Mr. KENNA, from the Committee on Commerce, submitted the following REPORT:
[To accompany bill H.R. 4952.]
The Committee on Commerce, to whom was referred the memorial of citizens of Chincoteague Island, Virginia, asking for the erection of a light on Killick shoals, in Chincoteague Bay, respectfully report that, in their opinion, it is inexpedient to erect a light of the character asked for at said point.
The committee recommend, however, the erection of a day-beacon at said point. The letters of the Secretary of the Treasury and of Peter C. Hains, esq., engineer secretary, are attached hereto and made part of this report.
The accompanying bill is respectfully reported, and its passage recommended.
Treasury Department
April 23, 1878
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter, dated the 8th ultimo, inclosing for the views of this department a petition signed by citizens of Virginia interested in the navigation of Chincoteague Bay, asking for the establishment of a light on the Killick shoals, at the entrance of that bay.
In reply, I have respectfully to transmit herewith a copy of a letter of the 20th instant from Maj. P. C. Hains, U. S. A., engineer secretary of the Light-House Board, stating that it is inexpedient, in the opinion of the board, to establish a light on Killick shoals, in view of the small quantity of commerce it would benefit, the large cost of its construction, and especially of the annual expense of its maintenance.
Major Hains states that it is believed a day-beacon in the locality named, the establishment of which would cost not more than $1,000, would be sufficient for all the requirements of navigation.
The petition transmitted by you is herewith returned.
Very respectfully,
Hon. John E. Kenna
Chairman Subcommittee Committee on Commerce. House of Representatives.
Treasury Department,
Office of the Light-House Board, Washington, April 20, 1878.
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of March 11, 1878, (E. W. C.), transmitting for the views of the Light-House Board a petition signed by citizens of Virginia interested in the navigation of Chincoteague Bay, asking for the establishment of it light on the Killick Shoals at the entrance of that bay, which petition was referred to the department for suggestion by the Committee on Commerce of the House of Representatives.
In reply, I beg leave to say that the Light-House Board is of opinion that it is inexpedient to establish a light on Killick shoals, in view of the small quantity of commerce it would benefit, the large cost of its construction, and especially of the annual expense of its maintenance.
It is believed that a day-beacon at this locality, to establish which would cost not more than $1,000, would be sufficient for all the requirements of navigation.
The petition referred to this office is herewith respectfully returned.
Very respectfully,
PETER C. HAINS, Engineer Secretary.