Peninsula Enterprise, July 8, 1893
Infrastructure -- Public - Government : Postal service
Owing to a mistake, made in issuing the mail contract at Washington, the mail route between Accomac C. H. and Locustville has been temporarily discontinued.
Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - HolidaysMoral -- Other violent crime
The fourth of July passed off quietly at the county seat, if we except a fight between two colored men, early in the morning, which resulted in the lodging of one of them in the jail.
Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - FairsTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Horse racing
There will be no pacing race at the Eastern Shore Agricultural Fair on the 4th day. The same appears on the race cards by mistake. The pacing race, and the only one during the Fair, comes off on the 2nd day.
Transportation -- Water - Freight
Schooner McMaster, Polk Lang, captain, loaded in Folly Creek this week, with Irish potatoes, sailed for New York City on yesterday. Two barrels of golden yellow sweets were shipped on boat by Mr. William J. Ayres.
Infrastructure -- Public : ChurchesProfessionals -- Builders
Contractor W. J. Lilliston has completed his contract for painting the Baptist Church at Drummondtown, to the satisfaction of the members, and it is again open to the public and services may be expected there regularly in the future. A handsome chandelier has been ordered for the church.
Sea -- Finfish - Catch : BluefishInfrastructure -- Public - Government : Life-saving serviceTransportation -- Water - FreightTransportation -- Water - StrandingsSea -- Wrecking
The fishing steamer of Bunting & Sons arrived here last Monday with 500 blue fish, which were sold at 8 and 10 cents each.
Mr. J. S. Stant has been awarded the contract to furnish coal to stations near this place.
Schooner Elliott arrived here this week with 75 tons of coal, and schooner Sherman with load of coal and watermelons.
Schooner Ellworth, "which sprung a leak" and was abandoned on 29th of June, last, floated ashore on the lower part of the Island, this week, and was sold to Bunting & Sons, for one hundred dollars, who have towed her in and are now repairing her.
Schooner Emma W. Burton, "which sprung a leak" and was abandoned off Winter Quarter Light about six weeks ago, floated ashore, bottom side up, on Assateague beach, last Monday. She hailed from this place and was loaded with lumber at Norfolk for New York.
Transportation -- Water - FreightTransportation -- Water - SailboatsTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Lectures
The Baltimore Sun, of July 3rd, speaks in the following complimentary terms of the sailing vessels, hailing from this port: "The fine fleet of bay vessels that hail from Onancock, Va., are arriving daily with barreled potatoes. They are the neatest and speediest sailing vessels in the bay, and as they lie at the South street wharves, they present an attractive appearance in their fresh paint."
Rev. Thomas Dixon, Jr., of Brooklyn, N.Y., delivered his famous lecture on "Fools" in the Onancock Baptist Church, last Tuesday evening, to a large audience. The lecturer was in fine trim and greatly delighted auditors by his eloquent and instructive lecture.
Skiff Race on Hog Island.
Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Boat racing
A race has been made between the skiffs Jeannie and Leila Bell, to come off at north end of Hog Island, between the hours of 10 a. m. and 3 p. m., Thursday, August 3rd next against wind and tide, for a purse of $250. The forfeit money is up. The race will doubtless be one of the most interesting ever known on the Eastern Shore and hundreds of dollars are expected to change hands on the day's race, as the friends of both boats are confident of success and are willing to back their opinions with the hard cash.
Corner Stone Laying and all Day Fair.
Infrastructure -- Public : Churches
The corner stone of the Franktown M. E. Church, South, will be laid by the Masons of the Eastern Shore, Wednesday morning, July 19th, 1893.
Dinner will be served on the grounds. Ice cream, cake and a variety of fancy articles will be for sale in abundance.
Music by the Franktown Cornet Band.
Great efforts are being made to make this the grandest occasion of the season.
The fair will begin early in the morning and hold till late at night.
Passengers coming on the north bound trains will be conveyed from Nassawadox station to the church.
If Wednesday should be rainy come the next fair day.
Come everybody and enjoy a pleasant day and help a good cause.
Location of Margaret Academy.
Infrastructure -- Public : Schools
The trustees of the Margaret Academy fund met at Keller, last Saturday, and by a vote of 8 to 6, selected Onancock as the place for the school to be established by them. The meeting was a harmonious one and the result was reached on the second ballot. All the trustees in Accomac except one, and two of the trustees from Northampton, Messrs. John W. Tankard and J. Almer Smith, cast their votes for Onancock. The trustees who preferred another place yielded gracefully to the result and now are heartily in accord with every movement looking to the early establishment and success of the school. It will be known in the future as in the past, as the Margaret Academy.
A committee appointed at the meeting, consisting of Mr. John W. Tankard, Capt. O. A. Browne, Hon. John W. H. Parker, Dr. J. L. Harmanson and William T. Mason meets at Onancock, to-day, to look after a site for the Academy and to accept propositions relative thereto, which will be reported to the Board of Trustees at its next meeting. The funds in the hands of the Trustees, about $4,500, will be increased by $1,000 or more in cash contributed by the citizens of Onancock.
Picnic and Regatta at Buzzard Hill.
Farmers -- Farmers' organizationsTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Boat racingMoral -- Gambling
A picnic and regatta will be given at Buzzard Hill, on Thursday, July 20th, inst., in the interest of the "Peninsula Farmers Association."
The public is most cordially invited to attend and especially those owning boats on the Eastern Shore of Virginia, desiring to compete for the beautiful prizes to be awarded to the successful competitors. An elegant dinner at 50 cents and 25 cents will be prepared by the Association for all those preferring not to take a private dinner or lunch with them. It is desired and intended to make it a most pleasant and enjoyable occasion and everything pertaining to irreverence will be most sedulously eschewed.
While honorable competition and rivalry for the several prizes will be encouraged, yet betting and every species of gambling will be discouraged and prohibited on the occasion.
Buzzard Hill is beautifully situated on a commanding eminence, on Nandua Creek, in a magnificent grove of spreading shade trees, in full view of Chesapeake bay, rendering the situation most airy, breezy, delightful and pleasant during the entire summer season.
The several prizes will be divided into five classes as follows:
The first prize will be a beautiful China set and will be competed for, embracing all sailing boats from 16 feet to 20 feet long.
The second prize will also be a beautiful China set, open to all sailing boats under 16 feet long.
The third prize will be a five dollar gold piece to the successful competitor in a tub race.
The fourth prize will be a two dollar and a half gold piece for the successful competitor in a bag race.
Arrangements are made to accommodate those desiring to engage in base ball and any other lawn games desired.
A sailing race open to all boats as a trial of speed will also take place during the day.
The Glorious Fourth.
Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Holidays
The Fourth was celebrated at Onancock by athletic games and contests. There was a large crowd present throughout the day. The match game at tennis between E. E. Miles and O. L. Powell on one side, and L. D. Teackle Quinby and George H. Powell on the other, was won by the two last named. The tub race was won by Walter Scott, of Onancock. In the hammer drill contest Sidney Hopkins was declared the victor. The running race was won by George Rew, of Tasley. In the walking match Green Prior received 1st prize, and C. D. Crockett the 2nd. The bicycle race was won by Frederick Robertson. The sack race was won by Wilmer R. Parker. Fancy articles were for sale and dinner, supper and refreshments were served by member of the Baptist church. About $250 was realized by them.
Parksley gave expression to her patriotism in orations delivered by Revs. L. E. Barrett and W. F. Corkran in keeping with the glories of the day. Both addresses were of a high order and elicited the applause of all present. A festival held under the auspices of the M. E. Church was liberally patronized and netted quite a handsome sum for church purposes. The Mappsville Cornet Band added greatly to the pleasures of the day by the fine music rendered throughout the day. The display of bunting was fine.
Independence day was celebrated generally on Chincoteague. All the places of business were closed. No inducements were offered to visitors to spend the day there, but quite a number were on hand from the mainland. The day was spent by some in sailing around in the channel, by others in speeding their horses, but the greater number of people attended the Sunday School festival at the Union Baptist Church. Most of the stores and many of the boats were profusely decorated with bunting.
At Sanford M. E. Church, South, the day was celebrated in the relaying of the corner stone of that church by Temperanceville Lodge, A. F. & A. M., and by a festival in connection therewith. The attendance was large, variously estimated, at from 500 to 800 persons, and everybody either was happy or seemed to be, and certainly there were pretty girls enough present to gladden the heart of every bachelor, old and young. An elegant supper of oysters, fish, clams, etc., were served to hundreds of people.
In other parts of the counties festivals, excursions, private picnics and fishing parties furnished the means for recreating and celebrating the day. It was observed generally in some way or other throughout the county.
Infrastructure -- Public : Schools
The action of the Board of Trustees of Margaret Academy, will receive, we believe, the endorsement generally of the people of the Eastern Shore. In arriving at their conclusion, the sentiment doubtless prevailed, to locate the Academy where it is most likely to be a success and such a decision is in accord with the wishes of the great bulk of our people. Onancock is of course the place for the Academy. There it will be no experiment, but a success, not in the future but at the beginning. It might have been demonstrated for years that such a school as it was the duty of the trustees to establish could live and flourish. We, of course have no disposition to criticise the action of the trustees who preferred the establishment of the school at some other place. Their preferences were not only reasonable, but good results are likely to follow. Their differences indicate that Onancock is not the only place for good schools on the Eastern Shore, but the liberal contributions offered by citizens of certain localities to secure the Margaret Academy funds, show that they are likely to have them and we hope they will. The Academy at Onancock is more certain of success if it has such schools to draw its material from and everyone on the Eastern Shore surely will be benefited if [illegible] education can be secured equal to those at any academy in the State.