Peninsula Enterprise, May 13, 1893
reprinted from Cape Charles Headlight, May 9.Moral -- Murder
George Drier, the condemned murderer of Mrs. Fadden, was taken into court yesterday and sentenced by Judge Kendall to be hung on June 16. He did not appear to be affected in the least. It is said he will leave evidence behind implicating others in the crime.
Infrastructure -- Public - Government : Quarantine, federal
Efforts will be made to put Fisherman's Island at the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay, into condition for a quarantine station.
Fields -- Crops - White potatoes : Diseases and pests
The potato beetle is having a grand feast, and his numbers no man can count.
Transportation -- Water - Wrecks
Mr. Sydney Timmons, of Snow Hill, has moved to this place and will build a storehouse on eastern side of the Island for mercantile business.
Capt. William J. Reed and son, John S. Burch, Al. Sharpley, George Baker and -- Logan, colored, rescued by crew of steamer Wyanoke and taken to Norfolk, from schooner Emma Burton, which "sprung a leak and sunk" off Winter Quarter Light, on Thursday of last week, arrived home last Wednesday. With the waves washing over the Burton every few minutes Capt. Reed and his crew clung to the spars and rigging for seven hours after she sank and their rescue was thrilling beyond description. Only one could be taken off at a time, the waves were rolling so high, and then it was a leap for life which each had to make from the rigging, with a prospect of missing the boat sent from the Wyanoke. Fortunately no one was lost. Capt. Reed gallantly declined to leave the Burton until all of his crew were taken off.
Weather -- Northeast stormsInfrastructure -- Public - Government : Life-saving serviceSea -- Finfish - Catch : DrumSea -- Finfish - Methods : Other methods
Great damage was done the farmers and boatmen on the Bayside by the great northwest storm of last week. Berry patches, potato beds and corn-fields were ruined and hundreds of dollars worth of poultry drowned. One gentleman, Capt. William Somers, is reported to have suffered a loss of over three hundred dollars by the high tide.
Our merchant and amateur fisherman, William Walsh, has constructed a very ingenious device carrying his drum line out beyond the breakers, himself standing upon the shore. This contrivance enables the fisherman to send his line out to any desired distance and to drop his hooks and sinkers wheresoever he will. No muscular effort, as formerly, is required in accomplishing this purpose. This machine is constructed upon scientific principles and it's range of work can only be limited by the length of the cord to which it is attached. It is destined to be of invaluable service in the saving of lives upon stranded vessels upon the coast, as by its use life lines can be sent to wrecks entirely beyond the reach of the gun used for such purposes by our life saving service. The device will be patented.
Infrastructure -- Public - Government : School administration
Why don't Legislature and County authorities secure a longer school session.
Fields -- Crops - White potatoes : Diseases and pests
New Church.
Potato bugs more numerous in this section than ever before known at this season.
Weather -- Northeast storms
Recent storms caused much damage to property on Tangier Island. Eight boats were capsized during a gust, but no lives were lost.
Weather -- Northeast stormsTransportation -- Railroad - FreightFields -- Crops - CornLaborers -- ConstructionForests -- Forest products - LumberSea -- Shellfish - Crabbing : Bayside
The people on the bayside suffered greatly from the high tide a few days ago. Many sweet potato beds and Irish potato patches were overflowed.
The local rates for corn in this vicinity are considered a "little steep" and the demand is being met by securing it from other sections by rail.
Our carpenters are complaining of the scarcity of work and some of them are looking for jobs elsewhere. The lumber business is necessarily dull when no building is going on.
Many persons around our creeks are overhauling their boats for the "crabbing business," which will soon begin.
Meeting of Trustees of Margaret Academy.
Infrastructure -- Public : Schools
The trustees of Margaret Academy will meet Saturday, the 20th of May, at Keller station, at 12 o'clock.
J. W. Tankard, Chairman.
Infrastructure -- Public : Schools
The location of Margaret Academy was not decided upon at the meeting of the Trustees last Saturday, as was expected, and another meeting is to be held for that purpose on the 20th inst., in accordance with an announcement which appears in this issue. They failed to arrive at a conclusion in the matter in deference to wishes of citizens of Northampton -- on hand to win the fight for their county or to postpone the matter indefinitely. It is not likely, however, that a vote on the question will be postponed further at the next meeting and the action of the Board will doubtless have a approval of the people generally of the Eastern Shore, whether acceptable to or acquiesced in by citizens of any one locality or not. They will make up their decision, we take it for granted, with the view of carrying out the intentions of those who raised the fund for purposes of education, and doing that, no one surely will have cause to complain of them. In the exercise of the prerogative which has been bestowed upon them, we do not believe they can lose sight of the fact, that the fund was intended to be used by our forefathers so as to be of the greatest good to the greatest number of children on the Eastern Shore -- and accepting that as their guide, which we believe they are compelled to do, the trustees cannot err as to their duty.