Peninsula Enterprise, September 6, 1884
Proceedings of August Term, 1884.
Last will of Elizabeth Warrington proved and ordered recorded.
The following fiduciary accounts were confirmed and ordered recorded to wit: Orphan accounts of James I. Bloxom, Mary C. and Wm. Wigton, John W., Wm. C. and Paul Pitts, Geo. Wm. and John Obed Downing; audits of estates of Elisha Bull and Henry P. Parker.
A special grand jury returned "true bill" indictments against James D. Pitts for murder; Spencer Crippin, attempt to rape; and John T. Fisher for obstructing N. Y., Phila. & Norfolk Railroad Company; and "not true bills" indictments against Thomas P. and Jessie C. Evans for selling sewing machines unlawfully, and Gilly F. Bunting for seduction and illicit connection. These indictments were disposed of as follows: Pitts, venue charged to Elizabeth city county court, Crippin, tried and verdict of guilty, verdict set aside and new trial granted, Fisher bailed to answer at next term, Bunting discharged from custody.
Last will of George K. Turner proved ordered recorded and Arthur C. LeCato qualified as executor.
Last will of Wm. Gardner proved, ordered recorded. Goodwin Joynes relinquished the right to qualify as executor and George W. Mason qualified as administrator with will annexed.
Thomas E. C. Custis qualified as administrator of Louis C. H. Finney, deceased.
Charles S. Witham qualified as administrator of James Witham, deceased.
Beverly T. Mears gave a new bond as administrator de bonis non of John McLane, deceased.
Levin J. Hyslop qualified as administrator of Delaware Kellam, colored, deceased.
Arthur U. LeCato qualified as guardian of Milton J. and Hilory F. Turner orphans of George K. Turner, deceased.
George T. Gladding, constable, paid into court $33, fines collected of Gilley T. Bunting et als. imposed by the Justice of the peace.
Inquest held over dead body of Chas. Muth returned and filed.
Accounts against the Commonwealth incurred in criminal proceedings in favor of George T. Gladding, constable, Fred Waddy and John H. Wise, sheriff, were examined and allowed.
John Brittingham and Edward S. Wise qualified as notaries public for Accomac county.
Wm. J. Barnes of J., qualified as inspector of oysters for the 5th or Tangier Island district.
Bar room license was granted to John W. Rowley, Jr., at Nashville, and to Isaiah T. Johnson at Metompkin railroad station.
Retail liquor license was granted to F. J. Bullmon & Co., at Powelton.
Orders on county treasurer in road and bridge matters were entered as follows: Wm. C. Lewis $6; Wesley S. Miles $8; Bennett Fentress $4; Joseph J. Ennis, John Joynes and John W. Justis $1 each; James H. Fletcher $3; Revel J. Lewis $2; Noah E. Miles and John W. Duer $4 each; John T. Lewis $3; W. H. Miles $5; Wm. H. Pruitt $9.50; Albert S. Matthews $5.50; Edward T. Lang $9; Daniel H. Dennis $2.50; and Wm. W. Lang $5.
Order for John T. Ackley and Angustus J. Parkes to purchase material for public bridges.
Order appointing Burwell B. Ewell, Gillet Mason and Stanley J. Lewis, judges of election at Masonville, and appointing Alfred T. White registrar at same place and directing registration of voters.
The Commonwealth vs. Ezekiel Bloxom -- continued for cause on defendants motion.
John Goode of Norfolk, Va., qualified to practise the law in this court.
Witness for the Commonwealth, were recognized to appear and testify against James Dennis Pitts at next term of Elizabeth City County Court.
Rules were awarded against Albert Gillespie and Wm. T. Lewis who were summoned to attend as jurors and failed to appear.
Petition of Wm. J. Gibb and others for public road -- Petition filed, and order appointing viewers.
Ex parte: Petition of Hannibal Fletcher's Committee -- petition filed, order for payment of costs, for deposits in banks at Norfolk on interest or loan out.
Petition of A. Frank Byrd and others for public road -- petition filed and order appointing viewers.
Surveyors of public roads were appointed as follows: James H. Grinnalds vice, Albert S. Matthews, resigned, and Meshack Ling vice, Daniel H. Dennis, resigned.
Order entered appointing A. J. Ward, Frank Smith of Hugh and William C. Mapp, judges of election at Hawk's Nest.