Peninsula Enterprise, October 29, 1898
Fields -- Livestock - Horses
Mr. Wm. T. Wright sold his fine 2 year-old Bursar colt this week to J. B. Orem, of Baltimore, at a fancy figure.
Infrastructure -- Commercial - Real estate
Sixteen acres of cleared land on Kerr street, in Onancock, and twenty-one acres of woods land about half a mile from Onancock, is offered for sale as a whole by T. B. Quinby. The cleared land has a long frontage on Kerr and Jackson streets, and is improved with two good tenant houses. The woodsland is high and well timbered. Terms will be made to suit the purchaser.
Infrastructure -- Commercial - Residential constructionInfrastructure -- Public : Churches
Capt. E. Evans is having a fine dwelling erected on his farm near Evans Wharf.
The largest crowd, that ever gathered to witness a baptizing at this place, assembled last Sunday afternoon at foot of Broadway road. Rev. M. F. Sanford baptized 10 converts.
We have a gentleman residing here, now 45 years old, who says the first news he ever heard when a very small boy on his way to Onancock with his father was hard times, and that he is hearing the same news today.
Infrastructure -- Public - Government : Spanish-American WarSea -- Shellfish - Clamming : SeasideSea -- Shellfish - Clamming : PricesTransportation -- Water - SteamboatsTourists and sportsmen -- Field sports - Lodges
The peace jubilee in Philadelphia this week was attended by about sixty of our people.
About one hundred barrels of clams are being shipped from this point daily, which are selling from $3.50 to $4 per thousand. They are sold all the year, and the revenue derived from them by the poor people is larger than that of oysters. It is a rare thing for the market to be glutted with them, and the price is about the same all the year. All kinds sell well.
The new electric steamer of Capt. S. E. Matthews, built at Pocomoke City, is now on the route from this place to Franklin City. She has one of the latest improved engines, is 50 feet in length, has 9 1/2 feet beam, and is 3 feet in depth. She is a big improvement on his old steamer, and can cross the bay in about 10 minutes quicker. She is a beauty, an ornament to this place, and does credit to her enterprising owner.
Mr. E. P. Timmons, of Philadelphia, is having a club house, 30 by 50 feet, erected at Ragged Point. It will be under the management of Mr. Thomas Eliott, of that city.
Farmers -- Innovation
Mr. Leonard Belote will occupy next year the property lately purchased by Mr. E. J. Beloat, on the north side of the town. He will cultivate the five acre farm on the intensive system, and thinks he will make more money than formerly on the larger farms. Some other farmers are about to adopt this method, and are looking for our nearby lands.
Fields -- Crops - Sweet potatoes : MarketsFields -- Canneries
Mr. Dashiell, of Princess Anne, Md., paid our town a visit this week for the purpose of buying small sweet potatoes for canning purposes. -- Messrs. Bull & East made a contract with him to supply him with 150 barrels.
Transportation -- Water - FreightSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : SeasideDisease
Two schooners loaded at our wharf with sweets this week, in spite of the price.
Our seaside oysters are better than they have been for the past several years.
Mr. John W. Bradford, of Locust Mount, is suffering from a mild attack of typho-malarial fever.
Murder of Two Citizens of Accomac.
Moral -- MurderMental illness
The distressing news reached this county on Wednesday that two of our citizens, Captain James E. Crockett and his mate, George W. Sturgis, had been foully murdered last Tuesday on the schooner Frank Cassidy, on the Potomac river. The news has since been confirmed by the arrival of the schooner at Harborton with the remains of Captain Crockett on board. Mr. Sturgis, the mate, died Wednesday while being conveyed by steamer to hospital in Washington. They were killed by a negro cook, knows as "Bob," who had been recently released from the Maryland penitentiary, and without any provocation whatever. The negro because spoken to by Captain Crockett for being late in getting supper, drew a pistol, and without giving him any warning, shot him twice, killing him instantly. The mate was next sought out and shot also by him. The negro has since, it is reported, drowned himself.
Captain Crockett was a worthy and highly respected citizen of the county and justly had the esteem of all who knew him. He was a son of Captain Asa Crockett, and was about 38 years old. His wife, a daughter of Captain Elijah Evans, and three children survive him. He was buried near Harborton, after funeral services, on Thursday, conducted by his former pastor, Rev. J. R. Griffith. Mr. Sturgis was from near Keller, and was well thought of by the people in that section.
Meeting of Game Association.
Natural resources -- Conservation - Game
Reliable information having been received that our game laws in reference to partridge and rabbit shooting are being daily violated in different parts of the county (notably so at Parksley, Onancock and Pungoteague) a meeting of Game Association will be held at court house on next Monday to devise plans to enforce the game law.
J. W. BOWDOIN, Pres. Assoc.
Metompkin District High School.
The Metompkin District High School, situated at Parksley, was formally accepted by the school authorities on Saturday, 22nd instant. The building is beautifully located in the western suburb of the town, on land largely donated by Miss Chadburn, of the Parksley Land Improvement Company. It is, in my opinion, the best arranged, best built, and cheapest school building of four rooms in Accomack county, and it reflects great credit alike on the board of trustees and the builders. This school meets a long felt need. It is such an one as each district in the county should have as a stepping stone (for pupils unable to attend private academies) to our colleges, a part of the scheme of public education outlined by Jefferson. It is to be hoped that other districts will act upon the example of Metompkin in this direction.
The school opened Monday of this week under the management of Professor V. S. Deitrick, of William and Mary College, with Miss Carrie M. Johnson, graduate of Washington High School, as first assistant, and Miss Annie E. Ashmead, second assistant.
The people of Parksley are to be congratulated upon securing this high grade school in their beautiful town. Nothing is more praise worthy, or more directly tends to elevate and enrich any place or people. And now we hope that unity of purpose and harmony of action will ever characterize efforts of Parksley and vicinity, making this school what it should be, one of the very best public schools of our county and state.
The writer desires to express his appreciation of the courtesy of the Metompkin School Board for their kind invitation to be present at this time, and to thank Mr. D. H. Johnson, clerk, at whose home he was so cordially entertained.
J. E. Mapp, Co. Supt. Schools.
Grangeville, Va., Oct. 27, 1898.