Peninsula Enterprise, February 14, 1885


County court proceedings at January term, 1885:

Last will and testament of Wm. P. Thornton, deceased, fully proved and ordered recorded.

John W. Gillet qualified as administrator of Margaret A. W. Tunnell, deceased.

The case of Edward S. Johnson vs W. D. Lewis dismissed on motion of plaintiff.

Ordered that the county treasurer pay to John E. Bradford for copying registration books of Locustmount precinct, $10.39; for services as surveyor of the road to Wm. J. White, $5; George W. James, $4; John Sommers, $3; Augustus J. Parks, $3; Samuel Baker, $6; James P. Lilliston, $16; David D. B. Mister, $8; for timber to repair public bridge, E. R. Thomas, 50 cents; cost of constructing bridge in Augustus J. Parks' road precinct, White & Mason, $1.85.

Account of Augustus D. F. Ewell, trustee of Charles Parks; of Zorobabel C. Mason, administrator, of Lloyd Jones; of John W. G. Blackstone, administrator c. t. a. of Nancy Fox, deceased; and of Joseph R. Riggs executor of Susan R. Clayton, deceased, examined by court, confirmed and ordered recorded.

Ordered that David D. B. Miles repair six bridges in road precinct, Atlantic district, and $23.05 allowed him to buy timber and nails for that purpose.

W. T. Parks, Jr., was by the court appointed surveyor of road precinct No. 3 of Matompkin district, in place of W. T. Parks, resigned.

Bar room and retail liquor licenses were granted to Oswald D. Doughty and Thomas D. Ward, under the firm name of Doughty & Ward, Dunkirk, Virginia.

In the case of the Commonwealth vs James Ewell was tried, and verdict rendered that the defendant pay one cent and costs of prosecution. The defendant was indicted for a felonious assault on Polly Thorns.

Parker Bowdoin, Sr., indicted for unlawfully taking and carrying away planted oysters of Wm. T. Lewis, was tried and the verdict of not guilty rendered.

James F. Hargis was by the court appointed Surveyor of Road, Precinct No. 14, Lee District, in place of James Lilliston, resigned.

Bar room liquor license was granted to Upshur Bayly of Bayleyville.

The accounts of Oyster Inspectors were examined, and orders entered that they be certified to the Auditor of Pub. Accounts, that the amounts found due on account of fines, fees, taxes for quarter ending December 1st, 1884, by them to be as follows: First district, $319.65, Thomas Pettit, inspector; second district $36.32, Samuel J. Davis, inspector; third district, $20.25, John W. Turlington, inspector; fourth district, $42.21, Albert G. Ashby, inspector; fifth district, $409.05, Wm. J. Barnes, inspector; sixth district, $721.59, James T. Weaver, inspector; seventh district, $885.15, John C. Justice, inspector; eighth district, $1023.46, James H. Hutchinson, inspector.

The case of William A. Hill vs Joseph Conquest continued until next term of court.

Order entered that Levin J. Melson, surveyor of road, be allowed $4.85 to purchase necessary material to build a bridge over Taylor's branch.

The case of John P. Barnes, appellant vs. George T. Byrd, appellee, was dismissed, the court deciding that there was no error in the judgment given by the justices court.

Petition of George W. Stockley and others, for a public road dismissed.

Bar room and retail liquor licenses were granted to Edward T. Burton at Point Lookout, and John E. Otwell at Wattsville.

Order entered to open road to new railroad station near Oak Hall.

Peninsula Enterprise
Accomac Court House
February 14, 1885