CHAP. 65.--An ACT to authorize the receiver in the case of the Holmes Presbyterian Church of Northampton versus The New York, Philadelphia and Norfolk Railroad Company, to pay money to the trustees of said church.
Approved November 22, 1884.
1. Be it enacted by the general assembly of Virginia, That it shall be lawful for Gilmer S. Kendall, receiver in the case of the Holmes Presbyterian church in the county of Northampton versus The New York, Philadelphia and Norfolk railroad company, to pay to John E. Nottingham, William H. Kendall, and James B. Scott, trustees of said Holmes Presbyterian church, such amount of money as may have been, or shall be paid by said company for right of way through the lands of said church, to be applied by said trustees to repairs or such other purposes as to the trustees may seem proper.
2. This act shall be in force from its passage.