Peninsula Enterprise, July 11, 1891


Proceedings, June Term, 1891.

L. Floyd Nock qualified as guardian of Lizzie Jones, orphan of James S. Jones, deceased.

Last will of George Harris was proved, ordered to be recorded, and Samuel T. Ross qualified as executor.

Last will of Levin Lilliston was proved and ordered to be recorded.

The following fiduciary accounts were confirmed and ordered to be recorded: Audits of estates of Hannibal Fletcher, Cordie A. Kellam, Ira B. Allen, William Onley and Thorogood N. Taylor; orphan accounts of Florence M. Lewis, Edwin and Howard Caulk, Edward and William E. Melson.

Samuel T. Ross qualified as administrator of Wm. Bloxom, deceased.

Orders entered appointing George F. Parramore special commissioner to make up audits of estates of George Hargis and William Bloxom.

Accounts against Commonwealth in criminal and lunacy matters were entered as follows: Levi R. Boggs, J.P., $1; L. F. J. Wilson, J.P., $2.50; Oliver L. Taylor, special constable, $1.10; Thomas G. Clayton, J.P., (lunacy account), $3, (criminal account), $4; L. J. Gunter, constable, $9.40; Tankard Kellam, $30; John H. Wise, sheriff, $94.20.

Certificate to obtain licence to manufacture oil from fish was granted to John W. Bunting, and to catch fish to be manufactured as head of gang controlling a seine, to William Bunting.

Inspectors of oysters reported for quarter ending May 31st, 1891 as follows: James E. Anderton, of 6th district aggregate collections, $157.52, due State $141.77; John C. Justice, of 7th district, aggregate collections, $68.35, due State $61.52; William J. Barnes, of 5th district, aggregate collections, $40.35, due State $30.23.

Thomas W. Blackstone qualified as Notary Public for county of Accomac.

Certificates to celebrate rites of matrimony were granted to Thomas Turlington, of Baptist Church, and Robert H. Coleman, of M.E. Church.

Wm. R. Russell was exempted from payment of capitation tax because physically unable to perform manual labor.

Thomas F. Johnson, a native of Norway, was naturalized.

The license to sell liquor by retail of James H. Bayly, of Cashville, was transferred to John R. Guy; barroom license was granted to John R. Guy, at Cashville, and to George A. Turner, at Shady Grove; retail liquor license was granted to Wm. T. Winder, at Onancock.

Order entered directing Noah A. Miles, surveyor, to repair Sykes Island road as approved by the court.

On petition of Wm. P. Lewis and others for bridge near Justiceville postoffice. The proposal of John R. Lewis was accepted, his bond and contract approved and work ordered to proceed.

Orders on county treasurer in road and bridge matters were entered as follows: Riggin & Houston, $11.52; Wm. H. Marshall, $2.21; John O. and John Somers, $6.40; N. W. Nock, $3.

Orders to purchase material and repair public bridges, &c., were entered in favor of D. D. Abbott and McComas Justice.

Benjamin T. Gunter, Jr., qualified as county surveyor.

All county officers elected at May election qualified; all district officers qualified excepting one justice of peace in district of Islands, and one justice of peace and overseer of poor in Pungoteague district.

John H. Hopkins qualified as deputy of Edwin T. Powell, county treasurer.

Benjamin T. and Samuel C. Melson qualified as deputies of John H. Wise, sheriff.

A special grand jury returned true bills, two indictments for malicious cutting, two for unlawful trespass, three for assault and battery, two for carrying concealed weapons, one for selling liquor to a minor, and one for grand larceny.

The report of the commissioners on petition of John Brittingham and others for repairs to public road was approved and referred to Board of Supervisors.

Order entered authorizing Elizabeth D. Snead's administratrix c.t.a. to make sale of the capital stock of the Potomac Fire Insurance Company of Baltimore, Md.

Mary F. Shrieves was appointed and qualified as committee of the estate of Thomas Wesley Shrieves, a person of unsound mind.

A venire facias returnable on first day of next term was awarded for the trial of Charles Beach, indicted for malicious cutting, &c.

A writ of election was awarded for a special election in the magisterial district of Atlantic, on first Saturday in September next, on the question of granting or not granting liquor license therein.

The estate of Columbus Taylor, deceased, was committed to sheriff for administration on motion of James A. Hall.

A report of the viewer upon application of Wm. E. Northam for means to repair his road near residence of Wm. H. Marshall, was approved and ordered to be referred to Board of Supervisors.

Upon petition of James E. Fox and others for public road. No defense having been made by the proprietors and tenants and the court having heretofore approved the road, referred the matter to Board of Supervisors.

The motions in arrest of judgment and for a new trial by Geo. G. Kelly, convicted at the last term of our county court of assault and battery on Robt. H. Pennewell, were overruled; and he was sentenced by the court in accordance with the verdict of the jury to six months imprisonment in the county jail and to pay a fine of $300 and the costs of prosecution, and was committed to jail.

Peninsula Enterprise
Accomac Court House
July 11, 1891