Cobb's Island, Va., July 28th
The season for seafowl shooting off the coast has opened gloriously this summer, and promises to continue good until the fall. One hundred to a hundred and fifty curlew and snipe to a single gun on a tide is of frequent occurrence. We are now shooting the first flight of the birds. About the 10th of August the second flight of birds will make their appearance, and rare sport is anticipated.
The duck and geese shooting begins here about the middle of November, and is, I think, the finest on the Atlantic coast.
Sportsmen will find fine quarters on the island all during the winter, as well as honest, reliable guides, who furnish decoys, boats, etc., for $3 per day. The game can be easily expressed home three times a week.
Those determining to visit the island can take the Old Dominion line of steamers at New York for Norfolk, Va., thence by steamer N. P. Banks to Cherrystone, where they can easily find transportation to the island-some fifteen miles away.
I have shot over most of the ground in this State, and can conscientiously recommend Cobb's Island to gentlemen sportsmen, for they will find the Cobbs and Tom Spady kind hearted, thoroughly honest and reliable men, who will never seek to overcharge them a cent, and they will find enough ducks to keep them up to the warmest kind of work as long as the winter lasts.
I have no axe to grind in writing this, but simply to point out the place for fellow sportsmen. I have several times written full descriptions, in FOREST AND STREAM, of the island, and the immense stretch of flats known as the Broadwater region of Virginia, or else I would be tempted to let my pen run away with me.