Peninsula Enterprise, October 6, 1881
Proceedings, September Term, 1881
The grand jury returned indictments against -- James Bayly, grand larceny; Thomas Watson, for selling ardent spirits unlawfully; Henry T. Davis, for maiming, and John R. Sturgis for wil-fully disturbing religious worship.
Report filed by commissioner of accounts as to the official bond of the county treasurer.
Henry T. Davis, indicted for maiming, appeared in court and waived preliminary examination, and entered into recognizance to answer indictment at October term.
Bill of sale from Charles H. Mason to James Mason, Sr., ordered to be recorded.
The audits of Edmond B. Colonna, David B. Wessels, Elijah W. Wright, Laura Clayton, Bagwell C. Mears, and Louis D. Drummond were confirmed.
Wm. T. White's, Geo. S. White's and John C. White's orphan account with Wm. S. Hope, guardian, confirmed.
Fine of $5 paid into court by Jno. D. Wimbrough, J. P.
Fine of $2.50 paid into court by A. S. Taylor, J. P.
Release deed from Jno. P. Barnes trustee, and John T. F. Hope to Jacob G. Senderling and Fanny J., his wife, ordered to be recorded.
Homestead deed, made by James Ewell, ordered to be recorded.
Bill of sale from Wm. T. Young to Marion J. Poulson, John Summers, Major Bloxom and John W. Edmonds, ordered to be recorded.
Sally S. Parramore's will proved, and Dr. Wm. R. Parramore qualified as executor.
Margaret A. Scarburgh's will proved, and John J. Blackstone qualified as executor.
Lance L. Ward's will proved, and John Thomas Ward and Francis T. Stockley qualified as executors.
Leah B. Harrison's will proved.
Margaret Russell's will proved.
Wm. S. Hope gave new bond as guardian of Wm. T., George S. and John C. White, orphans of George T. White, deceased.
Wm. C. Waters, appointed and qualified as guardian of Amanda Colonna, orphan of Edward Colonna.
John Brittingham resigned as registrar, and also as judge of election at voting place at New Church, and Thomas Evans appointed to fill the vacancies.
Fred. J. Hancock appointed judge of election at New Church in place of Thos. B. C. Gibb, removed from the district.
Jno. W. Mears appointed surveyor of road precinct No. 32, of Lee district, in place Thomas C. Pitts, resigned.
Bar-room license granted to W. T. James, at Locustville; Henry R. Parker, at Craddockville; Jeff Adair and George W. Garrett at Drummondtown.
Orders entered on county treasurer: In favor of Wm. S. Knight for $7; Jas. H. Nelson, $3.75; Dennis W. Gray, $1.41; Jas. T. Justis, 51 cents; Wm. Justis, of J., 45 cts.; George D. Twiford, 90 cents; Zorobabel Mason 90 cents; Alfred P. White, 15 cents; John Thorne, $1; Revel Justis, $1, and James Thornton, $12.
Application filed by Jno. R. Bowdoin and others for public road and landing from main Bayside county road, near and below Wm. R. Byrd & Co.'s store, upon the land of Mrs. Sally Powell, to the Dickerson Landing upon the land of Wm. Summers.
Order appointing viewers, John D. Parsons, Jos. E. Broadwater and James. T. Gibbons.
James Bayly, arraigned upon indictment for grand larceny, pleaded not guilty of grand larceny, but guilty of petit larceny. Judgment rendered accordingly, and defendant punished with ten stripes on bare back.