CHAP. 115.--An ACT to amend and re-enact sections 13 and 48 of an act entitled an act for the preservation of oysters, and to obtain a revenue for the privilege taking them from the waters of the commonwealth.
Approved November 26, 1884.
1. Be it enacted by the general assembly of Virginia, That sections thirteen and forty-eight of an act entitled an act for the preservation of oysters, and to obtain a revenue for the privilege of taking them within the waters of the commonwealth, be amended and re-enacted so as to read as follows:
§13. Hereafter it shall not be lawful for any person to take or catch oysters in the waters of this commonwealth with tongs, or in any other way, from the fifteenth day of May to the first day of September, nor shall it be lawful for any person to buy, sell or catch oysters in the waters of the commonwealth during the first fifteen flays in September and the first fifteen days of May, for any other purpose than for planting within the waters of this commonwealth, or for the use of said oysterman in his own family, or for sale to any citizen or citizens for consumption in his own family: provided however, that nothing in this or preceding acts shall be so construed as to prevent the owners of planted oysters from working on or changing location of said planted oysters, or shipping the same to market at the option of the owner thereof. Any person offending against the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay for each offence not less than ten nor more than fifty dollars; nor shall it be lawful for any person at any time to catch or take oysters on Sunday in any manner, or from one hour after sunset of any day to one hour before sunrise of the succeeding day. Time for taking oysters
§48. The said board shall, on and after the first day of January, eighteen hundred and eighty-five, provided the police force established in this bill is fully equipped and in operation, or if in the judgments of the board said police force is sufficient to protect the grounds in which dredging is prohibited, authorize any resident of said state to take and catch oysters with dredges or instruments other than ordinary oyster tongs, in the Chesapeake bay, but this privilege shall not extend to Pocomoke sound, Hampton roads or Mobjack bay, nor west of a line drawn from the lighthouse, on Rappahannock spit, to the lighthouse on Wolf Trap spit, nor to any inlet, creek or river, nor to the mouths thereof, except the river Potomac, Johnson's rock, Thoroughfare rock, Foxe's island rock, and California rock, of Tangier sound: provided, that no dredging shall be permitted between the first day of April and the fifteenth day of October of any year. Any resident desiring to dredge for oysters, shall make application for such privilege to the inspector of the district and county in which he resides, which application shall be sworn to, and shall plainly state the name of his vessel, the owner or owners thereof, the commander or person in charge, and the tonnage at which she is rated. Such statement shall further show the district or county in which the owner or owners reside, that they arc and have been residents of the state twelve months' next preceding the application, that no non-resident owns, in whole or in part, said vessel, and that she is not held with any intention, or under any agreement, to return her at any subsequent time to a non-resident. Upon being satisfied of these facts, the inspector shall register such vessels, and shall thereupon issue to such person a license granting him the privilege of dredging for oysters within the prescribed limits and seasons, which shall be plainly set forth in the license; and the inspector shall also furnish him two numbers, twenty-two inches long, in black, painted on canvass, or domestic, which shall be placed on the sails as herein prescribed, the number on its mainsail to be placed above the balance reef in the centre of the sail, half way between the gaff and said reef, on the jib, above the bonnet in the centre of jib, and on the opposite of that on the main sail. For such registration he shall pay to the inspector a fee of one dollar: provided no boat propelled in whole or in part by steam shall be used for purposes of dredging for oysters in the waters of this commonwealth. The form of the application and license required by this section shall be prescribed by the auditor of public accounts, and blanks furnished to each inspector. Dredging authorized in certain places How application for permission to dredge to be obtained
2. This act shall be in force from its passage. Commencem't