Peninsula Enterprise, August 9, 1883
Proceedings at July Term, 1883, Judge Thos. C. Parramore, Presiding
Last will of Littleton Williams fully proved and ordered recorded.
Last will of William H. Parker proved and ordered recorded.
Last will of James T. Gibbons proved and ordered recorded.
Last will of Patsy Ewell proved and ordered recorded, and Solomon T. Ewell qualified as executor.
Last will of Henry P. Parker proved and ordered recorded, and Elizabeth A. Parker (widow) qualified as executor.
Last will of Thos. Lilliston proved and ordered recorded, and Wm. R. Parramore and Upshur B. Quinby qualified as executors.
Estate of John S. Phillips, deceased, committed to Sheriff for administration.
The following fiduciary accounts were confirmed and ordered recorded, to-wit: Audits of the estates of James E. Copes, Sally H. Dix and Charlotte White; trustee's account of Julius W. Ward's trust funds; orphan accounts of George H., Margaret E., Mary M., Susan C., Eva R. and Wm. Wigton, and the heirs of Jno. A. and Ann W. Bundick, respectively.
Wm. H. A. Hopkins resigned as guardian of Edward Lee Hickman, orphan of Richard.
Alfred J. Lilliston was appointed and qualified as guardian of Edward Lee Hickman, orphan of Richard.
Sam'l J. Mumford, J. P., paid into Court $5 for fines received from persons convicted before him of profanity and drunkenness.
Benj. T. Melson qualified as deputy for John H. Wise, Sheriff.
Order for Sheriff to summon guard in conveying James Bayly to the penitentiary.
Certificate granted Wm. E. Wharton to obtain license to sell books of a religious character, at a nominal tax of 50 cents.
Order for distribution of Selby Byrd's estate, without refunding bonds.
Order for Wm. H. B. Custis, Clerk and Receiver, to pay to Thos. C. Pitts and wife, damages in his hands for their lands to be taken by Peninsula R. R. Co.
Order for guardian of Adelbert Warren Mears' to expend part of ward's principal
Order allowing attorney for Kate T. Finney (now McLaughlin) to withdraw her money on deposit in Marine Bank, and pay over same to her less cost.
Authority to celebrate the rites of matrimony granted to John H. B. Hubbard and John H. Nutter, respectively.
James W. Thornton was appointed and qualified as Constable for the District of the Islands.
Order for John Summers, surveyor of the road, to purchase material and repair public bridge in his precinct.
Upon petition of John T. Hill for road on Chincoteague Island; order for viewers to again view and report at the next term.
Order appointing James S. Humphreys, surveyor of road, vice Thos. Edmonds, removed; Joseph S. Bull, vice John W. Sturgis, resigned; and O. H. Taylor, vice Alfred Taylor of R., resigned.
Southey Crockett's petition for road dismissed on his motion.
Orders on County Treasurer were entered, as follows: Levi R. Boggs, Charles P. Finney and Thomas S. Bayly, for $1 each; Lewis F. Hinman, $4; M. H. Chandler and Wm. H. Miles, $8 each; John W. Sturgis, $5; and Major W. Pilchard, $6.90 -- road and bridge accounts.
Order to transfer bar room liquor license of Thos. F. Colburn, Franklin City, to Oliver D. Henderson.
Bar room liquor license granted George A. Fowler at Middlesex.
Further process in outlawry was awarded against Joseph J. English, Robert Hurley and Henry Hurley.
Order establishing Muddy Creek a voting place; subdividing Guilford precinct.
Insolvent and delinquent lists for 1882 examined and certified.