Peninsula Enterprise, March 16, 1895
Transportation -- Railroad - Construction
The Cape Charles Headlight is responsible for the statement, "that parties are at Pocomoke making arrangements preparatory to laying another railroad track down the Peninsula."
Professionals -- Surveyors
Messrs. F. R. White, of Northampton, and D. F. White, of this county, county surveyors, are candidates for re-appointment. Both are considered efficient and competent and are likely to serve again as such officials.
Fields -- Livestock - Horses
Vincenzo, the fine horse of Mr. Robert L. Parks, Metompkin, which was sold recently for $1,600, but purchased by him at somewhat smaller figures on account of the depression in horse flesh of late, dropped dead on Wednesday.
Moral -- Alcohol
The four pastors at Accomac C. H., preached last Sunday on the evils of intemperance. The Good Templars took up the question on Tuesday night and held a public temperance meeting. The meeting was addressed by Rev. W. W. Wood, in a timely and telling speech. Three young men joined the Order of I. O. G. T., at the close of the meeting. The effort seems to be to create a better temperance effort.
Moral -- Alcohol
Mr. Wm. T. Bundick delivered a temperance address to an appreciative audience at Red Bank church, last Tuesday night. During his speech he gave his experience of the cravings of drink and of the manner in which he had been cured at the Keely Institute, Ashland, Va., and at the close was the recipient of the numerous congratulations. He will lecture at Cape Charles next Monday night, Eastville on Tuesday night, and Guilford on Wednesday night.
Moral -- Alcohol
The sentences, of Mr. Franklin C. Lewis, of this county, convicted in 1892, of unlawfully selling liquor, have been commuted by the Governor of Virginia from sixty days in jail to five days in jail. The fines and cost recovered by the Commonwealth, amounting to $332.69, imposed upon him for the said offenses, were paid over to Mr. M. Oldham, Jr., clerk of county circuit court, this week. All of the expenses incurred by Mr. Lewis in his defense in said cases were considerably in excess of a thousand dollars.
Infrastructure -- Commercial - Commercial constructionInfrastructure -- Commercial - Residential construction
Belle Haven.
Mr. A. D. Doremus contemplates building an addition to his store in order to make room for his increasing business.
Mr. I. Luke Mapp is having lumber hauled for a new dwelling on Main street. Several other buildings also will be erected here at an early date.
Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : SeasideForests -- Forest products - Barrels
Our oysters have improved 25 per cent. since the freeze in quality, and are still improving. They are certainly very fine now, and consumers say ahead of all in the market.
Barrels were scarce with us last week and only 3,000 barrels of oysters were sent to market by our shippers.
Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : SeasideSea -- Shellfish - Clamming : Seaside
The oyster business has been much better at this place, so far, this season than for several past years, shippers having received good paying but not fancy prices for both oysters and clams.
Forests -- Barrel factories
The Onancock barrel factory begins operations May 1st.
Capt. John J. Carmine has gone to the Taylor's mill on the Western Shore for barrel staves to be used at the barrel factory here.
Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : SeasideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : PackingLaborers -- FisheriesLaborers -- StrikesTourists and sportsmen -- Field sports - Hunting : Waterfowl and shorebird
Those of our towns-people who had proposed to breakfast last Monday morning, on hot oyster-stew, were suddenly and unexpectedly called upon to change their bill of fare. At an early hour an unusual commotion was discovered in the lower part of the town, centering mainly about the shucking establishments at the foot of Main street. A few moments it was realized that a band of strikers had charge of that part of the town, and the wheels of our busy marts were brought to a stand still. The tie-up speedily extended through all the ramifications of the oyster industry. Boats at the wharf lay with battened hatches, others in the stream were afraid to haul in, those about to go out postponed sailing. A few dissenting shuckers who attempted to mount their stalls were seized by the strikers and hustled out under escort. Oyster measures, buckets and wheel-barrows were overturned and placed under strong guard. Indeed so silently and effectively was the blow struck that almost before our citizens were aware of it, they stood confronting one of those awful upheavals of discontented labor, already known to the experience of some of our sister cities. As time wore on, numerous reports gained in credence in the streets; some asserting that telegrams had been sent to Norfolk for scab shuckers, and that a bloody fight would be the result; others contending that a sheriff and posse should be summoned at once; a few suggesting an appeal to the Governor to call out Col. Jones and the 1st Virginia Regiment. Meantime a committee from the strikers marched up the street in a body, demanding an interview with the proprietor, and the citizens held their breath with suspense, trying to recall all they had read about the past Chicago and Brooklyn strikes, and fearful of what the end might be. Cigars were offered the committee which they peremptorily refused to smoke, and the situation looked ominous. But negotiations finally began, the strikers fixed their ultimatum at two cents advance per gallon. After parley these terms were finally accepted by the proprietor and the strike was declared off -- much to the relief of our business stagnation. But the end came too late for the oyster stew.
Mr. Thomas Powell, of Baltimore, and Col. Ben Parker, of the Grand Central Hotel Onancock, lately embarked on a gunning expedition from [Wachapreague].
Natural resources -- Conservation - Game
[Text missing] This is all I have to say here about the objects of the Association, anyone wanting further information can obtain it by applying to the officers of the Association.
So much for the game law in "Clump's" effusion -- as for the rest of it, I am surprised that the Editor of the Press who claims not to publish anything personal and abusive should have printed such a thing. The whole article is a malicious and unwarranted attack upon the Game Protective Association, and a covert assault upon the Democratic party, and an insult to every professional man on the Shore. The fact of his withholding his name is sufficient evidence of the untruthfulness of his statements.
No man of honest intentions uses such language above a nom de plume.
Pres. E. S. G. P. Asso.,
and Chairman Dem. Co. Com.
Church Opening.
Infrastructure -- Public : Churches
The opening of the New M.E. Church, South, at Cape Charles, Virginia, will be an event in the history of Southern Methodism on the Eastern Shore of Virginia. The building is constructed of brick, and is an ornament to any city.
The service will be of deep interest to every lover of progress in the Christian's life, and it is hoped that the citizens will show their appreciation, not only by their presence, but with contributions according to the promptings of a grateful heart.
Rev. Thomas Dixon, Jr.
Infrastructure -- Public : Churches
NEW YORK, March 11.
For a long time past there have been dissensions among the members of the Twenty-Third street Baptist church, due to the objections of the more conservative members of the congregation to the "sensational" character of the sermons preached during the last five years by the pastor, Rev. Thomas Dixon, Jr.
This morning Mr. Dixon announced his determination to sever his connection with the church and to found a new one on a broad and popular platform, and instead of speaking on "Spectacle versus Sensation," in reply to the exceptions of "an old fashioned clergyman," as announced, Mr. Dixon read his resignation to his congregation, many portions of which were loudly applauded by the votaries of the retiring pastor.
In referring briefly to the circumstances which prompted his resignation, Mr. Dixon said: "My action is not one of sudden impulse, and has no reference whatever to things that have happened within a year. I determined upon it one year ago, but found it impossible to carry out my wish because the church was then encumbered with financial debt. I feel now relieved from that obligation of delay. I shall establish a new church. The utmost good will prevails between myself and the officials and trustees of the church. The only creed in it will be: Belief in the Lord Jesus Christ. I believe it to be a more important part of my life work to lift many men out of the ditch than to spend my time making a few men Baptists."
Mr. Dixon's resignation takes effect May 1st.
Mr. Dixon, who is only thirty years old, was born in North Carolina, and is the son of a clergyman. It is said he was elected a member of the Legislature of North Carolina before he was twenty years of age. He won five gold medals of merit at Wake Forest College, and afterward took a post graduate course at the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. He was admitted to the bar, but believing it to be his duty to preach the Gospel, he became a minister. His first pastorates were at Raleigh and Goldsboro, N. C.
Mr. Dixon came to New York nearly seven years ago. In 1892 he preached a number of sermons denouncing Ingersoll. He is a Christian Socialist.
Meeting of Berry-Growers.
Farmers -- Farmers' organizationsFields -- Crops - Strawberries
The berry-growers of Northampton, met at Eastville, last Monday, according to announcement and organized by electing Capt. Charles Morgan, chairman, and Mr. Luther L. Nottingham, secretary.
On motion, a resolution was adopted, for the appointment of a committee, to confer with the officials of the New York, Philadelphia and Norfolk Railroad Co. with the view of securing better railroad facilities. O. A. Browne, Luther L. Nottingham, W. T. Garrett, W. G. Bell and -- Stout were appointed as the committee, with instruction to report at a meeting to be held at Eastville on 1st day of April court.
On motion, it was further resolved, that all persons submit to the committee in writing such suggestions as they may wish to make through them to the railroad officials looking to the speedier transportation of their berries to market.
Two Men Drowned.
Watermen -- Personal injuryAfrican-Americans -- Work - Fisheries
The canoe of John F. Williams, of Messongo, was capsized while crossing the Pocomoke sound, on last Saturday, and he, together with a colored man from Matthews C. H., were drowned. Several other canoes were crossing at the same time but the wind was so severe and the tide running so high, that no one could render them any assistance. Several others narrowly escaped being drowned. The body of Williams was recovered later in the day, and funeral services were held over him at Sanford church on Sunday, of which he had been a consistent and useful member for several years. He was about 22 years old, was a young man of fine character and generally esteemed.
Infrastructure -- Public : Churches
Rev. Thomas Dixon has resigned as pastor of a Baptist Church in New York and the intelligence should, perhaps, be more cause for congratulation that regret to that denomination. The sensationalism, in which he has been indulging of late, seems to indicate that he is fonder of notoriety than of preaching the simple truths taught by his Master and the cause of religion is likely therefore to be brought into disrepute rather than advanced by him. The Baptist Church cannot suffer in being rid of a man, whose sermons of late have been in defense of the notorious Thomas Platt, about street cleaning and various other municipal topics, rather than along the line of Christian duties and the means for promoting the cause of Christ.
Infrastructure -- Public - Government : Postal service
Numerous complaints received at this office of late, of the miscarriage of mail matter, indicate that the railway clerk of the New York, Philadelphia and Norfolk Railroad Co., either has been guilty of a gross neglect of duty or is too incompetent to perform the duties assigned him. Mail from this office for instance, which ought to have reached its destination on Saturday, had not been received as late as last Tuesday, and the reason therefor, we are advised, is because the clerk instead of distributing the mail, as was his duty, had it stacked up in the car for a more convenient season. But whatever the ground for the delay of the clerk, whose duty it is to distribute it, is inexcusable. If deficient in the knowledge of his duties his ignorance is pitiable; if carelessness causes him to neglect his duties, he is a disgrace to the service. Whatever the cause for the delay of the mail, the clerk who is responsible for it, should be put off the train and without delay.
Fields -- Crops - StrawberriesFarmers -- Farmers' organizations
The meeting of the berry-growers at Eastville, on last Monday, was a step in the right direction, but lacking in some particulars. The meeting was not as full one it should have been and the spirit and temper of those present indicated a too ready acquiescence in the decision of the railroad authorities, if adverse to them. The meeting was held, we take it for granted, because the berry-growers had grievances which ought to be redressed and rights which ought to be asserted, but their acts were at variance with these presumptions. Instead of setting forth their grievances and asserting their rights they threw themselves, as it were, upon the mercy of the court and there the matter is likely to rest. We may be mistaken, but we are of the opinion, that the strength that numbers give and the heartier cooperation of the berry-growers is likely to effect more than mere appeals to the sentiment of a soulless corporation. We cannot subscribe to the sentiment that the people have no rights which the railroad authorities are bound to respect unless they want to do so, but there should be a reasonableness in our demands, and asking as we are now for better facilities for the transportation of our berries, facts and figures should be presented showing that an extra berry train could be run for the mutual benefit of each. That as we understand, could be shown, if the berry-growers of the two counties would act together, and if so, the railroad authorities would have no right to ignore the demand for it and could not afford to do so. Humble supplications to corporations never go so far as demand for one's rights founded on justice.
Architecture -- Commercial buildings
By the undersigned, a vacant storehouse on Hog Island. The house is 30 X 20 feet and has two rooms on the second floor suitable for dwelling purposes. Possession given at once. For further particulars write to me, Geo. W. Doughty, Broadwater P. O. Va.
Architecture -- Commercial buildings
Storehouse at Machipongo station, 24 X 70 feet and one-half acre of land. Stock of goods also for sale at liberal discount. Possession given at once. Want to sell because we are going South in the lumber business. For further particulars write to -- Z. W. Dennis, Machipongo, or R. G. Dennis, Suffolk, Va.