Peninsula Enterprise, December 23, 1893
Infrastructure -- Commercial - Newspapers
The publication of the Pioneer, Cape Charles, suspended by the illness of the editor, Mr. Bullitt Fitzhugh, for some weeks past, will be resumed the first week in January.
Infrastructure -- Commercial - BanksInfrastructure -- Commercial - Residential construction
Belle Haven.
A Building and Loan Association Board has been organized at this place.
The residence of Mr. A. D. Doremus is nearing completion and will be ready for occupancy by January 1st.
Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Seaside
Our northern oyster markets have been overstocked with oysters for a few days and it has made times so dull here that several weddings have been postponed on account of the scarcity of funds incident thereto.
Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Horse racingTourists and sportsmen -- Field sports - Hunting : FoxTourists and sportsmen -- Field sports - Hunting : Waterfowl and shorebirdSea -- Market hunting
Fair Oaks.
Those wishing to give their trotters a brush up before the winter sets in, are invited to the Fair grounds Thursday in the Xmas. About fourteen pairs have been matched up for the occasion.
A good old fashioned fox hunt is on the program of amusements in this section during the holidays.
Mr. A. S. Bull, our snap duck shooter, is spending the week in Hog Island Bay. Ducks and geese had better keep away. Prices will rule low on wild fowl on his return.
Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : BaysideFields -- Crops - CornTransportation -- Water - FreightInfrastructure -- Public : Churches
Our oystermen are returning from the Potomac and bring only poor reward for their labor and hardship.
Capt. George T. Nock, of the sloop "Harrison," has just returned from Synepuxent bay with a load of corn, which he is putting out at two dollars and seventy-five cents per barrel.
At the protracted meeting recently held in the Baptist Church here, quite a number of children and several adults professed faith in Christ. Among the adults were several, whose professions were very gratifying to the community and to their friends and relatives. They realize the fact that their professions, if consistently practiced, will be of incalculable benefit to them. Several converts were baptized by Rev. J. L. King last Sunday and received into the church.
Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : BaysideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : PlantingSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : PricesSea -- Terrapin
Eleven schooners were in our harbors the past week buying oysters for Baltimore markets and most of them were loaded. Planters have been taking up pretty lively whenever the tides, which have been extremely low, would admit. Fifty cents has been the regulation price.
Our citizens have been catching large quantities of terrapin lately and find ready market for them here.
There was right much excitement here on Friday evening last, caused by the report of a fight between a lot of Crisfield toughs and one of our citizens, Capt. Charles Connorton, who was at that place with a load of oysters. It seems that a mob, headed by Wharton, of batteau stealing fame, and one Lew Dix, took the opportunity while Capt. Connorton was alone to whip him. They made several passes at him, at least three closing with him at once, but by the help of a revolver which he had handy, he succeeded in shaking them off and in getting on board his boat. The same evening a party from Crisfield brought a drummer here, and it was thought for a time, that the citizens here would wreak vengeance on him. By the interposition of Capt. James O. Striggles and several others, however, he was allowed to depart unmolested, but was warned not to repeat the visit.
The Struggle Over the Oyster Legislation.
reprinted from Baltimore Sun.Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Legislation
Richmond, Va., Dec. 17. -- The struggle over the oyster legislation has not yet begun, and will hardly be until after the holiday recess. The tidewater members, appreciate far more than those from any other section its importance. These have already held informal conferences at which this subject has been discussed "The oyster question," says a member of the House from tidewater, whose name is familiar to the people all over Virginia, "is already projecting itself into earnest discussions among the members outside the halls of legislation. It is to be a big issue after the holidays, not between political parties, but between sections. The salt-watermen maintain that by a 'campaign of education' they can convince the intelligent men of the fresh-water counties that there are radical errors in the minds of those well meaning Virginians who for want of acquaintance with the subject in all its bearings are under the belief that the State has the treasures of a gold mine in her oyster grounds. And they propose, I understand, to discuss the question thoroughly, simply and clearly. These salt-water gentlemen ought to be conversant with this important topic certainly, and their views will, of course, be received with no little predilection of confidence by those who know that they themselves do not know what is best to be done for the State, for the tidewater people and the Democratic party, too, in the tidewater section. The broad ground on which the salt-water men stand is, I believe, that the encouragement of planting is indispensable to a very large increase of revenue from oysters: that, in order to encourage planting, the planter must not be handicapped with an unreasonable rental; that he must be made to feel secure in his contracts and in his rights, and that the law should be as fair to any one branch of the oyster industry as to any other; that the natural rock must be jealously guarded against encroachments from the planters; that the tongman must be made secure in his rights as the planter; that an onerous and discouraging tax must not be imposed upon the oyster in any direction. The salt-water men believe that with wise legislation the oyster grounds can be made a source of handsome revenue to the State in a few years, and that the people of the oyster section will at the same time be enabled to work and trade in the bivalvular earth under the waters more satisfactorily than ever before. They say the oyster laws should be wise and fair and liberal laws, and that provision should be made for a certainty of enforcement of those laws. They hold that the oyster grounds being Virginia's grounds should be zealously held for the exclusive benefit of Virginia's citizens. It is among the possibilities, however, that some arrangement may be reached by which outside capital, assuredly controlled by Virginia holders, may be to some extent admitted. But this is said to be a delicate feature of the problem. As to details of the coming oyster law nobody can forecast them yet."
Fraudulent Commission Firm.
Professionals -- Commission merchants
MR. EDITOR -- In order to save our merchants, farmers and other shippers of produce, eggs, poultry, &c., from being swindled out of the proceeds of their shipments, I deem it necessary and right, that I should ask you to be kind enough o give publicity to the following statement through the columns of your paper as soon as possible: The well-known and reliable commission house of C. Wolters & Co., 30 Commerce street, Newark, N. J., has been so closely, and we believe for fraudulent purposes only imitated in name by a set of sharpers and swindlers under the style of W. C. Wolters & Co., 73 Commerce street, Newark, that many of our shippers have been deceived thereby, and under tempting and fraudulent statements of large returns for their shipments, not noticing the slight difference in name and location of the swindlers from that of the genuine and reliable C. Wolters & Co., have sent them several shipments of eggs, poultry, &c., for which they have never received a cent -- the swindling firm having an existence as a commission house only on the tempting circulars that they are scattering throughout the land. I hope this statement will be the means of saving our people from being further swindled by shipping their stuff to the fraudulent W. C. Wolters & Co., instead of to the old and responsible house of C. Wolters & Co., of whom I have no cause to complain whatever.
Respectfully, &c., William Walsh.
Mappsville, Dec. 19th.