Peninsula Enterprise, January 11, 1890
Proceedings, December Term, 1889.
Certificate of qualification of John W. Gillet, Esq., as Judge of Accomac county court, received and recorded.
Inquest over George Weaver held by Joseph L. Cooper, J.P., acting corner, returned and filed.
Last will of James P. Miles proved and ordered to be recorded.
Last will of Wm. H. B. Custis proved and Misses Jane H. and Alice E. Custis qualified as executrixes.
Last will of Peter M. Crockett proved and Henry L. Crockett qualified as administrator c.t.a.
Estates of Susan Stant and Louis C. H. Finney committed to John H. Wise, sheriff, for administration.
Solomon T. Johnson qualified as administrator of Edward J. Taylor, dec'd.
Orders on county treasurer entered as follows; Sylvester H. Hope, (2 accounts) $3.04 and $11.20; Edward T. Lang $20.28; Wm. H. Russell (2 accounts) $8.80 and 34 cents; P. W. Kilmon $15; Asa J. Taylor (3 accounts) $13, $101.49, and $24; Levin J. Melson $9; Levin I. Hyslop $3; David Winder $6; James A. Winder $16; J. W. Belote $9; John W. Hyslop $4; Sydney J. Hopkins $23; Henry Beasley $18; James H. Tindall $16; W. K. Hyslop $5; Abel T. James $10; A. T. Justice $8; W. E. Northam $8; R. J. Cropper $16; E. S. Witham $6; D. D. Abbott $11; W. T. Core $4; Dennis Gray, Geo. Taylor, Solomon Ewell, S. E. Taylor $1 each; T. Mason, Sr. $1.50; W. T. Fletcher $2.16; G. T. Taylor's heirs $2; Thomas Young and Margaret Parks $1 each; Henry Wessels 25 cents; Alfred J. Lilliston $97.06 and $5.52; Andrew J. Kellam $27.94; J. W. Edmonds $4; C. T. Mears $6; J. T. Rew $27; Andrew J. Wessels $4; Wm. J. Eichelberger (2 accounts) $6 and $7.63; Edward Savage, John R. Walker, Chas. Savage, David Watson, James Scott, Edmund Pitts, colored, $1 each; D. F. White & Bros., (2 accounts) $18 and $3.36; Wm. H. Coxton $41; Wm. J. Coxton $2; George Crockett $1; John H. Wise $90.50; G. W. East $25 and $14; Charles C. Dix $11; S. R. Belote $9.80; John W. Heath $23; John Thos. Bell $1.50; S. P. Slocomb $6.13.
Major T. Wise appointed surveyor of road in place of Wm. H. Miles, Ira Hopkins in place of Henry Beasley, John W. Harris in place of Abel T. James, John W. Mears in place of Sydney J. Hopkins, Jas. H. Powell in place of Calvin T. Mears, Edward T. Lang in place of James T. Rew, Wm. Rew of James in place of Chas. C. Dix and Joseph Moore in place of Geo. D. Wise.
Inspectors of oysters made report for the three months ending November 30th, 1889 as follows; Sam'l J. Davis, inspector for 1st district, collected $32.25, due State $29.01; same for 2nd district collected $7.50, due State $6.75; Jno. R. Johnson for 5th district collected $637.80, due State $574.02; Jas. T. Weaver for 6th district, collected $491.72, due State $375.04; Jno. C. Justice for 7th district, collected $723.00, due State $650.70; R. R. Hutchinson for 9th district, collected $470.20 ,due State $423.25.
License to keep an ordinary and retail liquor license granted Wesley A. Bloxom at Locustville.
Barroom license granted to Abel T. Phillips at Locustmount.
Horace Costin and Joseph Finney were discharged from jail, having served their respective terms.
Upon a petition of John R. Kellam and others for a walk bridge at Locustville. Report of Andrew J. Kellam, commissioner, filed and confirmed. Order for payment of expenses.
John McClain's administrator, d.b.n. vs. Jno. McClain and others, on petition. Report of Sam'l T. Ross, attorney, filed and confirmed and cause removed from docket.
The following fiduciary accounts were confirmed and ordered to be recorded: Orphan account of Sarah Byrd; Audits of estates of Thomas Russell of Wm., Jane Trower and Edward P. East; Trust account of Joseph C. Wescott.
Accounts against the Commonwealth in criminal and lunacy matters were allowed and certified as follows: John H. Wise, sheriff and jailer (2 accounts) $30.50 and $136.35; Dr. G. T. Scarburgh, physician to jail, $56.50; and Rebecca Joynes, $30.
Petition of A. W. Short and others for repairs to public road near Guilford. Petition filed and Sylvanus W. Parks appointed commissioner to view and report.
James W. Bloxom vs. Commonwealth (on 3 appeals) from Justice's judgment. Dismissed on motion of attorney for Commonwealth.
Commonwealth vs. Isaac Gardner (on indictment for carrying concealed weapons and assault and battery). Defendant tried, fined $25 and costs of prosecution.
Commonwealth vs. Wm. T. Winder and Duffield Savage (on indictment for selling liquor on Sunday). Jury empanelled, evidence heard, nolle prosequi entered and defendants discharged.
Commonwealth vs Peter Wise (on indictment for carrying pistol concealed). Defendant tried, convicted and fined $20 and costs of prosecution.
Commonwealth vs. T. W. Parker (on indictment for permitting unlawful gaming at his house of entertainment). Defendant tried, convicted, fined $200 and costs of prosecution, his license declared forfeited and required to give bond for his good behavior one year.
Mrs. Lottie E. Garrison, qualified as executrix of Geo. T. Garrison, deceased.
Petition of Peter D. Corbin and others for a public road. Report of L. F. J. Wilson and other viewers, sent back with instructions.
Petition of Jas. T. Walkley and others for public bridge. Order appointing Alexander J. Ward, commissioner to receive proposals.
Order entered, revoking the order committing Wm. W. Boll's estate to Jno. H. Wise, sheriff, for administration.
Petition of Geo. S. Mapp and others for public bridge over Heath's millrace. report of L. J. Hyslop, commissioner filed.
Quigley & Mullen vs. M. T. West & Co. (on attachment). Attachment quashed and judgment for defendant's costs.
Petition of Wm. H. Coard, surveyor for repairs to public road. Petition ailed and Sylvanus W. Parks appointed commissioner to view and report.
Petition of John T. Powell and others. Report of Upshur T. Bradford surveyor, filed and confirmed.
Emma J. Ewell was appointed and qualified as guardian of Charles H. Booker, orphan of John Booker, deceased.
Powell & Waples vs. Wm. H. West (on attachment). Levin J. Gunter constable, filed his report, which was confirmed and case removed from docket.
Retail liquor license granted to Ezekiel A. Bloxom, at his home at Locustville.
Petition of N. A. Smith, surveyor for repairs to public road from Belle Haven to Rew's Wharf. Petition filed and order appointing John L. Harmanson et als., viewers, to view and report necessity &c.