Peninsula Enterprise, May 11, 1882


Proceedings, April Term, 1882.

A receipt from A. H. G. Mears to George W. Mears, his late guardian, was ordered to be recorded.

A deed from Thomas J. Gray to L. Floyd Nock, trustee for Jas. H. Heath was acknowledged and ordered to be recorded.

A deed from John W. White to John Neely, trustee for the creditors of said White, was acknowledged and ordered to be recorded.

Richard P. Reynolds, J.P., paid into court $42.50, the fine imposed by him upon George Clayville for assaulting and beating John T. Thornton.

The audit of Solomon Marshall's estate, with Wm. J. Aydelott and John O. Selby, executors, continued; do. Royston Covington's with George W. Covington, adm't; do. Washington Matthews, with Wm. H. Harman, adm'r; do. Geo. S. Rogers, with Henry Battaile, adm'r.

Orphan account of Lewis J. Harmanson with Montcalm Oldham, Jr., guardian, confirmed; do. George, Margaret E., Mary M., Susan C., Eva R. and Emma L. LeCato, with Edwin F. LeCato, guardian, continued; do. Elizabeth U. Chandler with Levin J. Gunter, guardian, confirmed; do. Annie Mathews with Wm. H. Harmon, guardian, confirmed; do. Bettie Lee Lawrence with John A. Winder, guardian, confirmed.

Account of Edward B. Waples, committee of Peter Evans, lunatic, confirmed.

John M. Fosque, Jr., and Hayward B. Keaton qualified as adm'rs of the estate of James T. Keaton, dec'd.

A deed of release from Louis J. Harmanson to M. Oldham, Jr., his guardian, was proved and ordered to be recorded.

Thos. A. Northam qualified as notary public for the county of Accomac.

Rev. Isaac G. Fosnocht was granted authority to celebrate the rites of matrimony.

Account of George T. Scarburgh, M.D., for medical attendance to prisoners in jail was examined and allowed.

Daniel Booth vs. Wm. Booth, unlawful detainer: verdict and judgment for plaintiff, and a writ of habeas facias possessionem awarded.

Orders on the county treasurer in road matters were entered as follows: For Mary Nock 50 cents; Sally E. Pearee's agent, $8; L. R. Boggs, $2; Wm. Groton $9; Benj. W. Mears, $1; John W. Sturgis $4; John O. Byrd, $3.50; Marion J. Poulson, $5; Wm. S. Knight, $4; William T. Hope, $4; the heirs of Thos. Wessells dec'd, 25 cents; :Leah Chandler, 50 cents; the heirs of David B. Wessells, dec'd, 25 cents; John D. Parsons, $2; Jno. Brittingham, $2; Solomon T. Johnson, $2; A. J. Taylor, $5.25; Wm. H. Marshall, $20.

Wm. H. Lewis, surveyor of the road granted authority to purchase material to repair a bridge in his precinct.

The Commonwealth vs. Parker Marshall, indicted for maiming; case continued until June term next (first day), and defendant recognized to appear.

The Commonwealth vs. Samuel C. Taylor, indicted for having terrapins in possession after May 1st, 1881 and before October 1st, 1881; verdict of not guilty and judgment of acquittal.

Same vs. Wm. H. Bloxom, order discharging rule for not attending March term as a grand juror.

Same vs Wm. H. Kewell and George E. Ball, on a seire facisa; execution awarded against defendant Bull and case continued against defendant Kewell, who is a non-resident and not found.

The following surveyors of public roads were appointed: In Lee District -- W. P. Bell vice Edward T. Edmonds, resigned; Arthur H. Drummond vice Littleton T. Boggs, resigned; Joseph S. Waterfield vice John T. Windsor, resigned, in Pungoteague District -- John A. Brittingham vice John T. Powell, resigned.

John T. Moore was appointed register News Town voting precinct.

The Commonwealth vs. Wm. Gardiner, indictment for an attempt to murder Robert Drummond, colored; defendant was tried and convicted of an attempt to commit murder in the second degree, and sent to the county jail for six months.

The Commonwealth vs. Robert S. Henderson; indicted for an attempt to maim; defendant tried and acquitted.

Upon petition of John T. Hill and others for a public road on Chincoteague Island, the viewers made report, which was filed.

Asa J. Taylor, surveyor of the road, authorized to purchase material to repair Tunnell's bridge, in his precinct.

In the matter of Samuel T. Taylor's executorial account, order confirming report of executors in making deposit in bank for payment of expenses of making deposit and attorney's fees and costs, and removing executors from office.

The Commonwealth vs. Benj. Young, indicted for the murder of Gilly Bundick; the defendant was tried and convicted of murder in the second degree and sentenced to eighteen years in the penitentiary.

Wm. H. Marshall, surveyor of road, made the annual report required by law.

John J. Gunter, son of Hon. Benj. T. Gunter, was granted the certificate necessary to obtain law license.

Accounts of George F. Parker, special constable, Margaret L. Adair, John J. Blackstone, treasurer, and John H. Wise, sheriff and jailor, against the Commonwealth, were examined and allowed.

The Commonwealth vs. Isaiah T. Johnson, indicted for permitting unlawful gaming at his house of entertainment at Leemont; defendant plead guilty and paid fine and costs into court, amounting to $115.85.

The Commonwealth vs. Geo. M. Dix, indicted for maiming George Bundick; case dismissed, the defendant having been arrested under a bench warrant and examined and discharged by justice of the peace.

Same vs. Wm. T. Bloxom, indicted for failing to keep in good condition a public road in precinct No. 29 of Atlantic District, of which he is surveyor; defendant tried and convicted and fined $10 and costs of prosecution.

Same vs. Joshua Spence, indicted for assault and battery on Bennett Fentress nolle prosequi entered by consent of the court. Mr. Fentress acknowledging satisfaction as provided by the statue.

Same vs. Louis Douglass, &c., indictment for wilful trespass; defendants plead not guilty, and case continued until next term.

Order entered appointing judges of election and board of canvassers of elections for the next twelve months.

On application of Andrew Deer, a prisoner confined in jail, he was discharged from imprisonment, he having served out his term, and showing he was unable to pay the fine imposed.

Order entered abolishing precinct No. 31, of Lee District, and adding that part of the public road that lies between Point of Forks and the corporate limits of Onancock to precinct No. 15, of which Edward L. East is surveyor, and adding that part of the public road that lies between Warrington's Branch and the corporate limits aforesaid to precinct No. 10, of which John W. White is surveyor.

Benj. T. Melson qualified as deputy for John H. Wise, sheriff.

Order entered allowing sheriff to summon one guard in conveying Benjamin Young to penitentiary.

Peninsula Enterprise
Accomac Court House
May 11, 1882