Peninsula Enterprise, September 6, 1883


Proceedings at August Term, 1883.

Orders on County Treasurer were entered as follows: For J. T. Burton, $18.00; John Brittingham, $8.00; (three orders); John L. Gillespie, $4.00 (two orders); Wm. T. Parkes, $4.00 (two orders); James T. C. Smith, $1; Wm. T. Hope, $1.50; Southey Mason, $4.40; _____ James, $2.00; Edward Smith, $2.00; George W. Nock, $3.00; John D. Parsons, $3.00; Solomon T. Johnson, $3.00 (road and bridge matters.)

Fiduciary accounts were confirmed as follows: Abel Teackle and wife's trust account, with John D. Wimbrough, trustee; Orphan accounts of Edmond Wise, colored, William C., John W. and Paul Pitts; audits of respective estates of Major Evans, Fenwick W. Kelly and John Savage, Sr.

Thomas W. Smith's last will was duly proved, and Susan G. Smith qualified as executrix.

Samuel M. and James G. Fox, executors of Nancy Fox, deceased, relinquished their right to qualify, and John W. G. Blackstone qualified as administrator, with will annexed of said testatrix.

Thomas W. Bull, qualified as administrator of John McLane, deceased.

John W. Hyslop, qualified as administrator of Alfred Bayly, colored, deceased.

James R. Hickman, qualified as administrator of John J. Lewis, deceased.

Frank Fletcher was chosen, appointed and qualified as guardian of Mollie E. Wessels, child of John W. Wessells.

William H. B. Custis, Clerk and Receiver, ordered to pay Robert S. Trower and others, their railroad damages allowed.

John O. Somers, qualified as Registrar for voting place at Muddy Creek.

John R. Kellam, J. P., paid into Court $4.00, fine imposed upon B. M. Clinedinst and another, for taking pictures on the Sabbath day.

Accounts of John J. Blackstone, Treasurer, against the Comth., for payments to Jurors and Veniremen in felony cases, was allowed and certified to Auditor.

Ex Parte: Petition of Mary E. Gilden; order for payment of share of Obediah J. Gilden.

Ex Parte: Petition of James E. Matthews and others, for a public road, report of viewers filed, order to summon proprietors and tenants.

Petition of O. H. Taylor and others for a public road, report of viewers filed.

Petition of John T. Hill and others for a public road, report of viewers filed.

Petition of John T. Fletcher and others for a public road and landing, petition filed, and ordered appointing viewers.

Order for Edward T. Ames, Surveyor, to purchase material and repair River Styx Bridge.

Joseph Chance was appointed Surveyor of Road in place of Joshua T. Burton, resigned; Thomas C. Kelly in place of John Brittingham, resigned; and John W. Hyslop in place of James T. C. Smith, resigned.

The Commonwealth vs. Joseph J. English, on indictment for felony, writ of exigent awarded.

The Commonwealth vs. Edward, Robert, David and Henry P. Taylor; indictments (3) for misdemeanor, nolle prosequi's entered.

Last will of Abel Teagle, proved, and his estate committed to Sheriff for administration.

Ex Parte: Petition of William Wigton's guardian, for permission to expend part of Ward's principal in educating him.

Order for William P. Bell, Surveyor, to purchase material and repair public road in his precinct.

Renunciation by Susan G. Smith, widow of Thomas W. Smith, dec'd., of the provision or jointure made by last will of said decedent; ordered to be recorded.

Ex-parte petition of Mollie E. Wessell's guardian; order referring cause to Master for enquiry, and report.

John W. Jester vs. Thos. Handy, alias Nutts, on attachment; judgement for plaintiff, and order of sale by Commissioner.

Joseph Godfrey vs. Thomas F. Colburn and another, on F. C. bond; judgment for plaintiff, and execution awarded.

Peninsula Enterprise
Accomac Court House
September 6, 1883