Peninsula Enterprise, February 18, 1893


Weather -- FreezesFields -- Crops - Sweet potatoes : Seed and slips

From every part of the county comes the unwelcome news, "potato seed all rotten," and the comment which usually accompanies the information, "farmers down at the mouth."


Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : BaysideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Law enforcement

Capt. A. J. Read, of the oyster police force, took some of our Maryland neighbors by surprise on Friday of last week, while dredging over the line and captured two of their boats, Hickman and McDaniel and the captains of the same respectively, John Marsh and Thomas Evans, both of Smith's Island. Capt. Thomas Evans was severely wounded in the shoulder during the melee. The McDaniel and Hickman for safekeeping have been sunk at Tangier and in Pungoteague creek, respectively.


Farmers -- Farmers' organizations

A meeting of the Keller Farmers' Alliance will be held at their hall, on Saturday, 25th inst. 2 p. m. Business of importance demands the attention of its members.


Transportation -- Railroad - RegulationTransportation -- Railroad - Rates and fares

The evidence taken at Accomac C. H., on Friday of last week, in the suit against the N. Y., P. & N. R. R., was of such a character, that it can hardly be doubted that the result will be on the side of justice and favorable to the farmers who have instituted the suit.


Transportation -- Railroad - Other

The operators along the line of the N. Y. P. & N. R. R. have been advised by Superintendent Dunne that arrangements have been made to have the weather forecasts sent out from the Cape Charles office daily by wire.


Fields -- Livestock - HorsesFields -- Livestock - MulesWeather -- FreezesFields -- Crops - Sweet potatoes : Seed and slips


Mr. John Perdue, of Maryland, passed through our village last week with about 75 head of horses and mules, in search of purchasers for same.

Nock's mill pond, near this place, will be stocked soon with carp, by Mr. William H. Miles and Dr. Thomas T. Taylor. The stream is inexhaustible and well adapted to the propagation of fish.

About 90 per cent of the sweet potato seed in this section rotted during the late freeze.


Weather -- FreezesFields -- Crops - Sweet potatoes : Seed and slipsfields -- Crops - White potatoes : Seed and slipsForests -- Barrel factories


Our farmers lost nearly all their seed potatoes, both round and sweet, during the late freeze.

A barrel factory will be, it is stated, established at this place, at an early day, under the management of Mr. Fred Bradford.


Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : BaysideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Law enforcement


Capt. Al. Read, of the Virginia Oyster Police, was in town Monday. He reports much trouble on the "line."

There will be a negro minstrel entertainment in Onancock, in the near future -- home talent.


Fields -- Crops - Sweet potatoes : Seed and slipsFields -- Crops - Sweet potatoes : MarketsInfrastructure -- Public : SchoolsTransportation -- Railroad - PersonnelInfrastructure -- Commercial - House moving


E. B. Francis, Esq., director of lands, records and agriculture, Punjab, India, has ordered from H. R. Bennett a barrel of Parksley seed sweet potatoes for the British Indian government to introduce them into the province of Punjab. They will be shipped to Lahore, India, via Bombay.

Over 100 scholars are now enrolled in the Parksley pubic school.

W. L. Sharpley, the efficient agent of the N. Y. P. & N. R. R. now has a night assistant, which adds much to the comfort of travelers by night trains.

D. H. Johnson is moving a dwelling house from Leemont to Parksley.


Weather -- FreezesFields -- Crops - Sweet potatoes : Seed and slipsInfrastructure -- Commercial - Residential constructionInfrastructure -- Public : TownsTourists and sportsmen -- Field sports - Dogs


Farmers in this section report great and in some instances, entire loss of sweet potato seed.

This town is growing, probably as fast as any town in the county, except such as are situated on the railroad. Several handsome residences will be erected here at an early date and numerous improvements and business enterprises are projected.

The "Seaside Kennels," of this place, sold one of their thoroughbred "Red Irish" setters, last week, to a Pennsylvania sportsman, for a fancy price.

Cape Charles Light.

Infrastructure -- Public - Government : Lighthouse serviceNatural resources -- Shoreline migration

The Light-house Board has nearly completed plans for the new lighthouse to take the place of the present structure at Cape Charles, for which Congress made an appropriation last session. The plan of the new tower, which is to be erected about three-quarters of a mile from the present lighthouse, which is endangered by the steady advance of the sea line, has been determined upon and the requisite drawings and specifications are now being made. One of the owners of the land died during the last year, leaving as one of his heirs a minor, and in order to save the long delay incidental to a suit in chancery, or the sale of the minor's interest, it has been found necessary to secure the land by condemnation.

Meeting of County Alliance -- New Organization to be Effected.

Farmers -- Farmers' organizations

At a meeting held this fifteenth day of February, 1893, at Parksley station, Accomac county, Virginia, composed of a select committee from each local Alliance of said county above mentioned, the following preamble and resolution was duly considered and adopted:

Whereas, from certain conditions now existing both from political and financial standpoints, we deem it wise and prudent, if not compulsory, that we sever our connection with the State Farmer's Alliance of Virginia, and

Whereas, certain reasons that compel us to take this decided action now, cannot be disputed by any fair minded person giving the matter due consideration.

1st. We are reminded of the fact that the State levy imposed upon each County Alliance has been used for the furtherance of a political organization, in direct opposition to our wishes and interests, therefore we feel compelled to renounce such an institution.

2nd. To continue to be taxed to the extent of sixty-five cents out of each dollar for State and county purposes, as is now the case, and that without receiving any material benefits in return would be erroneous indeed if not weak and child-like on our part.

3rd. We believe that being as we are isolated from other portions of the State of Virginia, and dealing with the large cities of other States, and at the same time being engaged in agricultural pursuits different from the greater portions of our State, we can best subserve our interests, by creating an institution of our own, for the purpose of dealing directly with those offering us the best inducements and at the least possible cost to ourselves. Therefore be it resolved,

1. That we do this day sever all connection, with the State Farmer's Alliance of Virginia, and that a committee be here appointed with full powers to procure a charter -- determine upon selection of officers -- formulate by-laws and a constitution -- and create a name for this infant child.

2. That each local Alliance club, in Accomac county, shall have the right to select one member from every twenty composing the order to serve on the committee referred to in these resolutions -- and anyone not having the requisite twenty members will be allowed to combine with any other local order so as to secure representation.

3. That all monies now on hand in the hands of county and local Alliance treasurers of Accomac will be held subject to the order of said committee as provided for in this instrument.

The above submitted by a member of the Pungoteague Alliance, was adopted with one dissenting vote, and in accordance therewith a committee of five, consisting of Messrs. George E. Winder, T. A. Richards, Thomas C. Kelly, James Nelson and D. Frank White, was appointed to draft by laws and a constitution for the new organization and report same for ratification, amendment or rejection, at a meeting of delegates from each of the late sub-Alliances of the county.


Farmers -- Farmers' organizationsTransportation -- Railroad - RegulationTransportation -- Railroad - Rates and fares

The action of the County Alliance at Parksley last Wednesday was, we believe, a step in the right direction. We agree with them that there was nothing to be gained by a further union with the State Alliance and very heartily concur with them, in the opinion, that there was a necessity for retaining their organization in the county. Their action indeed was so nearly in accord with views long entertained by us, that it looks almost like "they had stolen our thunder." We could never see what benefit could accrue to us from the connection with Alliances in other parts of the State, too remote from us to be beneficial, if their interests were not as they often are entirely in conflict with ours, but the necessity for an organization among ourselves was never doubted by us. With identical interests to be promoted and like grievances to be redressed, the ends desired of course, can be best attained by co-operation. Indeed, with the fight they now have on their hands against the N. Y., P. & N. R. R. Co., in the matter of freights, they could not disband, but that is very far from being the only reason why organization among them is necessary. For instance, it was in testimony in the Railroad case that a barrel of potatoes could not be raised for less than a dollar per barrel, and does anyone doubt that our farmers by acting together could in a great measure control the market and prevent them from being sold at ruinous prices? Indeed, could they not so regulate the supply that it would not be greater than the demand? Would not concert of action on their part lead to a greater diversity of crops, better methods of cultivation, better preparation of their produce for market and give them the power, it may be, to bring purchasers to their very doors, of their produces. The good obtained by organization could be elaborated indefinitely. By all means, the organization proposed should be effected and every farmer at least should feel it his duty to be a member of it.

Peninsula Enterprise
Accomac Court House
February 18, 1893