Peninsula Enterprise, December 16, 1893
Fields -- Crops - Corn
Corn in this county at private contract is worth $3 per barrel, at public auction from $3.40 to $3.50 per barrel.
Infrastructure -- Public : Churches
Fifteen persons were baptized near Accomac C. H., on last Monday morning, by Rev. J. M. Dunaway.
Infrastructure -- Public : SchoolsDisease
Our schools are crowded. The arched recesses in the grammar department have been removed to make room for more seats and still all cannot be comfortably seated. More school funds are needed.
Mr. William Mariner's family has been sorely afflicted with typhoid fever. This malignant disease has gone through the entire family and caused great suffering. His oldest daughter is still very low.
Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : SeasideTransportation -- Water - FreightTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - ResortsTransportation -- Water - Other
Our northern oyster markets are full and it makes things dull with us. Our oyster industry is at a stand still.
Schooner Thomas Thomas arrived here with a load of coal from New York, this week, which was sold at $5.60 per ton.
Our mail was delayed for 24 hours by a smash up on the railroad at Dagsboro, Del., last Saturday. Nine freight cars loaded for the most part with oysters were thrown off the track and obstructed the same.
Mr. T. L. Disharoon, late keeper of the "Wallop's Island Club House," has moved to Parsonsburg, Md., his old home.
Mr. J. W. Hurst, sailmaker of Norfolk, Va., was here this week, measuring some of our boats and making contracts for sails.
Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Bayside
Oystermen are complaining of hard times in this section.
Pocomoke and Tangier Sounds.
Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : BaysideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : LitigationInfrastructure -- Public - Government : Maryland-Virginia boundary
Our Rights to Same to be Defended by Able Counsel Before the Supreme Court of the United States.
Another meeting looking to the protection of our interests in Pocomoke and Tangier sounds was held at Parksley last Tuesday -- presided over by Dr. John W. Bowdoin. The same was well attended and the agreement was reached without a dissenting voice, that, in the event of the appropriation asked for from our Legislature for the purpose of securing counsel to assist the Attorney General in the hearing before the Supreme Court of the United States, as to Pocomoke and Tangier sounds, is not made; Accomac single handed and alone, through her citizens, will contribute the necessary funds.
Mr. James H. Fletcher, chairman of the committee appointed at the last meeting to correspond with eminent counsel throughout the State for purposes indicated above, made the report, and on motion it was resolved, that Judge Waller R. Staples, one of the gentlemen with whom he had communicated in reference to the matter, be engaged as assistant counsel upon the terms indicated in the letter to him and that Mr. Fletcher be so instructed to advise him at once to that effect, and it was further resolved, that Mr. Fletcher be authorized also to correspond with Hon. William A. Jones, our representative in Congress, and to inform him that it is the sense of the meeting that he be engaged also as counsel to represent them before the Supreme Court, if his duties as Congressman will permit, provided his services can be secured on terms satisfactory to the people of this county.
The unanimous sentiment of the meeting, heartily expressed in accordance with a motion submitted and despite the refusal of Mr. James H. Fletcher to accept compensation for his services as assistant counsel, was that he not only should serve, but that he should be properly remunerated for his services.
On motion of Dr. Frank Fletcher, a resolution was adopted that a committee to be composed of the chairman and two others, be appointed to wait upon the Governor of the State of Virginia and our representatives in the Legislature and urge them, inasmuch as the matter in controversy relates to important property of the State and is not merely a local affair, to use their best efforts to secure an appropriation of $500 by the Legislature to help defray the expenses incident to the hearing of the case, relative to Pocomoke and Tangier sounds, before the Supreme Court of the United States. Dr. Frank Fletcher and Judge Benjamin T. Gunter were appointed with Dr. John W. Bowdoin to serve on that committee and the secretary was instructed to communicate with Judge Gunter, now in the city of Richmond, at once, and request him, acting for himself and other members of the committee, to give the matter his immediate attention.
All the gentlemen appointed at the last meeting to solicit contributions, not having reported, the secretary was instructed to request them and all others who wish to contribute, to make their remittances, without delay, direct to Dr. John W. Bowdoin, Bloxom, Va.
The meeting adjourned subject to the call of the chairman.
Eastern Shore Game Association.
Natural resources -- Conservation - GameSea -- EggingTourists and sportsmen -- Field sports - Hunting : BirdTourists and sportsmen -- Field sports - Hunting : Waterfowl and shorebirdTourists and sportsmen -- Field sports - Hunting : Rabbit and squirrelSea -- Market huntingFields -- Livestock - Dog problem
At a meeting of the Eastern Shore Game Association held at Bloxom, last Saturday, it was resolved to recommend to the Legislature, the following changes in the game laws of Accomac and Northampton:
1. To prohibit non-residents from shooting wild fowl and other game.
2. To prohibit the shooting of rabbits and partridges until November 1st and after December 15th.
3. To make it unlawful to take marsh-hen eggs after June 15th and to prohibit the killing of marsh-hens at all times.
4. To make it unlawful to take willet eggs at any time and to prohibit the shooting of willets before August 1st of each year.
5. To make it unlawful to shoot gulls or strikers at any time.
6. To make changes in laws against netting, trotting and lighting wild fowl, so that the guns taken shall be forfeited to informers.
7. That it is the sense of this meeting that a dog law be enacted taxing every male dog $1 and every female $2, as most of the young rabbits and many partridges are destroyed by dogs.
To become a member of said association an initiation fee of $2 cash is charged and the dues annually are $1 payable 1st day of September. All persons desiring to become member of same are requested to communicate with Dr. John W. Bowdoin the president, or T. W. Blackstone, secretary of the Association, on or before Christmas court day.
Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : BaysideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : LitigationInfrastructure -- Public - Government : Maryland-Virginia boundary
The Northern Neck News commenting on an article in this paper "as to the case now pending before the Supreme Court of the United States involving the right of the citizens of Maryland to take oysters in the waters of Pocomoke and Tangier sounds in common with those of Virginia," strongly endorses the stand taken by us for the employment of additional counsel. That the News is with us is a matter of no surprise. It can always be relied on to give a helping hand to everything that pertains to the interests of Virginia. It very properly says: "This is a matter in which the whole State is interested and the Legislature should without the delay of a single day pass a joint resolution empowering the Governor to employ the best legal talent in the State to appear with our able Attorney-General before the Supreme Court. It is not alone the fight of the Eastern Shore -- all Virginia, we repeat, is concerned with it, although not perhaps as directly as the people of the eastern part. In this, as in every other matter where the territorial rights of Virginia are concerned along the boundary lines between the two States, Maryland has shown a selfish and grasping spirit not in consonance with the good feeling which should exist between sister States, connected by so many strong and enduring ties."
Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : BaysideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : LitigationInfrastructure -- Public - Government : Maryland-Virginia boundary
It will be noted by reference to the proceedings of the Parksley meeting published elsewhere in our columns, that the people of the Eastern Shore are thoroughly alive to the importance of protecting their rights in Pocomoke and Tangier sounds and do not propose to leave anything undone necessary to the accomplishment of that object. Knowing the justice of their cause, they have no doubt what the result will be, but acting upon the principle that "eternal vigilance it the price of liberty" they prefer "to make assurance doubly sure" rather than take any risks in the matter. To that end it will be seen additional counsel has been employed, even though our Attorney General, as we are advised, does not desire it. The Governor, however, we believe, with the value he attaches to our oyster industry, will see the matter in a different light, and will doubtless advise the appropriation asked for from our Legislature. The Legislature surely cannot refuse to give us the small amount asked for to defray the expenses of protecting such important rights. Accomac surely will not be permitted to bear all the burdens on a matter in which the whole State of Virginia is so much interested.