Peninsula Enterprise, March 10, 1894
Proceedings, February Term, 1894.
The following fiduciary accounts were confirmed and ordered to be recorded: Audits of estates of Thos. B. Ayres, Jas. H. Belote, Arthur T. Belote, Wm. White, colored, Elizabeth Fox, George B. Mapp, Elitha Ann Byrd and Obediah W. Godwin; Charles Drummond and wife's trust account; orphan accounts of Margaret, James T., Charles Andrew, Lee May and William T. Gibbons, Harry A. Hopkins and Ida Cornelia Taylor.
Hon. Benjamin T. Gunter qualified as Judge of the 8th Judicial Circuit of Virginia for term of office beginning January 1st, 1895.
The last will of James Mers, late of Fort Custer, State of Montana, was admitted to probate and John E. Mapp qualified as administrator with will annexed.
The last will of Elijah Evans was proved and Benjamin T. Gunter, Jr., qualified as administrator with will annexed.
The last will of John S. Bell was proved and John W. Bradford qualified as administrator with will annexed.
The last will of David Mason was proved and Stanley J. Lewis qualified as executor.
The last will of William S. Hope was proved and his three sons, John T. F., George W. and James F. Hope, qualified as executors.
John W. G. Blackstone qualified as administrator of James G. Fox, deceased, and A. M. Nottingham as administrator of John H. Cooper, deceased.
Commonwealth vs. schooner William E. Price (on an information). Order for sale of cargo of oysters of defendant in custody of sheriff.
Commonwealth vs. schooner C. W. Stevenson. Order for sale of cargo of oysters of defendant in custody of sheriff.
Commonwealth vs. Luther Duffy (on indictment for disturbing religious worship).Defendant tried, convicted, fined $5 and costs of prosecution and sent to jail for 60 days.
Commonwealth vs. James Scarborough (on indictment for petit larceny). Defendant tried, convicted and fined $10 and costs of prosecution.
L. Floyd Nock resigned as guardian of Florence M. Lewis, orphan of Geo. C. Lewis, deceased.
John L. Warren, surveyor of road returned the annual report due from him at March term 1893, and his road account for services as surveyor was examined and allowed by the court
An order was entered authorizing Solomon J. Lucas to assign his bar room and retail liquor license at Messongo to Levin J. Byrd.
Eugene W. Barnes, William J. Doughty and Thomas A. Northam qualified as notaries public for county of Accomac.
Ex parte: Petition of Isaac D. Coffin's late executor. Petition filed, order for payment of costs and deposit of residue in hands of late executor in Marine Bank on interest account.
Ex parte: Petition of Clarence L. Kilmon &c's guardian. Report of guardian filed and order entered confirming same.
J. Harmon, alias Achan Harmon, who was convicted at the last term of feloniously cutting and wounding with intent to maim, disfigure disable and kill and who was convicted at this term of entering a dwelling house with intent to commit rape, was sentenced to terms of 10 years for each offence in penitentiary.
On application of Wm. J. Aydelotte and others for a public road. Alias summons was awarded against proprietors and tenants returnable on 5th day of next term.
On application of Benjamin F. Young for a drain. Parker Byrd and five others entered their appearance to contest the application and the cause was continued on motion of the applicant until 5th day of next term.
In the matter of distributing the estate of Mrs. Annie M. Smith without a refunding bond. An order was entered, directing J. W. G. Blackstone, administrator c.t.a., to pay costs, attorney's fee and the legacies of Sallie T. Tennant and Sue M. Caldwell without requiring a refunding bond.