Peninsula Enterprise, February 13, 1897
Weather -- Northeast storms
The extreme high tides of last week washed the shores of Cobb's Island very badly and wrecked Norfolk cottage, belonging to Lynchburg people.
Transportation -- Water - Channel and harbor dredging
The work of dredging out the harbor at Cape Charles City has been completed, and operations on the stone jetty at the mouth of the harbor have commenced. Gen'l Smith, of the United States engineer corps, has arrived from Washington to superintend the work.
Transportation -- Railroad - Stations and sidings
The citizens of Belle Haven say, that they have had assurances from the railroad authorities, which makes it reasonably certain, that a station will be established at a point opposite that town in a few weeks.
Mental illness
Mr. W. A. Bloxom, for several months at the Eastern State Hospital, Williamsburg, for treatment, returns to his home at Locustville tonight.
Mental illness
David Trader, colored, of near Mappsville, was taken to Central State Hospital, Petersburg, by a messenger from that institution last Wednesday.
Infrastructure -- Commercial - Banks
The stockholders of the Cape Charles Branch of the Southern Building and Loan Association, of Knoxville, Tenn., which recently went into the hands of receivers, held a meeting last week, and appointed Mr. W. B. Wilson a delegate to represent them at a meeting of delegates from other branches, to be held at Knoxville, on the 16th inst., for the purpose of investigating the affairs of the defunct Southern Building and Loan Association.
Architecture -- JailsInfrastructure -- Public - Government : TaxationTransportation -- Road - Construction
The Board of Supervisors, at its late meeting, settled with county treasurer for county levy, road and dog taxes for year 1895 in districts of Islands and Metompkin, accepted the bid of W. N. Conant for building lockup on Chincoteague at $175, to be completed by April 1st next, and appointed James M. Burch to take bond from contractor and superintend the work on lockup, and disapproved unanimously the expenditure necessary to be made to open and establish public road in Atlantic district, applied for by petition of John F. Nelson, Jr, and others.
Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : BaysideSea -- Shellfish - Clamming : BaysideInfrastructure -- Commercial - Real estate
Oysters very scarce and oystermen complaining generally. Several have gone to the capes of Virginia to load clams.
Mr. Thomas J. Custis, of this place, has purchased the farm of Mrs. Geo. Bull, near Craddockville, at the price of $3,775.
Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : BaysideInfrastructure -- Public : ChurchesTransportation -- Water - Sailboats
Schooners Wm. S. Mason, Captain Jas. R. Marsh, and Lillie Helen, Captain Wesley Marsh, have returned from the oyster grounds. They report the business a failure this season.
Capt. John McNeal, of Great Wicomico, has chartered the schooner Susie Muir, owned by Capt. Wm. F. Barnes, for the fish business this season.
A protracted meeting is being conducted by Rev. H. S. Dulaney in a new schoolhouse built by Capt. John W. Marsh, last summer. The meeting opened on Tuesday evening with three converts.
Transportation -- Water - FreightFields -- Crops - CornTransportation -- Water - SailboatsSea -- Market hunting
Schooners Josephine Keys and John R. Walter arrived here this week from up the bay, each with a cargo of 500 bushels of corn, which was sold at 30 cents per bushel.
Schooners Annie Edwards, J. W. Wharton, Helen Em, Annie Arandales, Thomas Thomas, J. G. Conner, Emma Robeson and Boneta, laid up here this winter, left this week for North Carolina and Chesapeake bay "for charter and freight."
Charles and Bowden Burch killed one day last week 24 geese, 16 red heads and 5 other ducks, which were sold by them for $42.50. Twelve dollars worth of wild fowl was killed by William Adams on same day.
Jenkins Bridge.
Our community has quite recently lost two of its most earnest young men, by the departure of Messrs. Smith and Evans, to accept positions in Englewood, N. J.
Transportation -- Water - FreightInfrastructure -- Commercial - BanksInfrastructure -- Commercial - Commercial constructionInfrastructure -- Public : Churches
Seven hundred barrels of sweets were shipped to Baltimore from Onancock this week. Returns very small.
The bank examiner visited the First National Bank this week and found everything in good condition.
Mr. D. J. Titlow will, it is said, erect a new store soon on North street.
Mr. U. B. Quinby is in Baltimore for treatment and the advices concerning him are that he is improving rapidly.
Revival meeting now in progress in the Chesconnessex schoolhouse, under the auspices of the Epworth League. Five converts to this time.
Tourists and sportsmen -- Field sports - FishingMoral -- Property crimeAfrican-Americans -- Work - Fisheries
Charles Mears, colored, caught several fine fish this week while at work on his oysters.
Thieves broke into the poultry house of Mr. Wm. B. Stevenson a few nights ago and carried away eleven of his chickens.
Fields -- Livestock - Cattle Fields -- Livestock - Diseases and pestsInfrastructure -- Public - Government : Quarantine, federal
Representative Jones, after much perseverance and argument, has succeeded in having a special order issued from the Department of Agriculture, modifying the "cattle quarantine" line for the State of Virginia, and it will be of immense benefit to the farmers and stock-raisers of not only the Northern Neck, but of a large portion of the State, as it will enable them to take their cattle to Northern markets and sell them without let or hindrance from officials and rivals in other States.
The Southern cattle line, which has just been established by the Secretary of Agriculture, will go into effect February 15th next. This line, as established a year ago, has been so modified as to correspond with the quarantine line established by the last General Assembly of Virginia, at the instance of the Agricultural Department. The line, as it will now run, throws Middlesex, Accomac and Northampton counties north of the quarantine section, and enables all of the counties of the Rappahannock Valley and the two Eastern Shore counties to ship their cattle to Baltimore, New York and other Northern Markets.
Mr. Jones has taken great interest in the establishment of this line, as his constituents are largely affected by it. He induced the department to take the counties named out of the quarantined section. He urged that the line be thrown far enough south to exclude the whole of his district, but it was not deemed safe to do so.
Infrastructure -- Public - Government : Taxation
An article published in the Herald, Urbana, Va., over the signature of Hon. James N. Stubbs, is given below for the information of our readers, and commended especially to the careful perusal of the newspapers published in the cities of the State. It will require only a cursory glance at the facts and figures submitted by Senator Stubbs, to convince us that there is no reason why six counties in Tidewater Virginia should pay more taxes on vessel property than six of the largest cities in Virginia, and there can be no other explanation given for it than, the commissioners of revenue in the cities are guilty of wilful and gross neglect of duty. Such a state of things ought not to be permitted, and Senator Stubbs very properly says "that if assessments are not uniform then make them so or have no assessments." Mr. Stubbs will give "other facts about the taxes we pay" in future articles, and can show, he advises us, inequalities in the taxes paid in different sections more glaring even than those presented in his first article. The work which he has undertaken is a good one and must result in great good to the State, if taxpayers, who do not now bear their proportion of the burdens of the State, are made to realize, that it is their duty to assume their share of the responsibilities in the way of taxes as well as to enjoy the blessings of the State government under which they live.