CHAP. 160 -- A RESOLUTION to authorize the governor of Virginia to detach the vessels of the oyster navy of the state to assist in making a survey of the natural oyster beds of the commonwealth.
Approved February 4, 1892.
Whereas it has been determined to make an effort to
have an accurate survey made of the natural oyster-beds of the commonwealth of Virginia; and whereas the government at Washington has, through the proper authority, signified in writing its willingness to assist the authorities of Virginia in perfecting said survey, which correspondence is filed with the committees of the house and senate; therefore, Preamble.
1. Be it resolved by the house of delegates (the senate
concurring), That the governor of Virginia, be, and he is hereby, authorized to detach the vessels of the oyster navy of Virginia, or so many of them as in his judgment may necessary to assist in perfecting the said survey, the work to be commenced as early as possible in the spring of eighteen hundred and ninety-two, and continued to completion, but to be suspended and recommenced at the discretion of the governor of this commonwealth.
2. This joint resolution shall be in force from its passage. Commencem't.