Peninsula Enterprise, October 21, 1893


Weather -- Northeast storms

The bottom dropped out of the store of Mr. P. H. Connorton, Tangier Island, during the storm on Friday night, of last week, and goods of the value of $300 or $400 was swept away along with it. His pungy, worth some $400 or $500, also dragged ashore during the same night and was so badly broken up as to be almost a total loss.


Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Circuses

About two thousand people witnessed the performance given by Hunting's circus, at Parksley, on Saturday last. The exhibition did not come up to the expectations of the audience.


Infrastructure -- Commercial - Newspapers

The Eastern Shore Herald appeared last week under the management of W. Lindsay and Son.


Moral -- Property crime

During the storm on Friday night, of last week, a thief entered the house of Mr. Fred O. Boone, Mappsburg station, while the family was at supper and stole a tin box, containing $175 in bank notes and silver, belonging to his wife. He escaped with his plunder by jumping from the second story of the dwelling. No clue, so far as we are advised, has been obtained to the daring perpetrator of the theft.


Infrastructure -- Public : ChurchesSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : SeasideInfrastructure -- Commercial - Residential constructionInfrastructure -- Commercial - Commercial constructionSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Re-immersion


The Union Baptist Church is being improved by a recess pulpit and will it is stated, be moved nearer to town.

Mr. E. P. Timmons, Philadelphia, made us a business visit this week. He says he will fill John Wanamaker's orders for oysters this winter and will use a good lot of our stock in doing so.

Our building boom continues. A new dwelling has just been completed by Mr. Bishop; a storehouse will soon be in course of erection for Capt. John W. Bunting; William P. Reed has commenced work on a new storehouse.

Our people are getting their floats and boxes in order for the oyster business. A few oysters are being shipped and reported all right by the dealers.

Capt. John W. Bunting & Son, have just completed a tour of the northern cities, placing orders for oysters this winter.


Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : BaysideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : DredgingLaborers -- FisheriesInfrastructure -- Public : SchoolsMoral -- VagabondsWeather -- Northeast stormsTransportation -- Water - Wrecks

Marsh Market.

Dredging began last Monday and Messongo channel was white with sails of boats, about to engage in that industry.

The sloop William Austin, Capt. Corbin Stant, arrived from Baltimore recently with four crews of dredgers.

Mr. E. C. Kellam, teacher of Copes school No. 13, will not take any pupils into his school who have attended Sanford school.

Three tramps visited this section last week and some persons were alarmed by their presence, but they departed northward without having done any damage.

A boat of brogan build, dismasted and sunk, was seen last Saturday, near Heron Island. No persons were on board, and the men if not rescued, were drowned in the storm on Friday night.

Capt. Lee Lewis and William Crosdale were out in the storm last Friday, in a large canoe and being unable to get into any harbor, were compelled to put her ashore on Fox's Island.


Weather -- Northeast stormsInfrastructure -- Commercial - Residential constructionTransportation -- Railroad - TrolliesFields -- Livestock - SwineInfrastructure -- Public - Government : Public healthInfrastructure -- Commercial - BanksTransportation -- Water - Channel and harbor dredgingTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Bicycling


Last Saturday the steamer Pocomoke due here at 7 a. m. did not arrive until 7 p. m. Capt. W. F. Joynes, in charge, reported the gale the severest on the Bay he had witnessed since the night the Express was lost.

Mr. Leonidas R. Doughty will, at an early date, add handsome improvements to his residence on North street.

Mr. George W. Mason, Onley, has recently purchased the property advertised for sale in Savageville by John L. Ward, and will make his residence there.

A residence on Lee street is under going extensive improvements for the occupancy of Mr. T. C. Kellam of Locustville. This town has been his business headquarters for a year past.

There has been some talk of running an air line road from this town to Onley station and putting on electric passenger and freight cars. May the matter be taken up and carried to success. To establish this road would be a great benefit to the citizens of Onley and would very greatly facilitate the business of Onancock. It would also be a benefit to the Eastern Shore Steamboat Company as to both passenger and freight traffic.

It appears that the pig pens in town "must go," as there is great complaint about them. It is presumed that as soon as the council consider the matter as carefully as they should, from the standpoint of health and decency, that an ordinance will be passed prohibiting them.

Mr. Herbst, of Baltimore, is in town this week advising with the business men and soliciting subscriptions to capital stock for the opening of a bank in this town. He has had several years experience in the banking business and comes well endorsed by Mr. J. Weasly Guest, of the Continental Bank, and other prominent Baltimoreans known to the people of the Eastern Shore. It is very necessary for the convenience of all classes of people that we have a bank and it is hoped that such an enterprise will meet with success and a business be opened at an early date.

The Kaler Mud Machine left the bar a few days ago last week and dredged the bottom at the wharf belonging to Hopkins & Co. It is expected the work of dredging the bar will be completed this week.

Bicycle riding is now a familiar scene on our streets. On last Sunday a number of young men from the country were attracted hither by the good condition of Market street and sped their machines over the course many times. It is suggested that indulgence in this sport is not suited to Sunday.


Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : BaysideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : DredgingLaborers -- FisheriesTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Second homes


Our dredgers are fitting up their vessels and leaving for Baltimore after their crews. Most of our tongers are working in Tangier sound and report the oysters in fine condition.

Mr. Chadbourne and family, of Savin Hill, Boston, have moved to Parksley, for the winter.


Infrastructure -- Commercial - Banks

The movement on foot for the establishment of a bank in the town of Onancock, of which there is a notice elsewhere in this paper, is certainly a step in the right direction. Whether or not a bank should be established there is hardly a debatable question. The necessity for it is so great and the reasons for having a bank in the county are so many, that the only question now debatable, is not whether we shall have a bank in Onancock, but why have we not had one before this time. Of course we should have it and the bulk of the stock should be taken by our own citizens and be controlled by them.

Peninsula Enterprise
Accomac Court House
October 21, 1893