Peninsula Enterprise, January 14, 1893


Infrastructure -- Utilities - Ice

For the first time in a score of years the ice houses of the county have been filled with ice of excellent quality -- from 5 to 7 inches thick.


Weather -- Freezes

The weather of this week, many of our citizens say, is the coldest since 1857, and with the mercury dancing uncomfortably near the zero point during part of the time, the correctness of their opinions is not disputed by those who remember that period. The creeks are all frozen over and a visit to the Islands can only be made on the ice.


Farmers -- Farmers' organizations

Capt. O. A. Browne, of Northampton, and Mr. A. J. McMath, of Accomac, were elected vice presidents of the Peninsula Horticultural Society, in session at Dover, Delaware, this week.


Moral -- Property crime

Mr. Thomas Nelson, mayor of Cape Charles, has returned and arranged for the payment of most of the church money which he had squandered. It is believed that arrangements will be made through his friends for the satisfaction of the greater part of the claims against him.


Infrastructure -- Commercial - Real estate

The Editor of this paper having purchased the Lilliston storehouse at Accomac C. H., for a printing office, will sell cheap for cash, the counters, shelves and glass front of that building.


Tourists and sportsmen -- Field sports - Lodges

The Old Dominion Gunners and Anglers Association, whose club house is located on Revell's Island, has obtained from the judge of the circuit court of this county, an order changing its name to Revell's Island Club.


Transportation -- Road - Bridges

Belle Haven.

Arrangements are being made to erect a public bridge across the head of Occohannock creek near Shield's bridge.


MigrationWeather -- Freezes


John W. Guy has moved on one of Mr. T. M. Scott's farms in Northampton county.

There was another big freeze up here this week and no steamers have come in the creek since Monday. The ice Wednesday morning was thicker than it has ever been, so far this winter. Several skaters have had cold baths but there have been no serious casualties.


Infrastructure -- Utilities - IceWeather -- FreezesMoral -- FirearmsTourists and sportsmen -- Field sports - Hunting : Rabbit and squirrelTourists and sportsmen -- Field sportsfield sports - Hunting : Personal injuryTourists and sportsmen -- Field sports - Hunting : Bird


Ice of the best quality has been harvested by Messrs. George E. WInder and D. A. Martin, during the present freeze.

The Steamer Eastern Shore was prevented by the heavy ice from making her regular trips to Pungoteague creek this week.

Abel, son of Mr. Sam W. Nock of this vicinity, while cleaning a pistol last week, by mistake pulled the trigger and shot himself in the left hand. Wound painful but not a serious one.

The gun of Peter Mason, a farmer of this section, bursted while he was out rabbit hunting last week, inflicting a severe wound in his left arm and wrist. His arm will not have to be amputated as first reported.

Mr. P. T. H. Ayres, merchant of this place, while out partridge shooting last week, was shot accidentally in the leg by one of his companions. He was compelled to use a cane for a few days, but has almost recovered from the wound at this writing.

Paul, son of Mr. George E. Winder, accidentally shot himself in the left foot Friday of last week. The member was terribly lacerated. A hole was made in the foot by the discharge about the size of a silver dollar. He will lose without doubt a part of his foot.

Mutual Benefit Company.

Infrastructure -- Commercial - Insurance companies

All members of the Mutual Benefit Life Company, of Hartford, Conn., are urgently requested to meet at the Exmore Hotel, or by represented by proxy, on Thursday next, 19th inst., at 2 o'clock p.m., as business of importance to them will be transacted.

William J. Mapp, A member.

Collections Under the New Oyster Law.

Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Law enforcementSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Surveying

The collections of the oyster inspectors of Accomac under the new law for the first quarter ending December 31st, 1892, exclusive of fines, commissions, etc., are as follows:

First district, Elva A. Jeffreys, inspector -- $34.20.

Fourth district, Joseph L. Cooper, inspector -- $774.90.

Fifth district, James E. Anderton, inspector -- $689.76.

Sixth district, W. H. Barnes, inspector -- $1,150.03.

Seventh district, Charles P. Finney, inspector -- $925.74.

Districts 2 and 3 have no inspectors and consequently no reports have been made.

The collections would have been much larger, if it had been possible for surveyor to survey all the lands applied for, but a comparison of the collections under the new law partially in operation with collections for same period under old law will show that the revenue from oysters under the new law is two or three times greater than under the old one.

An Eastern Shoreman "Off Hatteras."

Weather -- Northeast stormsTransportation -- Water - Other

Among the unfortunate vessels that happened to be in the latitude of Cape Hatteras, during the storms of Christmas week, was the three masted schooner, "City of Baltimore," Capt. Len Tawes.

Meeting the captain at a dining in Baltimore, the day after his arrival I had from his own lips, a graphic description of his experience. He took the gale in the Gulf Stream, the storm terrific from the first, necessitating the "heaving to" of the vessel, in which position she remained five days, and during the time the sun was invisible; day and night being nearly the same. The cold air from off the coast coming in contact with the warm Gulf current created a sea mirage which made the situation appalling. At times there would be ships with all sails set, bearing down upon them, and so life like, the "look-out," though fully understanding the nature of the circumstances, would inadvertently report, "ship on the port-bow, sir," etc. Again white-capped mountains, dark forests, beautiful architectural displays, and every real and imaginary scenery followed in panoramic succession. To witness such scenes at a time when one's whole organism is taxed to its utmost in a doubtful fight for life, with the screeching, whistling, moaning of the winds through the rigging, often, alas! the funeral dirge of many a brave sailor, and the "long footed" sea covered and capped by a mad, roaring, leaping cross sea that sweeps the deck clear of men and things unlashed, must be a scene weird and appalling, and one ever to be remembered.

"But after all," said the captain, smiling, "the City of Baltimore is resting quietly to-day at her dock berth, and but for the loss of her fore-top-mast and forward gearing, there is nothing to indicate the terrible fight she had with wind and wave on her homeward passage, and her crew, snugged away in some sailor boarding house, are spinning yarns of their late voyage, which for once, if made inside of a living basis, cannot well be overdrawn."

Capt. Tawes, the hero of this notice, is "to the manor born," and, while we may not embrace him, as did the owner of his vessel on his return, we can feel proud of him.

L. T. L.

Concord, Jan. 9, 1893.

Peninsula Enterprise
Accomac Court House
January 14, 1893