Peninsula Enterprise, May 17, 1883
Proceedings at April Term, 1883 -- Judge Parramore Presiding.
Term convened April 30th, and adjourned May 7th.
George W. Glenn qualified as Notary Public for Accomac county.
Rev. Charles S. Baker was authorized to celebrate the rites of matrimony.
The following accounts of fiduciary were confirmed, to-wit: Audits of the respective estates of John C. Justice, John H. Miles. Thomas R. Gray, Lancelot Ward, Oswald T. Grant and John W. Hickman; orphan accounts of Wilbur D., Maggie E., Virginia D. and John H. Window, Edward Lee Hickman, and Richard Watson; and trust account of Wm. P. Custis with Edward B. Waples, trustee.
Commonwealth vs. Zadock Carter non-agreement by jury, and continued till next term for new trial.
The following Registrars appeared in Court and qualified, to-wit: Joseph C. Wescott, at Pungoteague; Jesse Crockett, at Tangier Island; John T. Lewis, at Saxe's Island; John T. Fletcher, at Hall's store; George H. Bagwell, at Onancock; George T. Moore, at Newstown.
Cynthia A. Chandler was appointed and qualified as guardian of John J., Vinnie L. and Cynthia T. Chandler, orphans of John M. Chandler, deceased.
Abel J. Satchell was chosen, appointed, and qualified as guardian of Mary Nock, orphan of Abby Nock, deceased.
Henry L. Crockett qualified as administrator of Lewis Crockett, Sr., deceased.
John E. Mapp qualified as administrator of Maria Ashby, colored, deceased.
John P. L. Hopkins qualified as administrator of Revel T. Twyford, dec'd.
Orders on County Treasurer in favor of Benj. W. Mears for $1 and William Mapp for $1 for road services, were duly entered.
Bar room license was granted to John W. Rowley, Jr., at Nashville; W. F. Joynes and George W. Berry, at Horntown; Charles W. Duncan and James E. Matthews, at Chincoteague Island; R. W., George T. and Isaac Summers, at Muddy Creek, George E. Winder and Phillips & Shields, at Pungoteague; Abel W. Kellam, at Belle Haven, Chas. A. Hurley, at Horntown; E. D. Hinman & Co., at Locustville; Thomas G. Elliott, at Hawk's Nest; Hinman & Barnes, at Deep Creek; Alfred S. Kellam, at Powelton; Littleton Sample, at Oak Hill; John E. West, at Craddockville; George R. Justice, at Justiceville; James H. Parkes, at Hunting Creek; William P. Barnes and Isaiah T. Johnson, at Leemont; Edward S. Johnson and William D. Lewis, at Mappsville; Wm. G. West and Benjamin T. Parker, at Onancock; John R. Sturgis, at Sturgis; John J. Lewis and Albert J. Rew, at Woodberry; George S. Miles, at Wattsville; James R. Hickman, at Metompkin; Littleton F. Marshall, at New Church; Arthur H. Drummond, at Cashville; John B. Henderson, at Pennyville; Gillet F. Bunting, at Atlantic; Purnell H. Chesser, at Assawoman; Wm. C. Hall, George F. Parker & Co., George G. Ailworth and Margaret L. Adair, at Drummondtown; Duffield Savage, at Onancock; and William S. Waterman, at Guilford.
Retail liquor license was granted to William P. Barnes at Leemont, James R. Hickman at Metompkin, John J. Lewis and Albert J. Rew at Woodberry, Charles A. Hurley at Horntown. R. W., George T. and Isaac Summers at Muddy Creek, Wm. S. Waterman at Guilford, George G. Ailworth, George F. Parker & Co., and Wm. C. Hall at Drummondtown.
Certificates to obtain license to manufacture oil, &c., from alewives or menhaden were granted to Powell, Morse & Co., Leander Wilcox, John W. Bunting and Elvy Fifield, and Gum & Jeffreys.
Certificates to obtain license as heads of gangs controlling seine, &c., were granted to James Pointer, John W. Bunting, Wm. C. Bunting, George W. Rhodes, Theodore Hall, Joshua Birch, Thos. Dies, Louis E. Garrison, James Mears and Solomon Evans.
Commonwealth vs. Purnell Chesser, on indictment for selling liquor on Sunday; defendant plead guilty and paid fine and costs into Court.
Commonwealth vs. John Godwin; on indictment for dredging for oysters; indictment dismissed, defendant having been discharged under a bench warrant.
Commonwealth vs. Mark Bayly et als., on indictment for unlawful shooting; indictment dismissed, defendant having been discharged under a bench warrant.
Commonwealth vs. Edward G. Dixon; on indictment for unlawfully shooting a rifle; defendant plead guilty, and paid fine and costs into Court.
Commonwealth vs. Levi Davis, on indictment for unlawfully taking Eba Lewis's planted oysters; verdict of not guilty, and judgment of acquittal.
John Neely was appointed and qualified as guardian of Lillian and Elmer Lewis, orphans of Isaac J. Lewis, deceased.
Wm. H. B. Custis, Clerk and Receiver, ordered to pay railroad damages for lands of George W. Powell and Elizabeth Ewell, respectively.
Ex parte petition of Sally J. Russell's trustee; report of trustee filed and order confirming.
Bar room liquor license was refused Hester A. Fenwick at Chincoteague Island, and Oswald W. Dunton at same place.
An account of John J. Blackstone for payment to veniremen and jurors in felony cases, was examined, allowed and certified.
Commonwealth vs. Wm. S. Waterman; information filed against defendant for selling liquor as a retail dealer without license, and summons to answer awarded.
Alfred S. Kellam was appointed Harbor Master for Wachapreague Creek and qualified.
Accounts of George E. Bull and Wm. L. Nock, Constables, in criminal cases, against the Commonwealth, were examined, allowed and certified.
Order entered for Wm. B. Walker's administrator, Richard T. Ames, late Sheriff, to distribute estate without requiring refunding bonds.
Ex parte petition of Adelbert Warren Mears's guardian; decree referring cause to Master Commissioner.
Ex parte petition of Bettie W. Lewis, &c.'s guardian; order for payment of debts, taxes, share of Mary E. Phillips, and costs.
Commonwealth vs. Edward T. Summers, on indictment for assault and battery; continued 'till next term on defendant's motion.
Joseph R. Riggs, Registrar at Guilford, was permitted to resign, and Alfred W. Short was appointed to fill the vacancy, and qualified.
Ex parte petition of Old Dominion Steamship Company; order granting company permission to erect wharf at eastern terminus of Wishart's Point Road.
Ex parte petition of Southey Crockett for a road to the public highway; petition filed, and order appointing viewers.
Daniel H. Dennis vs. Edward G. Dixon; agreed dismissal of writ of unlawful detainer.
Same vs. Same; agreed dismissal of motion of forfeited forthcoming bond.
Order appointing Judge of Elections and Commissioners to ascertain result, c., was duly entered.
Commonwealth vs. Robt. Hurley et als., on a writ of scire facias on a forfeited recognizance; recognizane taken by Ambrose S. Taylor, J. P., held by the Court absolutely void, and judgment discharging defendant therefrom.
Order entered for distributees of Selby Byrd's estate to show cause at July term next against payment and delivery of estate without refunding bonds.
Charles K. Taylor, appellant, vs. Wm. F. Fleming, appellee, on appeal from J. P.'s judgment; judgment of Justice reversed, and judgment for appelant's costs on appeal; judgment for appellee for $1.32 and costs incurred before Justice.
Commonwealth vs. Washington L. Trader, on indictment for unlawful dredging; defendants discharged from custody upon giving recognizance to appear on first day of next term to answer indictment.
Commonwealth vs. Washington L. Trader et als., on a writ of scire facias on a forfeited recognizance; defendant paid the costs into Court, and having given a new recognizance, writ of scire facias was dismissed.