July Term, 1900
Proceedings, July Term, 1900.
Last will of James C. Weaver, deceased, was proved and George N. and James T. Weaver, qualified as executors.
The last will of Oswald B. Finney, deceased, was proved and Edward B. Finney qualified as executor.
William H. Coard qualified as administrator of Elizabeth J. Coard, deceased; Lloyd M. Smith as administrator of Ezekiel Y. Smith, deceased; and N. B. Wescott as administrator of Carey S. Sturgis, deceased; and William P. Bell as administrator of Margaret D. B. Bell.
The last will of Fountain B. Humphreys was proved and Carrie F. Humphreys qualified as executrix.
The estate of Frederic C. A. Kellam Sr., deceased, was committed to Levin J. Gunter, sheriff for administrator.
The oath of office of the Mayor and Councilmen for the town of Onancock were returned to the court and ordered to be recorded.
Order entered substituting William P. Bell trustee in deed from Frederic C. A. Kellam Sr. for benefit of John W. Gillet.
Authority to marry was granted to Edward D. Havens of the Methodist Episcopal Church.
The sheriff made report to the court of the number of prisoners in jail, their offences, sentences, &c.
The following fiduciary accounts were confirmed and ordered recorded: Orphan accounts of Ida E. Hudson, Henry Lee Hudson, Joseph Royall Brodwater, Mary E. Wilkins, Harris W. Wilkins: audits of estates of Joseph E. Brodwater, George S. West and Sarah W. Massey: trust accounts of the heirs of Sarah Finney, Handy Parks and wife, Old Dominion Fishing Company, grantee of Albro J. Morse.