Peninsula Enterprise, January 7, 1893


Moral -- Murder

The case of Drier, who murdered Miss McFadden, at Cape Charles, some months ago, is being heard by the Supreme Court at Richmond, this week. Hon. J. W. G. Blackstone is in attendance at said court as counsel of Drier.


Infrastructure -- Public : Schools

Wilson Green, colored, aged 60 years, while occupying the hearth as a bed at Margaret Academy, last Saturday night, was awakened to find himself enveloped in flames. His cries brought help but he had burned to a crisp before his clothes could be stripped off of him. He lived only a few hours after the accident.


Infrastructure -- Commercial - Hotels

Mr. Henry T. Mason successor of Mr. M. T. West in business at Bloxom station -- Mr. Edward G. Fox is the proprietor of the Onley hotel in place of Mr. William E. Lewis, and Mr. M. T. West has charge of a new hotel at Exmore. Each is prepared to furnish first class accommodation and we cordially commend them to the patronage of the public.


Moral -- Property crime

Thomas Nelson, mayor of Cape Charles city and chief clerk of the master mechanic's division of N. Y., P. & N. R. R. Co., left for parts unknown during Christmas, carrying with him about $1,500 of the Episcopal Church funds of that place and $1,500 or more of the money of the citizens of the town. He went to Cape Charles about three years ago from Jersey City.


Infrastructure -- Commercial - Residential constructionWatermen -- Personal injuryAfrican-Americans -- Other


Mr. Peter Gillespie has improved his premises by a two-story dwelling.

A son of George Drummond, colored, fell overboard recently on his way from Potomac and was drowned. Body not found.

Eliza Rew, better known as Liza Conquest, colored, received recently a government check for $2,900, making her doubtless, the wealthiest colored person in upper Parish.


Transportation -- Water - Freight


Schooners Elnora, Boneta and Palestine loaded with oysters this week for Fair Haven, Conn. -- schooner Recruit with like cargo for New York -- and Medora Francis for Norfolk.


Infrastructure -- Commercial - Real estateInfrastructure -- Commercial - Residential construction


James W. Duncan has moved to the farm recently purchased by him of William J. Chesser, of Philadelphia.

N. W. Nock has moved in his new house, which is however as yet unfinished, owing to the severe weather recently.


Weather -- Freezes


The creek was frozen over last week and for several days the skating was excellent.

Public School Report for December.

Infrastructure -- Public - Government : School administration

No. of schools in operation 118; No. of graded schools 27; No. of pupils enrolled 4,640; No. of pupils in average daily attendance 3,486; No. of schools visited by Supt. 44

John E. Mapp, Supt. Schools.


Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Legislation

Governor McKinney is again talking for publication, with the oyster question as his hobby, and his knowledge of the same is about like what Horace Greeley knew about farming -- nothing. He believes that the people of Virginia have untold wealth in the oyster beds of the State and the grounds for his belief are doubtless on a par with an estimate given him in a late message, when one oyster rock was valued by him at $5,000,000. He wants legislation on the subject and acting upon the principle of the blind leading the blind, if reported correctly, he is seeking to interest the people of the mountain and valley counties, to the end that laws may be enacted in accordance with his views. The people of Tidewater Virginia who ought to know something about the question, it would seem if his opinions prevail, are to be ignored altogether.

Peninsula Enterprise
Accomac Court House
January 7, 1893