Cobb's Island
First Grand Excursion of the Steamer Jane Moseley.
Pleasant Experiences on the Island in the Sea.
Norfolk, Va., July 12th, 1875.
I have just returned from one of the pleasantest excursions of the season, and wish to say to the citizens of Norfolk and Portsmouth, through the columns of your valuable paper, that if they are sick and tired of the extreme hot weather, and would avail themselves of future opportunities which will be offered for a delightful trip and splendid sea-bath at a small expenditure, they will never regret it. I mention the excursion on the elegant and seaworthy steamer "Jane Moseley," Captain Baldwin, which left Norfolk for Cobb's Island Saturday, at 2 P.M., with a large although not crowded party. I found on board quite a number from Washington. The party from Norfolk, I must say, was not as large as was expected, but on arriving at Old Point a goodly number debarked from the Richmond steamer and joined our company, thus making a good load. Leaving Old Point at 3:30 we proceeded toward the island. Everything went on smoothly and after passing the Capes, when we encountered a severe storm and gale, through which the noble steamer glided as if at home, proving herself to be one of the best sea going vessels. Indeed, she rode the great swells so smoothly that but one or two cases of seasickness occurred, and these were persons in poor health, who, I have no doubt, were benefited. We arrived at Cobb's Island at 7 o'clock P.M.
Before proceeding further I can but express my warmest thanks to the officers and management of the elegant steamer Jane Moseley, from the captain down, and last but not least, my esteemed friend Captain George H. Plant, the owner, who makes it his home on board only to study for the pleasure and comfort of all who make his steamer their choice for travel, and more especially with the ladies I found him to be a great favorite . Of Captain T. E. Baldwin I can say that he is at home when in command. He is an old hand at the wheel, "has often been tried and never denied," and I am now ready and willing to try him again next Saturday.
The other officers are as follows Isaac Fairbrother, Purser, E. M. Baldwin, Mate, William Knowles, Pilot, J. M. White, Chief Engineer, M. White, Assistant Engineer, J. Bowling. Stewart: to all of whom too much praise cannot be given for the skillful management of their various departments, and the courtesy and politeness they show to all entrusted to their care.
As the channel entering Cobb's Island is a narrow and difficult one, the steamer was piloted in by our skilful coast pilot, Captain Scott, who knows his business, and successfully placed out noble craft alongside the wharf at Cobb's.
Next came the study of pleasure and health. By request supper was delayed until all who desired could enjoy an elegant surf bath. This, however, was not a very profitable arrangement for the steward, as everyone came on board after it tenfold more hungry than before.
The hotel on the island was crowded. This, however, did not at all interfere with our party, as we had the pleasure of carrying one of the best hotels in the country with us in the shape of the steamer and its admirable cuisine.
Sunday morning all who desired took a surf bath, and then were well breakfasted, after which they scattered. As there is no church on the Island, it was announced that there would be services on board at 4 P.M., at which time all gathered in the saloon, and had an excellent meeting, which lasted until 6 1/2. Services were conducted by J. Bowling, Esq., the steward, who is master of his profession, and one and all retired much refreshed, especially physically.
After a good night's rest I was awakened by preparations for our departure. The Jane Moseley left Cobb's Island yesterday morning at 4 o'clock and after a delightful run reached her wharf in Norfolk at 9 A.M. All on board were enthusiastic over the excursion, and the writer most heartily recommends to the citizens of Norfolk and Portsmouth these Saturday trips to Cobb's Island.
Very truly yours, H. M.