Peninsula Enterprise, June 6, 1885
Proceedings of May Term, 1885:
Last will of Elizabeth Ayres proved and ordered recorded.
Wm. D. Cropper executed new bond as administrator of John Massey, deceased.
Accounts of fiduciaries were confirmed as follows: Audits of estates of Mary C. Core, Wm. P. Barnes and Edward Young; Orphan accounts of Geo. H. LeCato et als, Byrdie Amanda Milliner, Benjamin F. and Bagwell C. Hargis; and trust account of George W. Mears of Jas.
Richard T. Ames qualified as administrator of Emma Heath deceased.
Order extending time to July 1st, for assessor, Joseph E. Brodwater, for District No. 1 to complete duties.
Leave granted Lloyd Wilkinson to practice in county court as counsel or attorney.
Certificate to obtain license to manufacture oil, &c, from menhaden granted Crockett & Connorton, Chas. B. Crockett & Co., and Powell, Morse & Co., and as heads of gangs controlling a seine, &c, Charles B. Crockett, Joshua Dies, Wesley Charnock, W. K. Read, John C. Robinson, Thomas Dies and Peter Dies.
Account of Thomas W. Blackstone, J. P., against the Commonwealth in criminal cases examined, allowed and ordered to be certified for payment.
Orders on county treasurer in road and bridge matters, &c, were entered as follows: L. F. J. Wilson $1.75; Levin R. Lewis, $5.83; Copes & Hall $16.35; David Miles $4.35; John T. Hope 75 cents; T. H. Taylor $10.50; Edward A. Beloate, Robert Cropper and Thomas Turlington $1 each; J. C. Justice & Co. $4.40; Hopkins Bros & Co. $3.30; Wesley S. Miles $8; J. H. Fletcher $3.99; John E. Ames, Wm. Eichelberger, John Martin, Peter East and John T. James $2 each.
Surveyors of roads were appointed as follows: Alfred McMath vice Edward Beloate; William Russell vice Solomon Ewell; David Marshall vice David Miles; Jas. Justice vice James H. Gunter; Robert Cropper vice John Hope.
Orders to purchase materials and repair public bridges were entered for surveyors J. F. Lankford, John Taylor and Thomas Crockett of Joseph.
Bar room liquor license granted L. G. Beloate at Fair Oaks; Doughty & Ward at Dunkirk; and Robert Mason at Nelsonia; and retail license granted Robert Mason at Nelsonia.
The Commonwealth vs Solomon Gunter, indictment for carrying pistol concealed; verdict of not guilty and defendant acquitted.
Same vs John Hamblin, indictment for selling as peddler without license; verdict of guilty, fined $100 and costs.
Same vs Lloyd Wilkinson et als., indictment for keeping billiard table without license, continued on commonwealth's motion because of the absence of her witness against whom rule awarded.
Same vs Nathaniel Lang, indictment for assault and battery, verdict of guilty -- fined $5 and cost.
Same vs the N. Y. P. & N. R. R. Co., indictment for obstructing public road at crossing leading from Foxville to Guilford, plead guilty -- fined $1 and costs.
Same vs Charles Wessells (No. 1), indictment for carrying pistol concealed, verdict of guilty; fined $20 and cost.
Same vs same (No. 2), indictment for same, verdict of not guilty and defendant acquitted.
Same vs George Finney, indictment for assault and battery continued on Commonwealth's motion, witness absent.
Last will of Wm. Ward probated, and Walter D. Lewis qualified as executor.
Ex Parte: Petition of Elizabeth Scarburgh's executor, referred to Master Commissioner.
Last will of Edmond Topping probated and John W. H. Parker qualified as executor.
Elizabeth Ford vs Jacob White, in detinue, continued till next term.
Edward T. Nock vs C. T. Boggs et als, warrant removed by J. P. Motion to dismiss overruled; plea of N. G., and jury sworn and failed to agree upon verdict, case continued.
Gilbert Mason qualified as administrator of Wm. P. Mason, deceased.
Inquests held over dead bodies of Jno W. Young and Benjamin T. W. Byrd returned and filed.
Inspectors of oysters for 3d, 4th and 6th district made reports for quarter ending June 1st, 1882, to wit: 3d, $15.30; 4th, $71.82 and 6th, $134.39.
Upon petition of Benj. W. Mears et als for public roads. Order to open road.
Order entered employing John W. Gillett, in accordance with Act of Assembly approved March 29, 1877, to make general index to the deed books, will books and records of fiduciary accounts from January 1st, 1880 to date of order.
Edward S. Johnson vs Wm. D. Lewis, on F. C. Bond taken under distress warrant, account of set off filed by defendant and case continued.
The N. Y. P. & N. R. R. Co., appellant vs Thos C. Pitts and wife, appellees; appeal from judgment of justice of the peace, (No. 1), judgment of justice affirmed.
Same vs same on same, (No. 2) judgment of justice reversed.
Upon petition of allow $150 towards building bridge over Warrington's branch, certified to Board of Supervisors.
Upon petition of E. E. Corbett et als, to build public road and foot way on Tangier Island, report of viewers filed.