Peninsula Enterprise, November 22, 1902
reprinted from Tappahannock Democrat, November 15.Infrastructure -- Commercial - Newspapers
Mr. H. A. Wise Kellam, who has been a resident of this place for nearly twelve months, left on Friday for Cape Charles, where he has accepted the position of manager of The Light a weekly newspaper published at that place.
Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : SeasideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Packing
The number of oyster shuckers now employed at oyster house of Capt. Polk Lang, on Folly Creek, is now fifty or more. He is selling daily on orders 400 gallons and is unable to meet the demand for them from his customers.
Farmers -- Farmers' organizations
The directors of the Eastern Shore of Virginia Produce Exchange, at their meeting on Wednesday, declared a dividend for the present year of 70 per cent., 50 in stock and 20 in cash, which will be paid to the stockholders at their annual meeting at Accomac C. H. on the 10th of December.
Infrastructure -- Utilities - Telephone
Stockholders of the Peninsula Telephone line, at a meeting at Keller on last Tuesday, raised enough money to pay off all debts due by them and the property will not therefore be sold at auction as heretofore advertised in the columns of this paper.
Infrastructure -- Utilities - Telephone
The Onancock Telephone line was sold on Wednesday to the Diamond State Telephone Co. The price paid it is stated, was about 10 per cent. more than the assessed value of the stock.
Infrastructure -- Commercial - Real estate
Mr. Edgar D. Fletcher sold his valuable farm near here this week to Messrs. L. B. Wessells and W. H. Parkes for the handsome sum of $6,600.
Mr. R. W. Kelly, Jr., and Miss Annie Dickinson, both of this town, were married at the Maryland-Virginia line last Sunday afternoon. The young couple went out for a short drive they say, but the drive being so pleasant they decided to drive up to the line, where they could take the solemn vows which made them one. They will reside in Bloxom.
Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : SeasideTransportation -- Water - FreightSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : PackingProfessionals -- Seafood dealersSea -- Market huntingInfrastructure -- Commercial - Commercial constructionInfrastructure -- Commercial - MillineriesInfrastructure -- Public : Fire companiesTransportation -- Water - Freight
Ten schooners loaded here for Norfolk oyster shucking houses last week.
Mr. Kendall Jester has sold his oyster shucking business here to Mr. Lewis Buttle of Seaford, Del.
There have been more oyster buyers here this season than ever known before. They report oysters poor in the waters around New York and are arranging to have us supply them. Good prices are expected by us.
Daniel Bowden, so far, is the champion duck killer this season. He bagged 80 pairs last week.
W. J. Matthews and S. J. Munford are having a handsome millinery store erected near the bank, to be occupied by Miss Gussie A. Hammond.
The Atlantic Hotel barn was burned accidentally last week. The hotel was only saved by the good work of the citizens of the town, to whom the owner takes this method of offering thanks.
Schooner Maggie Davis arrived here this week from Philadelphia with cargo of pea coal, which was sold at $9.00 per ton. Schooner Joseph Allen arrived from North Carolina with cargo of shingles.
Tourists and sportsmen -- Field sports - Hunting : BirdTourists and sportsmen -- Field sports - Hunting : Rabbit and squirrelLaborers -- ConstructionInfrastructure -- Utilities - Windmills
Our sportsmen were out in full force on Saturday, the opening day for shooting quail and rabbits.
Our building boom continues. Carpenters, painters, masons and paper-hangers can be seen on every hand.
Mr. John O. Taylor, of Onancock, is in town this week, putting up a wind mill at Hotel Broughton for Mr. Jas. A. Hall.
Sea -- Fish factories
The Chesapeake Navigation and Manufacturing Company's fishing steamer, "David K. Phillips," has cut out for the season.
Fields -- Canneries Infrastructure -- Commercial - Residential constructionSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : SeasideFields -- Crops - Corn
Gunning seems to be the favorite sport with us now.
Mr. John W. Taylor, our hustling farmer and all around business man, thinks of quitting the farm and engaging in the canning business.
There is a building boom in our town and neighborhood. New dwellings can be seen in course of erection in almost every direction.
Our oystermen have been working with might and main during the pleasant weather, making the otherwise silent waters resound with the click of the tong shafts and the sound of the culling hammer, and are receiving very remunerative prices for their product.
Our corn crop this season is the poorest for many years.
Infrastructure -- Public : Cemeteries
It is reported we will soon have a cemetery near town.
MigrationTransportation -- Water - Boat building
Messrs. Sam Foote and Bert Stiles are home from Mystic, Conn., to spend the winter with their families.
This week we have to record the death of one of our oldest citizens, Capt. Jno. T. Richardson, who died rather suddenly on Monday, having been taken ill in the early morning. For more than two years his health has been precarious, and his friends were not unprepared for the end. Capt. Richardson was about seventy-five years of age and had resided all his life in this immediate vicinity. He was a man of remarkable mechanical ability, and was known as one of the most expert boat builders on the Shore. In fact, he probably built the earliest dead-rise bateau known to these waters and has been frequently called to New York, Long Island and other distant points to model boats. He was the designer and builder of most of the fast-sailing skiffs for which this section is famous. He leaves a widow, and several children, all of whom are now grown, and several grand-children. He was kind-hearted and straight forward in his dealings, and had many warm friends.
Thanksgiving Dinner.
Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - HolidaysInfrastructure -- Commercial - Hotels
Big dinner and supper "Thanksgiving" at Hotel Wachapreague. Bill of fare -- roast turkey and cranberry sauce, goose, oysters in every style, roast beef, chicken salad, venison pastry, mince, pumpkin and potato pies, cakes, chocolate, etc. Special dishes to order. Everybody invited, bring your girls, wives, brothers, sisters and friends. Music on Victor talking machine, piano, &c. Ice cream and oyster, &c., served every Saturday afternoon for benefit of the new church.
A. H. G. Mears, Prop.