Peninsula Enterprise, July 17, 1886
Infrastructure -- Commercial - Real estate
Browne, Jacob & Co., sold this week, 25 acres of Mr. William J. Mapp's farm in Northampton county, to Connecticut gentlemen for $1,250.
Infrastructure -- Public : Churches
Conquest Chapel, near Temperanceville is now being moved to that village.
Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Excursions
An excursion from Cape Charles to Ocean City and intermediate points will be given by rail next Thursday, 22d inst. Excursionists who go will have 7 hours at Ocean City. The rate for round trip from Tasley and all points South is $1.50.
Infrastructure -- Commercial - Real estate
The Dix farm, situated about three miles from Accomac C. H., and containing 133 acres, was sold by Mr. John J. Blackstone, trustee, at public auction last Tuesday. It was bid off to Messrs. Charles, John, E. P., and Mrs. Sallie Byrd, at the price of $5,165.
Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Excursions
The New York, Philadelphia & Norfolk Railroad Company will sell special excursion tickets to Old Point and Norfolk, good for one day, to-morrow, and every Sunday thereafter. A Round trip ticket from Tasley costs $1.80 and from all points north of Tasley $2. The attraction offered to passengers are -- a pleasant ride on the Bay -- sufficient time to witness the full dress parade of garrison at Fortress Monroe and enjoy the music of the brass band and the opportunity to see and enjoy other points of pleasure and interest.
Sea -- Fish factoriesSea -- Finfish - Catch : MenhadenSea -- Shellfish - Crabbing : SeasideSea -- Finfish - Catch : SpotSea -- Finfish - Catch : TroutNatural resources -- Conservation - GameTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Resortsfields -- Crops - White potatoes : PricesMigrationInfrastructure -- Public : ChurchesAfrican-Americans -- ReligionTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Baseball
Trout, spots, sheephead and soft crabs are plentiful with us and the menhaden have been caught in such abundance in the last ten days that the fish factories were over-stocked with them. The latter was sold on our street last week by the cartload at 50 cents. The supply of the menhaden is so large that the Gum & Jeffries factory has already opened and Wilcox & Co., of Connecticut, will resume work at their factory this week. The owners of neither of these factories intended to resume operations when they closed last fall.
Our sportsmen report that game never was so plentiful with us and say that is due to the fact that the birds were unmolested, when laying, this spring.
Red Hill summer resort was opened on Wednesday, with a big dance and many of our young people who like the "light fantastic" attended.
Eight hundred barrels of Irish potatoes have been shipped from Chincoteague this season which netted $1,800.
Mr. Wm. M. Holland, wife, sister and niece, of Los Angles, California are stopping at the Atlantic Hotel. Mr. Holland and wife left Accomac for California in 1852, making the journey in a wagon in four months. Their return trip, this year made in six days and at a cost to each of thirty dollars.
A baptizing of the colored people takes place at Birch's landing to-morrow and numerous witnesses to the interesting event will attend both from the Island and mainland.
In match games of base ball last week the Chincoteague nine was beaten by the "High Schools" of Horntown by a score of 19 to 7 and won in a contest with the Greenback nine, by a score of 18 to 11.
Infrastructure -- Commercial - General StoresInfrastructure -- Commercial - HotelsTransportation -- Road - MaintenanceFields -- Crops - Other fruitTransportation -- Railroad - FreightFields -- Livestock - HorsesTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Horse racingMoral -- Property crimeInfrastructure -- Commercial - Millineries
A mammoth storehouse is being erected by Messrs. B. W. Mears & Son opposite the station. Their old storehouse is to be renovated and enlarged and converted into a hotel.
One of the public roads leading to this station is almost impassable. An appropriation by the court is needed, and without it, its condition is not likely to be improved.
Huckleberries are abundant here and sell at 6 cents per quart. The crop delivered at this point this season will reach from eight to ten thousand quarts and net as the calculation will show some $400 to $500.
Mr. Augustus Phillips of this locality has cultivated the native blackberry this year, and with better results than those who grew them from fancy stock secured from northern nurseries. His berries were larger, prettier, of superior flavor, and excelled the northern product also in being almost entirely free of the core, which detracts so much from the value of the "fancies."
A colt show comes off here on next Saturday, and a trial of speed is the natural inference.
John Jubilee, colored was sent to jail for 30 days last Monday, for stealing two geese of Mr. J. W. Beloate. He was caught while carrying away his plunder.
Our milliners, Mrs. Mears and Miss Carmine have proven so efficient in their business that their place has been crowded for weeks and still they come. The reasonable prices and the genuine taste shown in their work were too attractive to be resisted by our ladies. They send for new material weekly to meet the demands of their trade.
Moral -- Alcohol
New Church.
Mr. C. A. Hurley has converted his barroom into a grocery store.
Professionals -- Teachers
Mr. G. Good Joynes, for some time past a resident of St. Inigo's, has returned to Onancock, Va., and accepted the principalship of the Public Graded School at that place. During his sojourn among us, Mr. Joynes contributed several interesting and cleverly written articles to the Beacon. He is a talented man and will, we feel certain, prove a valuable acquisition to the institute over which he presides. He has our best wishes for his success. -- St. Mary's Beacon.
The above is a deserved compliment to our countyman and his return to Accomac will be welcomed by a host of friends. His merits both as a teacher and citizen are too well known at his home to need commendation.
Woods' Meeting.
Infrastructure -- Public : Churches
A protracted woods' meeting will be held at Mr. Levin D. Lewis' pine grove, near Leemont, on July 20th, 21st and 22nd, 1886. These meetings will be under the control of Leemont M. P. Church, and will commence each day at 3 p. m., with divine services; prayer and experience meetings at 6 p. m., and preaching at 7 1-2 p. m. Visiting ministers from abroad will be present and participate in the exercises. Revs. F. H. Mullineaux and A. J. Walter, former pastors, and R. Scott Norris, corresponding secretary of Maryland Tract Society, are among the number of invited guests.
Supper will be served on the grounds by the ladies of the church at reduced rates. Ice cream, soda water and confectionery will be sold at low prices.
Corner-Stone Laying.
Infrastructure -- Public : ChurchesTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Excursions
The corner stone of the M. E. Church, South, will be laid at Belle Haven, on the 4th of August, next, with imposing ceremonies, under the supervision of 4 Masonic lodges which will be present on the occasion. It is proposed by those having the matter in charge to make it the most enjoyable day of the season to those who attend, and with that object in view no pains will be spared. A brass band has been engaged for the occasion, Rev. J. H. Amiss will deliver an appropriate address, and everything that the inner man needs to comfort and soothe him will be supplied at moderate rates. At night the grounds will be brilliantly lighted by Chinese lanterns.
The N. Y., P. & N. R.R. Co., will issue tickets at excursion rates at all stations from Cape Charles and Delmar to Exmore.
A cordial invitation is extended to every one.
Base Ball Notes.
Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Baseball
Correspondents send the following for publication.
The match game of base ball played between the Onancock and the Pungoteague nines on the public school lawn in Onancock, Wednesday evening, was very interesting. Mr. Jno. W. G. Blackstone of the Accomac bar was umpire, and is decidedly one of the safest and best umpires on the peninsula. The game had to be called at the end of the third inning on account of rain, when the game stood a tie on three runs. The next game of the series of three is to be played at Pungoteague, July 28th.
Be kind enough to correct the error of your reporter from Mappsburg. In an article which appeared in the last issue of your paper, in which he says the Red Stockings of Northampton, beat the combined clubs of Pungoteague and Mappsburg at that place on Saturday, July 3rd, as not a member of Pungoteague Grays played with the Mappsburg, but one did assist the Red Stockings as they were short of men.
Transportation -- Railroad - Freight
MR. EDITOR. -- With your permission, I beg leave to make a short statement in answer to the complaint made by one of your correspondents in regard to the shipping arrangements at Oak Hall station. The complaint is unfounded and I think my unknown friend should have made himself better acquainted with matters before he lays such a grievous charge before the people. I have been at that station all the time and there has never been a barrel of potatoes "laid over" yet. There were two barrels of peas "laid over," which sold for 50 cts., less in the barrel by the delay but that was not the fault of the railroad agent at all but of the commission merchants' agent in not handing them in. In reference to shippers storing their own produce, I have to say the railroad company has never employed men to unload people's carts anywhere -- passing their produce out of their carts into the standing car is no new arrangement. I cannot see why men want to make such charges and keep themselves in the dark when they are unsupported by facts.
Horsey, Va., July 14th 86.
Sea -- Shellfish - Crabbing : BaysideSea -- Shellfish - Crabbing : DredgingSea -- Shellfish - Crabbing : MarketsSea -- Shellfish - Crabbing : PricesSea -- Shellfish - Crabbing : YieldSea -- Finfish - Methods : Pound-net
MR. EDITOR. -- Facilities for transportation give birth to a thousand new ways of making money. Not the least of the industries growing up as the result of steamboat and railroad communication with the great markets of the North, East and West, is the crab business. Catching and barreling hard crabs for market as a business is yet in its infancy. Many of your readers possibly may not be aware of its present growth. A well-known and enterprising merchant near Taylor's Wharf has kept several men employed all the spring -- catching crabs, paying at the water-edge 40 to 50 cents per hundred. I don't know whether the crabs informed on him or not, but he had too good a thing of it, and soon a small fleet of small boats were helping him out. The crabs I presume didn't like to see him get rich so fast.
The merchant I refer to hires a man at a good salary to buy and pack crabs for him. It requires but little capital to go into the hard crab business, a boat, several fathoms of rope to make a crab line, and stingery for bait -- it don't require much brains either. You have to keep as good a run of the tides as the crabs do -- they know when it is flood-tide and when it is ebb and when it is slack-water. The soft crab business is dormant yet but for the amount of money invested I know of no business that pays so well. I once wrote an article for your paper on this subject and it was copied by all the leading industrial papers of the country and gave rise to a question in Maryland of whether the crab men had a right to take them with dredges. It was finally decided in favor of the crab men.
At the present time there is shipped from Crisfield daily from 600 to 1,000 dozen soft crabs and they bring from 75 cents to $1 per dozen, in Northern markets. Allowing the soft crab season to run, say one hundred and twenty days, we will take 600 dozen per day as a basis of calculation; soft crabs sell in the Baltimore market for $1 per dozen average size, at Crisfield -- medium size bring 60 to 75 cents per dozen. Six hundred dozen multiplied by $1 per dozen -- $600; this again multiplied by 30 days gives $18,000 coming to that town for soft crabs alone per month. I don't think I am claiming or saying too much when I say every creek on the Eastern Shore of Virginia ought to produce at the least calculation $5,000 per season from soft crabs alone -- this I consider a very low estimate. As a general thing hard crabs shed once a moon. You have to go in to the hard crab business before you can the soft. The hard crabs are caught now and put in floats to shed and as soon as they shed they are taken out and shipped to market. The floats are made different sizes, and generally of laths. -- They have to be watched so that those which shed out first may not be eaten by the hard crabs. There is no good reason why from every wharf on route of the steamers Eastern Shore and Maggie should not be shipped soft crabs just the same as they are shipping fish. But a few years ago, and there was only one wharf that shipped fish, now fish pounds line the bay shore from Cape Charles up. Not meaning to antagonize the oracle which gave utterance to that worst of fallacies, "Young man go West" I should not fear the judgment of the future in saying with reference to our peninsula, lying between the ocean and the Chesapeake Bay, "young man stay at home" and concentrate your physical and intellectual energies upon the development of the multiplied resources of wealth at your doors. Our soil and the waters which flow around about our habitations only await the touch of intelligent minds and expert hands to unlock the streams of wealth and cause them to flow with their magnified blessings among the people.
An ex-commodore, of U.S. Navy once said to me, "What is the use of our young men going West to hunt silver and gold mines when the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries are gold mines, richer than any in California?" He was man of extensive travel and I believe there is much truth in his observation.
Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Horse racing
NOTICE -- I have a trainer from Baltimore who wishes to take horses to drive for persons on a good half mile tract on my farm. He will drive and feed them for twenty dollars. He is a man of good morals and many years experience in the business.
Fred Waddy.
Transportation -- Water - FreightTransportation -- Railroad - Freight
FREIGHT. -- The sloop, Lulu Bell, commanded by Capt. James E. Ayres, on and after June 15th inst., will ply between wharf of Wm. C. Gillespie on Assawoman and Franklin City every Monday and Thursday during potato season. Freight rates will be reasonable. With thanks for past favors I hope for the continuance of the patronage of the public.
James E. Ayres.
Infrastructure -- Commercial - Real estateFarmers -- Farm size and structureFarmers -- TenancyTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Second homesTourists and sportsmen -- Field sports - Lodges
By virtue of certain deeds of trust executed by Emily L. Upshur and by Severn E. Bowdoin and wife and others, all of which deeds are of record in the clerk's office of the county court of Accomac county, Va.; and at the request of some of the beneficiaries named in the said deeds, or their assignees, the undersigned trustees will proceed to sell at public auction on the 20th day of July next, [Tuesday,] about 11 o'clock a.m., upon the premises, at the main residence, the trace, piece or parcel of land conveyed by the deeds aforesaid, known as the "Bowdoin Farm," situated in Upshur's Neck, Accomac county, Va., in three separate lots or parcels, as follows:
Lot A -- That tract, piece or parcel of land, containing one hundred and seven 3 100 acres (107.03a.) by actual survey, besides the marsh land on both sides of the Neck, of which about 40 acres is woodland, and bounded as follows: On the northeast by a straight line from low-water mark on the eastern side of the Neck to Machipungo Creek, separating it from lot B; on the southeast by the waters emptying into the Atlantic Ocean; on the southwest by the land of Mrs. Sally Handy; and on the northwest by Machipungo Creek. On this lot there is a tenant house.
Lot B -- That tract, piece or parcel of land, containing one hundred and seven 3 100 acres (107.03a.) by actual survey, besides the marsh land on both sides of the Neck, of which about 37 acres is woodland, and bounded as follows: on the northeast by a straight line from low-water mark on the eastern side of the Neck to Machipungo Creek, separated by lot C; on the southeast by Upshur's broad-water; on the southwest by lot A, above described; and on the northwest by Machipungo Creek. On this lot are situated the main buildings, embracing dwelling house with kitchen attached, large quarter kitchen, large barn, stables, corn houses, and other necessary outbuildings.
Lot C & That tract, piece or parcel of land, containing one hundred and seven 3 100 acres (107.03a.) by actual survey, besides the marsh land on both sides of the Neck, of which about 30 acres is woodland, and bounded as follows: On the northeast by the "Davis farm," belonging to Mrs. Laura E. Bowdoin; on the southeast by Upshur's broad-water; on the southwest by lot B, above described; and on the northwest by Machipungo Creek.
The order in which said lots will be sold will be made known on the day of sale.
The land is very fertile, and produces large crops of sweet and Irish potatoes, the cereals, grasses, clover, melons, and in fact any crop raised on the Eastern Shore of Virginia. It has an abundance of pine shatters, woods earth, marsh turf, and sea weeds for manuring purposes. On the eastern side of the Neck it is open to a large bay, or broad-water, giving elegant and attractive locations for residences, while on the western side of the Neck it is bounded by a wide and deep river, navigable for vessels or a large class. The woodland is on the northwest side of the tract. Fish, oysters, clams, and wild fowl are to be found in abundance near the premises. This tract of land is desirable not only for farming purposes, but is most conveniently located for the purposes of gunning or fishing clubs, or for summer residences; and is noted for healthfulness; and being open to the water on the southeast, enjoys nearly always, in summer, a fine sea breeze. In fact, it is rarely the case that so desirable a tract of land is in the market, either publicly or privately. The title is perfect, and can be traced back to the original patent from the Crown.
A plat of the land can be seen by applying to the undersigned trustees, at Onancock, Va. For any further information apply to the undersigned trustees, or Mr. P. H. Dunton, on the premises.
The Terms of Sale as Follows.
Five per centum of the purchase money of each purchaser to be paid in cash on the day of sale, with liberty to the purchaser to pay as much more on that day, or any time before the same falls due, as he may desire; the residue on the purchase money not paid on the day of sale, to be divided into three equal instalments, payable respectively, six, twelve and eighteen months from the day of sale, with interest from that day, to be secured by the separate bonds of the purchaser, with personal security thereto to be approved by the undersigned trustees, and the title to be retained as additional security; provided, that in case either purchaser shall pay at least one third of this purchase money in cash on the day of sale, no personal security will be required of him; each purchaser is to execute an acknowledgement of his purchase, in writing, and an agreement to abide by and perform the terms of sale; the premises are to be at the purchaser's risk as soon as bid off by him; possession will be delivered to each purchaser upon the first day of January, 1887, upon the terms being complied with, and the rents and profits of the present year are reserved and will not pass to the purchasers; the taxes and levies, to the first day of January, 1887, will be paid by the parties who receive the rents and profits of the present year, and, upon payment of the whole purchase-money by either purchaser, he is to receive from the undersigned trustees, a conveyance of the premises, purchased by him, with special warranty of title, upon said conveyance, properly prepared at such purchaser's expense, being tendered to the undersigned trustees for execution.
Given under our hands this 14th day of June, A.D., 1886.
Upshur B. Quinby, John Neely, Trustees.