CHAP. 55.--An ACT to appropriate a part of the Glebe Fund, in the county of Northampton, to build a Poorhouse in said county.
Approved February 3, 1882.
Whereas in pursuance of an act of the General Assembly passed January twelfth, eighteen hundred and two, and acts amending the same, and an act passed February twenty-second, eighteen hundred and seventy-eight, there is vested in the board of supervisors of Northampton county, a Glebe fund, primarily for the support and maintenance of the poor of the said county; and it being represented that the poor-house of the said county has been recently destroyed by an accidental fire, and it being necessary to build a new one, therefore, Peamble
1. Be it enacted by the general assembly, That it shall be lawful for the board of supervisors of Northampton county to appropriate from the Glebe fund of said county, vested in them, a sum not exceeding five thousand dollars, for the construction, painting, and furnishing a new poorhouse in said county. And the said board of supervisors are authorized to collect a part of the principal sum of the said Glebe fund, not exceeding the said sum of five thousand dollars, and expend the same for that purpose; and to make all contracts and agreements necessary to carry into effect this act. Authorized to build a poorhouse and to pay for same out of Glebe fund
2. All previous acts, or parts of acts, inconsistent with this
act be, and the same are hereby repealed.
3. This act shall be in force from its passage. Commencem't