Peninsula Enterprise, September 12, 1885
August Term 1885:
The following fiduciary accounts were confirmed, to wit: Audits of estates of Edward Churn, William P. Barnes, Henry L. Wessels, Edward Kilman, Thomas W. Custis, William H. A. Hopkins, James P. Groton and Ella S. Groton; Orphan accounts of Lafayette W. Groton, Maggie N. Groton, William Wigton, Margaret S. and William Wright, and Henry A. Thomas' trust account.
Wm. H. Ellis was appointed and qualified as guardian of Harrison, Henrietta and Lloyd Mason.
Charles P. Finney qualified as Administrator of Hannibal Fletcher, deceased.
John T. Haley qualified as administrator of James P. Haley , deceased.
Last will of Sallie K. Wallop's proved and James E. Byrd qualified as executor.
Last will of George W. Powell proved and Henry F. Powell and Upshur B. Quinby qualified as executors.
James H. Hutchinson, Inspector of 8th district and Thomas Pettit of 1st district, returned reports of taxes &c., on oysters collected by them, the first named for two quarters ending June 1st amounting to $812.85, the latter for one quarter ending Sept. 1st amounting to $9.79. Both Inspectors resigned their offices.
The Eighth oyster inspection district was divided into two districts, number 8 and 9. Charles P. Finney was appointed inspector for No. 8 and Raymond R. Hutchinson for No. 9. Both inspectors qualified.
The prosecutions for murder against Samuel T. Taylor and William T. Rayfield were continued until the next term. The case of Taylor to the first and Rayfield to the second day.
George T. Gladding, constable, paid $2.50 in to court; fine received of Elizabeth A. Brown.
William T. Parkes, J. P., paid $2.50 into court; fine received of G. H. Bundick.
Upon petition of John M. Bloxom et als for public road from Hallwood to Mappsville direct, report of the viewers was returned and filed.
Orders on county treasurer in public roads and matters were entered as follows: For J. O. Selby and Geo. T. Moore $2 each; John Brittingham (two orders) $4; J. W. Marshall, $1; Benj. W. Mears, $2; J. H. Grinnalds, $3; J. S. Davis, $16.44; J. F. Lankford, $12; E. H. Jester, $4; George Kelly, $2; White & Fletcher, 60 cents; J. C. Somers, $6.74; Richard D. L. Fletcher, $400; and $46.35; Charles P. Finney, Robert T. Lewis and Robert J. Bell $2 each; W. H. Pruitt, Edward T. Ling and T. H. Taylor, $6 each; W. W. Ling, $5; M. M. Ling $2.50; Maurice Lewis, $8; Sam'l E. Wright, $5.50; Ephraim Wessels and Betsy Wessels 45 cents each.
Report of surveyor made as to necessity of repairs to Jenkins' Bridge and James H. Fletcher appointed to view and report.
Ira Payne, surveyor, allowed to purchase lumber for public bridge.
Upon A. Frank Byrd and others, petition for public road, report of John Brittingham, commissioner on new road built by R. D. L. Fletcher confirmed.
Surveyors were appointed as follows: Bowdoin B. Mears vice Benj. W. Mears in precinct No. 18, L. J. Hyslop vice R. W. Mears in precinct No. 80, of Pungoteague district: Chas. Witham vice Jno. Marshall; J. W. Margerum vice Albert F. Johnson.
Bar room license granted to Wm. G. Hall at Drummondtown (new house) and Kensie J. C. Horsey at Oak Hall station.
Solomon T. Johnson and John D. Parsons qualified as Notaries Public for Accomack county.
Edward T. Burton's liquor license transferred from Point Lookout to head of Bradford's neck.
Order substituting John W. Gillett a trustee in deed from Marcellus Small and wife.
Accounts against the Commonwealth in favor of Jos W. Mears, J. P., and G. T. Scarburgh, M. D., in criminal cases, examined, allowed and certified.
Order authorizing John W. Rogers, surveyor, to expand $150 in aid of public bridge over Warrington's Branch.
Petition filed by Edward T. Nock and others for public road over lands of Robert S. Drummond and others, petition filed and order appointing viewers.
Ex-Parte: Petition of Mary Poolman's administrator, order to pay costs and make deposit in Marine Bank of Norfolk, Va.
Ex-Parte: Petition of William Wigton's guardian, referred to master to ascertain what ought to be spent on Ward's schooling in Baltimore, Md.
Wm. Frederick Gunter qualified as deputy clerk.
The court examined, allowed and certified the insolvent lists for Capitation and property taxes for 1884 and the list of delinquent and improperly assessed lands for same year returned by John J. Blackstone, Treasurer and Jno E. Wise, his deputy