Peninsula Enterprise, December 12, 1891
Proceedings, November Term, 1891.
The following fines &c., were paid into court: By S. R. Nelson, J.P., $25 fine and $1 clerks fee received of J. H. T. Byrd, colored, convicted before him of adultery; by A. S. Taylor, J.P., $2.50, fine received of Noah Miles, $2.50 received of Edward Linton and $2.50 received of Sylvester Linton.
Upshur B. Quinby qualified as guardian of Henry Olive Rue, orphan of R. Ellison Rue; L. Floyd Nock as guardian of Joseph, Margaret, Elizabeth, Susan, Isabel and Daniel J. Jones, orphans of Jas. S. Jones; John W. Burton as guardian of his children, Lillie A., Alice F., and Chas. G. Burton; George B. Fosque as guardian of his children, George Lee, Annie E. and John D. Fosque.
Fred O. Boone qualified as administrator of Henry Fosque, colored, deceased; Charles K. Taylor as administrator of Levin T. Bradford, deceased; Hiram Brittingham as administrator of Edward J. White, deceased; Louis F. Hinman as administrator of George Downing, deceased.
Last will of Frances Ann Metcalf was proved and Samuel T. Ross qualified as administrator, c.t.a.
The following fiduciary accounts were confirmed: Audits of estates of Mary A. Adams, George R. Hickman, Wm. L. Parker, George W. Hinman, John H. Kilmon and Henry Rogers; Trust accounts of Edward S. Johnson, Leroy C. Bulman and Henry Hall; Orphan accounts of R. Ellison Rue and Mary B. Hall nee Walden.
Accounts against Commonwealth in criminal and lunacy expenses were allowed as follows: S. R. Nelson, J.P., $5.50; Blackstone & Bell, druggists, $16.90; Wm. M. Taylor, J.P., $5.50; T. W. Blackstone, J.P., $2; John H. Wise, sheriff and jailer, $134.90; O. D. Doughty, constable, $22.74; F. F. Bradford and Wm. L. Harper, guards, $1.50 each; Mahlon Byrd and P. T. H. Ayres, guards, 75 cents each.
Southey Lee Milliner, inspector of oysters for 3rd district, reported collections for quarter ending November 30th, 1891, $12.50.
Southey Lee Milliner, resigned as inspector of oysters for 3rd district.
John A. Bundick, agent vs. Robt. J. Brodwater (on attachment for rent). Judgment for plaintiff and order for sale.
James A. Hall vs. David T. Topping &c., (on attachment for rent). Continued on defendant's motion until 4th day of next term.
Wm. Young vs. George Perkins (on attachment for rent). Attachment abated on defendant's motion and dismissed and judgment for defendant's cost.
Thorogood Mason of Wm. resigned as constable for Metompkin district, and Edward T. Wright was appointed and qualified to fill the vacancy.
Orders on county treasurer in road and bridge matters were entered as follows: For A. J. Lilliston $46.12, A. J. Kellam $4, Lloyd Mears, $4.50, Edward Heath $3, E. B. Swanger & Co. $1.08, John W. Heath $3, Wm. H. Hart $12, Parks & Melson $4.16, Riggins & Houston $36.20, John W. Slocomb $4, Wm. E. Northam 64 cents, Wm. W. Margerum $23, Wm. H. Marshall $19.21, Wm. H. Dennis $10, Levi Mack $30, J. W. Short $38.27, Sewell Matthews $15, D. F. White & Bros. $4, H. P. & Jas. H. Mason, (2 accounts) $19.68 and $6.88, E. N. West $2.20, C. D. Savage $8.31, Wm. J. Rue $20, John Phillips $4, Alfred J. Barnes 12 cents, L. J. Gunter, captain of chain gang for $87.75, and for Samuel C. Melson, assistant $62, for their services, respectively, from July 1st to November 30th, 1891.
Orders on State Treasurer to pay costs of inquest of Wm. Taylor, deceased, a stranger without means or home in this State were entered as follows: For Wm. M. Taylor, J.P., and acting corner $3; L. M. Smith, special constable $1.50; James H. Hutchinson, Oswald L. Hutchinson, Frank Penny, Joseph R. Hutchinson, H. C. Walker and Wm. E. Hopkins, jurors, $1 each; Dr. Geo. Ames $2.50.
John T. Budd was appointed surveyor in place of Wm. T. Dix moved out of the precinct; Robert L. Bull in place of Jacob E. Sparrow, resigned; and Henry T. Mason in place of Edward Wright, Jr., removed from office by the court.
Commonwealth vs. Lloyd K. Mears (on a rule). Rule discharged on motion of defendant and defendant recognized by the court to appear and testify before grand jury at January term.
Authority was granted Eugene W. Barnes to assign and transfer to Matthew T. West his ordinary and retail liquor licenses at Bloxom station.
John E. T. Window's executor vs. Maggie E. Window (on petition). Authority granted Jas. H. Fletcher, Jr., attorney, to check for fund in Marine Bank, for payment of outstanding costs and balance to defendant.
Lizzie West, committed to jail for a term of 60 days, having served out her term and more, for misdemeanor in assaulting and striking with a bottle, Adel Bayly, was discharged from jail, being unable to pay costs of prosecution.
Bar room license was granted to Nathan King, at Onancock.
Commonwealth vs. Zadoc R. and Fletcher M. Lewis (on indictment for assault and battery). Defendants were tried, found guilty and fined $10 and $5, respectively, and costs of prosecution, aggregating $33.68, which they paid into court and were discharged.
Upon application of Wm. B. Smith and Franklin Walden, for a drain. Report of commissioners filed and confirmed, applications granted and applicants directed to pay costs taxed by clerk.
Upon petition of H. T. White and others for public road running from Conquest chapel to Messongo Bridge. Petition filed and viewers appointed.
John L. Winder, appellant vs. Kosciosko Dunton, appellee, (on appeal from judgment of J.P., given upon a warrant in detinue for one gray horse). Judgment of the Justice was affirmed and for appellee's cost.
Insolvent and delinquent list for year 1890 returned by John J. Blackstone, late treasurer, and John E. Wise, deputy, were examined, corrected, and allowed as follows: Insolvent capitation property taxes in lower parish, $1,116.14 inclusive of penalty -- in upper parish $1,333.76 inclusive of penalty -- and delinquent real estate in upper parish $37.06 inclusive of penalty.