Eastern Shore Herald, July 15, 1910
Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Law enforcement
Capt. James H. Costin, who for some years made his home on Tangier Island, was recently appointed captain of the State police boat Rappahannock, and has taken charge.
Tourists and sportsmen -- Field sports - Fishing
Fishing parties now go out every few days. Some fine ones have been caught.
Infrastructure -- Utilities - Telegraph
The Eastville block telegraph office has been brought from the woods half a mile up the track down to the station. This will improve the telegraph facilities and keep that part of the working force here. Everything of this sort helps a place.
Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Other
Monday was court day, but it was without a doubt the smallest attendance in years. The people were likely too busy shipping potatoes, or too much disgusted with the prices obtained for those already shipped, to care to come to court. Then the unusual hot weather and the fact that some of the most interesting cases had been put off to a later day in the term had some effect.
Fields -- Crops - Other vegetables
The few people who raised onions this season are in good luck. The prices have been good all along.
Transportation -- Road - Automobiles
Automobiles seem to be numerous in this county. One can hardly go a mile without meeting a machine or two.
Transportation -- Railroad - Stations and sidings
The long passing siding above Kendall Grove has nearly been completed. This will facilitate handling trains, which have often been blocked here for an hour at a time.
Moral -- MurderSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : SeasideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Poaching
A large party of York county friends and relatives of Capt. Josiah Evans have been here this week attending the trial of the latter.
Transportation -- Road - Hard surfacing
Bids for the work of constructing the road through town to the Station have been called for. So it may be expected that by the first of August the work of making the improved road will begin. The people of the community seem to be anxious to see it started.
Capt. Josiah Evans's Case
Moral -- MurderSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : SeasideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Poaching
The trial of Capt. Josiah Evans for the killing of John Gibbons was held Tuesday and Wednesday, and attracted a great deal of attention. The case was hotly contested. The facts being that the former shot the latter after repeatedly warning him off his oyster grounds, but Gibbons instead of leaving made towards the defendant, when the latter shot him dead. In the case even the defense does not claim that Evans had any right to shoot because of the fact of the others trespass, but the plea is purely one of self-defense. The examination of witnesses took up all of Tuesday and Wednesday. Messrs. N. B. Wescott and Otho F. Mears represented the defendant, and Hon. B. T. Gunter assisted Commonwealth's Attorney John E. Nottingham.
The case was closed yesterday at noon and given to the jury, but the verdict was not known at the time of going to press.
Negro Man Drowned
A negro deck hand called Jim, on the vessel of Captain Wm. Bunting, running in Hungars creek, fell overboard Saturday afternoon and was drowned before he could be rescued. He sank quickly and his body was not recovered until Monday. An inquest was held over it by Justice Upsher, the verdict being in accordance with the above facts. The body was interred by Mr. J. W. Abdell of this place.
More Convenient Train Schedule
Transportation -- Railroad - Other
Under the new regulations on the N.Y. P. & N. Ry. train passengers going to Old Point and points beyond can take the through train in the afternoon. This will make it exceptionally convenient and does away with the long wait at Cape Charles under the schedule recently arranged. This will be more satisfactory to the traveling public and the change has been hailed with delight by all Norfolk bound passengers.
Still After Potatoes
Transportation -- Railroad - Freightfields -- Crops - White potatoes : Prices
The truckers are still wrestling with the cheap potato crop. Prices have not improved at all, so most of the growers are now getting rid of the crop in order to let the corn have a chance. About 12,000 barrels left Cape Charles daily last week. After this the shipments will become less and less. The N.Y. P. & N. Ry. has handled the crop, even so large a one, most expeditiously. The company made preparations for a big crop and cars have usually been obtained promptly. Very few truckers will make anything and in some cases there will be a loss.
The Potato Problem
fields -- Crops - White potatoes : PricesProfessionals -- Commission merchantsLaborers -- FarmLaborers -- Wages
A communication in the last issue of the Produce News from Cape Charles says:
"To the Editor of The News:
"Sir -- The huge potato crop on the Eastern Shore and the low prices that have prevailed this season make the farmer wonder how he is going to come out. The cost of production when placed against the cash returns for his crop is likely to show a balance on the wrong side. A conservative estimate would make the account read something like this: Fertilizer, per acre, $25; seed, 12; paris green, $1.50; total, $38.50. If the acre produces 60 barrels, to this cost must be added cost of barrels, $15; picking up, at 10c per barrel, $6; grand total, $59.50. Should he be able to sell for $1.25 per barrel realizing $75, his net returns will be $15.50 per acre, not counting labor in planting and cultivating. He may not get as much as $1.25, when, of course, his profits will be correspondingly decreased, and if his yield falls as low as 45 bbls., which many believe will be the average throughout the two counties, he will actually net a loss of $1.25 per acre, if he sells at $1.20, which is about the average price they have been going."
The article also goes on to state that the local buyers are all in a combine to control prices. However, this may be, the truckers are certainly getting little out of the potato crop this year.
Infrastructure -- Commercial - Real estate
It is noted from the Northern Neck papers that a move has been launched to build a railroad through that interesting and thrifty section. The wonder is that these people have been willing to do without such a convenience for so many long years. Before the railroad brought this section close to the markets and brought additional population and industries, lands in both Northampton and Accomack sold for not more than $5 to $10 an acre. These same lands now bring from $100 up.
Development -- LandscapeDevelopment -- Quality of life
In these days, when the people of the great cities are suffering terrors on account of the intense heat and many die or fall prostrated, those more fortunate mortals, who live in the country, ought to thank God for the kind disposition accorded them, ought to be grateful for the cooling breezes and pleasant shade, and, barring mosquitoes, for the delights of open air and country life. Here we can sit while the winds of old ocean fan the brow and look over the cooling vistas of green fields and pastures and beneath the maple shades dream dreams and see visions. Up-lifters, like an ex-president and some others, may have big ideas of the depravity of farm life, especially life in this Southern country, but the eye of contemplation falls on no sweeter scene these mid-summer days than those of the neat country homes with tidy rooms and white washed fences and buildings around, the evidences of thrift or good living that money cannot buy. These the potato dealers and tariff-protected sharks cannot take away from them. The fruit trees are laden with good things, the vine and fig tree are yielding their fruit and the barn yard has a promise in fowls and stock that may recompense for other losses.