Peninsula Enterprise, June 9, 1888


Proceedings, May Term, 1888.

An inquest held by L. J. Wilson, J.P., over dead body of Thoroughgood Davis, colored, was returned and filed.

M. H. Higgins, J. P., paid into court $1, fine received of Mary Susan Kellam for misdemeanor.

Robert T. Harman, J.P., paid into court $2.50, fine received of Charles Simpkins, colored for assault and battery on Lewis Savage.

The following fiduciary accounts were confirmed and ordered to be recorded: List of debts against the estate of Edward T. Downing, deceased; audits of the estates of Louis S. Belote, Sam'l J. Whealton, Jas. C. Doughty, Susan T. Ward and Geo. N. Powell; orphan accounts of Frederic A., Leila M., and Oscar L. Powell, O. B. and Virginia S. Mears, John W. Belote, Wm. L., James and Bettie Tyndall.

John W. Martin was appointed and qualified as guardian of James H., Teacle U., Walter A., and John R. Belote, orphans of Louis S. Belote, deceased.

John S. Ames qualified as administrator of Anna E. Downing, deceased.

Last will of Heyward B. Keaton was proved and Margaret A. Keaton qualified as his administratrix with his will annexed.

Inspectors of oysters made report for the three months ending, May 31st, 1888, as follows, to wit: John W. Turlington for 3rd district, collections, $12.50, due State $11.25; Leroy C. Bulman, 4th district, collections $1.99, due State $1.80; John R. Johnson, 5th district, collections, $125.29, due State $112.77; John C. Justice, 7th district, collections $33.55, due State $30.20, and Charles P. Finney, 8th district, collections, $1.50, due State, $1.35.

Lloyd F. J. Wilson, qualified as Notary Public for county of Accomac.

Certificates to obtain license to manufacture oil or manure from fish known as alewives or menhaden were granted to Edwin J. Foote, Crockett & Connorton and Henry L. Crockett.

Certificates to obtain license as heads of gangs using a seine for catching alewives or menhaden to be manufactured into oil or manure were granted to Joshua Dies, Charles W. Charnock, John Charnock, Tubby Pruitt and Petty F. Shores.

Bar room license was granted to Robert H. Perry, Mappsburg and Tully W. Parker at Bobtown.

Orders on county treasurer in road and bridge matters were entered as follows; for Thomas H. Melson, $11; Wm. A. Burton, $6; B. B. Downing, $7; C. S. Witham & Bros, $21.60; George W. Glenn, 80 cts.; John Gillespie, Wm. C. Mapp, John H. Belote and George A. Edmonds.

William A. Burton, surveyor of road, resigned and John W. Heath was appointed in his place.

Upon petition of John M. Bloxom and others for a public road. John L. Gillespie, commissioner, made report which was duly filed.

Upon petition of D. H. Dennis, to change public road. D. H. Dennis petitioner made report which was confirmed and cause removed from docket.

Commonwealth vs. George T. Clayton, on indictment for selling intoxicating liquors unlawfully. Cause continued on motion of defendant and rule awarded vs. John S. Ewell, defendant's witness to show cause why he should not be fined for failing to attend court.

Commonwealth vs. Columbus Johnson, on indictment for selling intoxicating liquor unlawfully. Nolle prosequi entered.

F. A. Shield, agent for Imperial Guano Co., vs. Frank Bull. Judgement for plaintiff.

Commonwealth vs Wm. H. Williams on indictment for shooting Wm. Allen, feloniously with intent to maim &c. defendant tried, acquitted and discharged.

Commonwealth vs. John W. Hart, on indictment for selling intoxicating liquors unlawfully. Plea of not guilty entered, jury empannelled and failing to agree were discharged. Cause continued until next term for new trial.

Order entered directing the administrators of Wm. E. Jacob, deceased, to pay and deliver his estate to the distributees without refunding bond being given.

Upon petition of Thos. H. James and others for a public road at Wachapreague City. Report of the viewers returned and filed and summons awarded against Elliott Johnson, a proprietor, to show cause against the opening of the road.

A report of sales by the treasurer of delinquent lands for 1885 and 1886 was made to the court and continued by the court until the next term as the law requires for exceptions to be filed by any person affected by the same.

Upon petition of Wm. B. Stevenson and others for repair of public road near the school house in Drummondtown. Petition filed and order entered appointing viewers.

Order entered for creditors to show cause on the 2nd day of July term next, against the payment and delivery of the estate of Saml. J. Whealton, deceased, to his distributees without refunding bonds being given.

Upon petition of Louis F. Marshall and others for a public road on Sykes Island. Case argued, petition dismissed and judgment for the county's cost.

Peninsula Enterprise
Accomac Court House
June 9, 1888