.
Oyster Inspector Jeffreyes attached one of our oyster boats, this week, whose owner refused to pay fee of 50 cents, and fined him $5.00.
Tourists and sportsmen -- Field sports - Hunting : BirdTourists and sportsmen -- Field sports - Hunting : Rabbit and squirrelNatural resources -- Conservation - Game
The sentiment is general throughout this section, among all classes, that owing to the scarcity of game, i. e: of partridges, rabbits, &c., occasioned by the severity of last winter that we all should refrain from gunning for the same during the whole of this coming fall and winter, that the aid and sympathy of the fathers and mothers and especially of the mothers in the land, should be secured, as well as the co-operation of our youthful sportsmen, themselves, in order that this proposition should be carried out, and our woods and fields once more be filled with the musical notes of "Bob White" and the unobtrusive presence of toothsome old "cotton tail." In addition to the above, a prohibitory law in respect thereto, by our Legislature, which shall expire in two years, is desired by the people.
Infrastructure -- Commercial - BanksInfrastructure -- Public : Churches
Our people are taking stock in the new bank. Mr. Herbst is pushing the enterprise throughout the two counties. The subscriptions to same will be closed on the 8th inst. Any whom Mr. E. A. Herbst has failed to solicit may address him by letter, at Onancock, stating the number of shares they wish to subscribe.
The members of our M. P. Church met this week to make arrangements for placing a heater in their new church.
Rev. A. J. Reamy baptized five candidates in the pool in the Baptist Church, Sunday night, in the presence of a large audience. Four other candidates were received for baptism. Mr. Reamy is assisting this week Rev. W. W. Wood, of Modestown, in a protracted meeting.
Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : BaysideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Surveying
D. F. White has been surveying oyster ground, this week, in district No. 7 -- Capt. Charles P. Finney, inspector.
Infrastructure -- Commercial - BanksInfrastructure -- Commercial - Residential constructionTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Horse racingInfrastructure -- Public : Churches
Mr. L. W. Groton was in our town on Wednesday, in the interest of the National Bank, to be started in Onancock, in the near future.
A handsome dwelling is being built for Cutler Bros., on the old homestead near here, by Oswald S. Nock, contractor.
After the racing is over at Mr. James Bull's track next Thursday, Walker Bros., will sell their horse, W. E. Jacobs, to the highest bidder.
The protracted meetings at our M. E. Church, South, conducted by Revs. J. M. Anderson and J. W. Williams, closed last week with good results. They report 105 conversions on the circuit.
Infrastructure -- Commercial - Residential constructionTourists and sportsmen -- Field sports - Hunting : BirdNatural resources -- Conservation - Game
Capt. W. T. Mister moved into his new residence on Railroad ave., this week.
Our sportsmen are very much interested in a proposed law to prohibit quail shooting until November, 1894, and also to prohibit hunting the same bird in the snow. This law ought to appeal to every true sportsman.
Oyster Convention.
Watermen -- Watermen's organizationsSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Legislation
To the Oystermen of Accomac and Northampton:
It is agreed that the oyster question will make up one of the most important and interesting features of legislation in the approaching session of the Legislature. This is one of the great industries of the Eastern Shore, and the oystermen are by no means agreed among themselves in regard to the policy of legislation best adapted to the interests of our people.
It is advised by the candidates who expect to represent Accomac and Northampton in the next General Assembly, that an oyster convention be held at Parksley, on Saturday, 11th of November, at 1 o'clock p. m., to which all interested are invited, and where an exchange of views may be had in regard to this great question.
The candidates will be present, and subject to the instructions of their constituents. Let the people profit by the opportunity afforded.