Peninsula Enterprise, August 8, 1891


Proceedings, July Term, 1891.

Inspectors of oysters reported as follows for the quarter ending May 31st, 1891: Elva A. Jeffreys, 1st district, received from rent of planting grounds $44.40, due State, $40.05; Southey Lee Milliner, 3rd district from rent as aforesaid $6.18, due State $5.52.

The following fiduciary accounts were confirmed to wit: Audit of estate of John O. Selby, deceased; orphan accounts of Emma Mabel, Ona F., Lila E. and Ina E. Selby, and George G., John W., Bessie S. and Claude W. Kelly.

The qualification of special police at Mappsville, on 4th of July, before Wm. Walsh, notary public, were returned to the court and recorded.

Inquests over the dead bodies of Elza Bloxom and Daniel Eichelberger, held by Thomas W. Blackstone, J.P., an acting corner, were returned to the court and filed.

Frank Fletcher qualified as administrator of Julia A. Hinman, deceased; and Thomas W. Russell qualified as administrator of Sydney P. Russell, deceased.

The following fines were paid into court: By Joseph L. Cooper, J.P., $9, received by him of Willie Parks, convicted before him of wilful and malicious trespass on a fence around a graveyard; by S. R. Nelson, J.P., $5, received of Littleton Wharton, convicted before him of assault and battery.

The clerk of the court laid before the court his certificate of the examination of the land and property books for the present year, which was duly recorded.

A license to keep an Ordinary (hotel) was granted to Wm. E. Lewis, at Onley Station.

Application to grant Tully W. Parker certificate to keep a barroom at Onancock, was refused, and he entered an appeal therefrom to the circuit court.

Edward N. West was appointed surveyor of roads in place of Sylvester H. Hope, resigned: Dennis Hart in place of Alsavada Chase, resigned: and John Wm. Byrd in place of Rixon Taylor, deceased.

Samuel L. Justice, plaintiff, vs. J. W. H. Nock & Co., defendants, (on attachment for rent). Dismissed on plaintiff's motion.

The N.Y., P.& N.R.R. Co., appellant, vs Charles B. Savage, appellee, agreed dismissed.

Commonwealth vs. Geo. L. Doughty, (on a rule for failing to appear as a juror at June term last). The defendant appeared and showing sufficient reasons for his absence the rule was discharged.

Commonwealth, plaintiff, vs. Robt. P. Custis, defendant, (on a rule for failing to appear as a witness before the grand jury at the June term last). The defendant appeared and tendered his excuse and he was required by the court to give bond for his appearance at the October term, next, to testify as a witness before the grand jury.

Commonwealth vs. Charles Beach, (on indictment for malicious stabbing, cutting and wounding with the intent to maim, disfigure, disable and kill). Defendant was convicted of doing the act unlawfully with intent aforesaid, and his term fixed in jail at 6 months, and fine assessed at $10, and he was sentenced accordingly and ordered to work in chain gang during his term.

Edward S. Wise was appointed and qualified as overseer of the poor for the district of Pungoteague.

Commonwealth vs. Wm. Ailworth, (on indictment for carrying pistol concealed). Defendant was tried, fined $25 and costs of prosecution.

Order entered appointing Wm. T. Parks, commissioner, for receiving bids for opening the road from Gargatha to seaside, and directing payment of damages for lands to be taken and moving fences to Thorogood Taylor and others.

Edwin J. Foote was granted the usual certificate to manufacture oil or manure from alewives or menhaden.

Pompey Sample was discharged from jail, being unable to pay fine and costs, after a term of about three months.

Commonwealth vs. Wm. L. Smith, (on indictment for selling liquor to a minor); and the same against Angelo Sterling, (on indictment for carrying a pistol concealed). Nolle prosequis were entered.

A rule was awarded against Robert Bull to show cause why he should not be fined for failing to attend as a juror for the trial of civil causes and misdemeanors.

Orders on county treasurer in public bridge matters were entered in favor of James H. Tindal for $7.83, and John O. and John Somers for $6.56.

Peninsula Enterprise
Accomac Court House
August 8, 1891