Eastern Shore Herald, February 2, 1906
Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : SeasideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Yield
The condition of seaside oysters has greatly improved in the last ten days, and large shipments are now being made. Chincoteague Island alone will average 2,000 barrels a day.
Infrastructure -- Utilities - Telephone
The long distance telephone connection has been made to Eastville over the Diamond State Telephone Co. wires. We can now converse with friends in New York, Boston or elsewhere.
Against Town Charters.
Infrastructure -- Public - Government : TownInfrastructure -- Public : Towns
The petition to revoke the charter of Eastville has been sent in to the legislature. A bill to that effect will doubtless be offered by our representative, Mr. Wilkins, but as the petition in favor of the town has two-thirds of the voters and a good majority of the landowners of the town, the bill will hardly be allowed to pass.
Belle Haven, our sister town in the edge of Accomack, is having a similar fight and a much sharper contest. Each side has employed attorneys who will go before the legislative committee on cities and towns to present their respective sides. The matter has created a considerable amount of interest.
Severe Storm.
Weather -- Northeast storms
A severe rain and wind storm raged over this section from last Thursday through Sunday. A great deal of rain fell and the wind blew heavily from the northeast. Friday it was so rough on the bay that the steamer Old Point Comfort from Norfolk could not venture over and had to be substituted by a tug.
There was no snow here, but snow and sleet was reported in other parts of the South as far as the Florida line. There was a heavy surf on the beach and the tides were unusually high.
Private Water Fowl.
Natural resources -- Conservation - GameSea -- Market hunting
Onancock, Va., Jan. 27th. -- The board of supervisors of Accomack county, recognizing the justice of the many complaints from those who desire the protection of the water fowl and game of the Virginia Eastern Shore, have revoked their orders of March and December, 1904, permitting non-residents and residents to make shipments out of the State. The rescinding orders go into effect February 1st. The violators of the law place bright lights on the marshes to attract the fowl. When the flocks approach the lights they become blinded and are then slaughtered by the thousands.
The enforcement of the rescinding orders will be in the power of the Eastern Shore of Virginia Game Protective Association.
Steamer Grounded.
Transportation -- Railroad - SteamboatsTransportation -- Water - StrandingsWeather -- Northeast storms
The steamer Pennsylvania of the N.Y., P. & N. Ry. line went aground in Cherrystone Channel Saturday night on its way over from Norfolk and did not succeed in getting off for about seven hours. There was mist and a heavy sea and the pounding of the vessel alarmed the passengers greatly. They were finally taken off in a tugboat. The Pennsylvania later floated off and was not injured.
Natural resources -- Conservation - ResourcesSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : SeasideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : PlantingSea -- Shellfish - Crabbing : LegislationSea -- Shellfish - Clamming : Legislation
Mr. John R. Rew has a bill in the legislature for the protection of the crab. The bill is being fought fiercely by those employed in the crabbing industry. It seems, however, to be a beneficial object and the time will come when such a law will be needed if not now. The watermen of this section think that crabs are very scarce. The clam also should come in for better protection, at the same time the clamming grounds should be kept inviolate and ought not to be taken up by avaricious planters. Along this line needed legislation is the policing of the seaside for the protection of those who have private planting grounds there. It might be possible to have the game wardens of our seaside act as a police force and thus make a little saving of expenses. The Rew bill will likely pass.