CHAP. 294.-- An Act to permit John H. Young and Samuel Peterson to build a wharf at Greenbackville, Accomac County.

Approved February 16, 1892.

1. Be it enacted by the general assembly of Virginia, That John H. Young and Samuel Peterson, of Accomac county, Virginia, be, and they are hereby, authorized and permitted to erect a wharf, platforms, sheds, and other necessary buildings for conducting the business at Greenbackville, Accomac county, Virginia, adjoining their lands in Chincoteague bay, for the purpose of shipping oysters, clams, fish, and any other commodities to and from the same for themselves and others-starting on the land of said John H. Young, at low-water mark, on the southwest side of and at the line of Major W. Pilchard, following said low-water mark, on the land of said John H. Young, in a southwestwardly direction a distance of one hundred and five feet; thence continuing on the land of Samuel Peterson, on said low-water mark and in same direction, a distance of one hundred and five feet, making the distance from the place of the first beginning a distance of two hundred and ten feet, and extending into the Chincoteague bay about a southeast direction a distance of five hundred feet between parallel lines of two hundred and ten feet. And the said John H. Young and Samuel Peterson, their heirs and assigns, shall have the right to charge and to collect by law such compensation for the use of said wharf, platforms, sheds, and other buildings thereon, or any of them, as may have been agreed upon by and between the parties, or as is usual: provided that the said wharf, platforms, sheds, and other buildings shall not in navigation; and provided, also, that this act shall at all times be under the control of the general assembly of Virginia, and be amended or repealed as may be deemed proper.

2. This act shall be in force from its passage.

CHAP. 294. -- An Act to permit John H. Young and Samuel Peterson to build a wharf at Greenbackville, Accomac County.
Acts and Joint Resolutions Passed by the General Assembly of Virginia During the Session of 1891-1892
Richmond, Virginia
2 pages, pp. 481-482