Peninsula Enterprise, May 6, 1893
Weather -- Rain storms
A rain storm, that surpassed in violence any that have visited this section in recent years swept over Accomac Saturday afternoon, and in some places caused serious damage to growing crops and property.
Infrastructure -- Public : ChurchesInfrastructure -- Public : Schools
A special meeting of the East Hanover Presbytery will be held at Cape Charles, on May 16th for the purpose of considering plans for the establishment of the Presbyterian academy. The Rev. W. C. Lindsay is to be installed as pastor of the Cape Charles Church.
Transportation -- Water - Steamboats
The Crisfield and Island Steamboat Company of Somerset County has been incorporated with a cash capital of $2,500. The following officers were elected to serve a year: President, Job A. Evens, of Smith's Island; vice-president, John A. Chambers, of Tangier Island; general manager and treasurer, Benjamin F. Marsh, of Ewell. The individuals who purchased the steamer June, have turned over the vessel to the corporation. The steamer June will be put in commission in about ten days, and will make daily trips, plying between Crisfield, Smith's Island and Tangier Island, Va. Suitable piers will be erected at the island terminals immediately.
Infrastructure -- Commercial - Residential construction
Belle Haven.
Capt. John Ashby's new residence, near town, is nearing completion.
Infrastructure -- Commercial - Residential construction
The handsome residence of Mr. A. W. Short has been completed and he has moved therein.
Mr. John Nock's new house is receiving the finishing touches and will soon be ready for its occupants.
The potato beds and potato bugs are looking well in this section.
Infrastructure -- Commercial - Residential constructionLaborers -- ConstructionTransportation -- Railroad - SteamboatsSea -- Fish factories
The outlook for a building boom here is very bright and the prospects are that more dwellings will be put up than has been for the last three years. Our mechanics are all busy and can't possibly do all the work contracted for this year. The following persons have dwellings in contemplation or under way: Mrs. Edward Mason, Charles Fish, William T. Lewis, Emory Lewis, Charles Cherricks -- and many others -- which will be built as early as practicable.
The leading officials and mechanics of the P. W. & B. R. R. were at the Atlantic hotel for several days this week. They came to see the steamer Widgeon and report improvements necessary for the same to meet the demands of trade at this point, but concluded that a new boat was needed and will recommend that one be built with steel or iron hull, suitable for all kinds of weather.
A new fish factory, it is reported, will be built here and run by Capt. Theodore Hall and an Eastern Co.
Fields -- Crops - White potatoes : Diseases and pestsWeather -- Rain stormsInfrastructure -- Commercial - Granaries
Jenkins Bridge.
The potato bugs are about to devour the Irish potato crop in this section.
There was a perfect deluge here last Thursday morning. The tide was so high it covered Jenkins and Bird's Bridges so that nothing could be seen but rails -- also ruined a lot of flour, salt and corn in the granary of S. B. White.
Transportation -- Railroad - FreightFields -- Crops - Other vegetables
Large shipments of asparagus are being made from this station by Messrs. Frank Smith and H. A. Wescott.
Great deal of produce is being shipped from this station daily.
Infrastructure -- Commercial - Commercial construction
New Church.
Another new store opened in town. This makes the seventh one.
Infrastructure -- Public : SchoolsProfessionals -- Teachers
The people of this town seem to think that the Margaret Academy trustees will finally decide in favor of Onancock.
Miss Cerinda Evans, of Lowood, left for Mappsville, the first of the week, to commence a private school. She is much missed by her many friends.
First Annual Meeting of the Onancock Cemetery Company.
Infrastructure -- Public : Cemeteries
The Onancock Cemetery Company held its first meeting in the Town Hall at Onancock, May 2d, of this week. Fourteen stockholders were present to receive the reports of the board of directors, accompanied with the reports of the secretary and treasurer. These reports show remarkably successful progress for the company. Sixty-nine lots have been disposed of, with two hundred and thirty-five lots unsold and now upon the market. The cemetery has been substantially enclosed and laid out in drive and walk ways, beautifully decorated with maple trees and evergreens. The treasurer's report shows that $988 have been received from all sources in the last twelve months and after paying all the indebtedness of the corporation up to May 2d 1893, a dividend of twenty-five per cent was declared upon the stock of the company.
Election of officers for the corporation resulted in the election of Thomas M. Scott, president, Dr. E. W. Robertson, treasurer, W. T. Wise, Secretary, and Robert L. Hopkins and James C. Weaver, as members of the board of directors. The first three officers being "ex-officio" members of the board.
The enterprise has been very successful and fully meets a long felt necessity for a people and suitable place for the burial of the dead.
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Peninsula Farmers' Association.
Farmers -- Farmers' organizations
I desire to state through your columns that the delegates representing the sub-alliances of the Eastern Shore of Virginia, met together at Parksley in the month of February last past, and after the most mature deliberation, and in obedience to what they honestly considered to be the best interest of the farmers, mechanics, oystermen and laboring classes, and in consideration of the fact that the State Farmers' Alliance was swiftly drifting, and rapidly becoming a political party, whose ostensible object is to affiliate with and build up a third party, determined to sever the connection with the said association or political party known as the State Farmers' Alliance. Now this new organization, desiring solely to promote and advance the interest of the farmers and laboring classes generally, and to purge politics totally from its councils, has reorganized and assumed the name, "Peninsula Farmers' Association." "The Peninsula Farmers' Association" earnestly desires and most cordially invites all sub alliances of Accomack to meet at Parksley on Thursday, the 8th day of June next, to the end that all defunct alliances may be reunited unto and co-operate with said "Farmers' Association," and move together as heretofore in a united and fraternal spirit to the accomplishment and attainment of the grand and noble object for which this association was organized.
Road Improvements in Northampton.
Transportation -- Road - MaintenanceTransportation -- Road - Better roads movement
The Board of Supervisors for the county met here today and determined on road improvement.
They will let to contract at once, the grading, making and maintaining the public road from Eastville to Cape Charles. When this is done, it will be quickly followed by letting other roads, especially to wharves and stations, that produce may be delivered cheaper.
It is expected that within one year Northampton will have the best and cheapest roads in the State.
The idea now is that all shall be done in good shape and kept so. The Board has learned by work already done that a system of road-making is more economical that the present way of doing nothing; which only wastes money. Judge Kendall, Commonwealth's Attorney Spady and the Board are united and pulling together, backed by people, and it is a strong team. Northampton is going to the front.
Eastville, Va., May 2, 1893.
Infrastructure -- Public : Cemeteries
A dividend of twenty five per cent was declared, as will be noted in another column, at the first annual meeting of the Onancock Cemetery Company. The information is given to the public to show that the stockholders have incurred no loss in taking care of and honoring their dead, and as suggestive to the citizens in other sections of our county as to their duty in this respect. The necessity of a cemetery in every neighborhood will occur to everyone who considers the neglected graves scattered everywhere throughout our Peninsula -- their uncouth appearance oftentimes for want of attention, the unhealthfulness frequently occasioned by reason of their location and their disappearance after a few years by the change of property to the hands of those who have no interest in them -- and if such necessity exists, it had been demonstrated by the Onancock Cemetery Company, that we can afford to have them. The people of other sections of the county revere their dead none the less than the citizens of Onancock and of course will contribute as liberally to their support. By all means let them be started in every section of the Peninsula. A proper regard for our dead demands certainly that this much be done by us to perpetuate their memory.
Transportation -- Road - Better roads movementTransportation -- Road - Legislation
Mr. Albert A. Pope, of Boston, who has been carrying on an educational campaign for several years for better roads in the country, has recently forwarded to us a communication, suggesting that we urge our readers to address letters to the Senate Committee of Agriculture and Forestry, directing their attention to the need of better roads in Virginia. In that letter he says:
"I maintain that the condition of the roads throughout the country has a direct influence on the cost of production and upon the profit to the farmer of every article which he raises and sells, and therefore the most important subject for the committee to investigate is the relation of roads to the agricultural interests of the country."
The farmers for the most part will concur in the opinion contained in the above extract and it is their duty to speak out, not only in the manner suggested, but to create the sentiment for better roads in every locality too powerful either to be resisted by the politician when legislation is asked for on the subject or to be ignored by the officials under whose supervision they are. In deference to that sentiment doubtless the movement for better roads has already begun in our sister county, as will be noted by a communication in our columns to-day. The movement is worthy of imitation by every county in the State and Accomac surely cannot long be a laggard in the race in this respect for the improvement of the condition of her people. Our farmers are too progressive, not to want better roads, and action on their part is only necessary to secure them.
Infrastructure -- Public : Schools
The location of "Margaret Academy," will be determined upon by the Board of Trustees in their meeting to-day, and our confidence in their good judgment constrains us to believe, that the fund will not be diverted from the purpose for which it was intended. The fact, that a member of the Board lives in either county, of course will not influence him to give his vote for that county. The interest of the two counties are too identical for any member to allow his judgment to be warped by any such consideration. In arriving at their conclusion in the matter, in our opinion, the purposes for which the fund was created and the best means of carrying out the intentions of the founders of the old Margaret Academy can only enter into their deliberations. To do this three things are of course to be considered by them -- a central location, one accessible to the most children of both counties and where it is most likely to flourish. The members of the Board, we take it for granted, cannot subscribe to the startling proposition of our esteemed contemporary, the Headlight, that the end of a line is the centre of it, even though Cape Charles represents the end of the line, or that the thousands of children from the Maryland line to the terminus of our road are closer to it than any other part of the Peninsula, or that the interest manifested in education or the moral influences surrounding Cape Charles are greater than at other places on the Eastern Shore. But if the academy is not to be established at Cape Charles, then where should the money be spent? The Headlight says, put it where there are the most children in within one half mile of the building -- at least where there are 100 boys or girls in reach of it. If we thought the trustees would listen to our suggestion, as the editors of the Northampton papers think they should listen to them, then we would suggest Drummondtown. But as we believe the members of the Board are going to take a broader view of the matter and Onancock is the only other place asking for the academy, with not 100 but 350 pupils in her schools, then we are constrained to cast our vote for that place. Margaret Academy at Onancock will not be an experiment but a success -- could not be surrounded with better moral influences anywhere -- would be accessible to children from all points of the shore -- and will continue to draw not four students only from Northampton, as the Headlight asserts, but whole families, two of which occur to us at this writing, with seven or eight children in each.
Transportation -- Water - Sailboats
The Robert S. Hopkins, a flat boat, not very old and in good repair -- is an extra sailer and carries a big load. I also have for sale a pungy, the Romeo, which carries six or seven hundred bushels of oysters and is in good repair. Will sell cheap and on easy terms. Either can be seen at Smiths Island by applying to E. K. Brown, or the undersigned B. F. Marsh, Ewell P. O., Somerset county, Md.